Aeronautical and Aerospace Engineering

Materials Engineering

1. Make a new folder called Materials Engineering and put it in your student ID#.

Make at least a 10 Frame Prezi file.

Frame 1:

1. Make a title Frame with the title: Materials Engineering

2. Put your name below the title: Your Name, Date

Frame 2:

Write one or two sentences defining Materials Engineering (Wikipedia):

1. Materials Engineering –

Frame 3:

Write one or two sentences for each defining the following branches of Materials Engineering (Under Materials Engineering in Wikipedia):

1. Nanotechnology –

2. Microtechnology -

3. Crystallography –

4. Materials Characterization –

5. Metallurgy –

Frame 4:

Write one or two sentences for each defining the following branches of Materials Engineering (Under Materials Engineering in Wikipedia):

6. Biomaterials –

7. Electronic and magnetic materials –

8. Tribology –

9. Surface science/Catalysis –

10. Ceramography –

Frame 5:

The “Space Shuttle thermal protection system” (Wikipedia) protects it from the immense heat during reentry.

1. What is that special material (created by Material Engineers) that is on the underneath side of the Space Shuttle? -

2. Show a picture of this tile.

3. What % of the material is air? –

4. What % is silica fibers? –

Frame 6:

One of the first mentions of nanotechnology involving the direct manipulation of individual atoms was in a famous lecture entitled “There’s Plenty of Room at the Bottom”.

1. Who gave this lecture that started the nanotechnology idea? –

2. Where was the lecture given? –

3. When was it given? –

4. Show a picture of him.

Frame 7:

One of the greatest materials engineering inventions of the twentieth century was the development of silicon based semiconductor materials.

1. What was the fundamental building block of modern electronic devices? -

2. What three people received the 1956 Nobel Prize for the invention of this device? -

3. When was this device first invented at Bell Labs? –

4. Show a picture of this device.

Frame 8:

Normal steel materials will rust. A materials engineer/metallurgist invented a new type of steel in the late 1800’s that didn’t rust.

1. What is the name of this new type of steel that doesn’t rust? –

2. What famous arch is entirely clad in this material? –

3. Show a picture of this arch.

Frame 9:

Materials engineers & Metallurgists study the microscopic and macroscopic properties of materials using metallography.

1. Who was considered the father of metallography? –

2. Show a picture of metal under a microscope.

Frame 10:

Materials engineers have developed biomaterials for use in the human body. Hip implant surgery comprised a stainless steel pin fitting into a polymer socket.

1. The modern artificial joint owes much to the work of what person? –

2. Show an X-ray picture of a hip replacement.

Frame 11:

Show the median salary for a beginning Materials Engineer. Find it on


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