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WS 1.1 B

Determine whether the type of reasoning used is inductive or deductive reasoning.

1. If a computer tech says it will cost $100 to clear the viruses from my PC, it will actually cost $150. A computer tech told me it would cost $100 to clean up my PC; therefore I can expect it to cost me $150.

2. If class is canceled, I go to the beach with my friends. I did not go to the beach with my friends yesterday; therefore, class was not canceled.

3. For the first three games this year, the parking lot was packed with tailgaters, so we’ll have to leave extra early to find a spot this week.

4. Experts say that opening email attachments that come from unknown senders is one way you’ll get a virus on your computer. Caleb constantly opens attachments from people he doesn’t know, so he’ll probably end up with a virus on his system.

5. Each time I have moved, something has gone wrong. So now that I am moving again next week, I know something has to go wrong.

6. Both times McKinsey took her state test for teacher certification, she’d been so nervous she blanked out and failed the test. So when she walked into the testing room this time, her heart started beating faster and her palms were sweaty.

7. In the past, even when Chris followed a recipe, his meal was either burned or underdone. Now his party guests know to eat before they attend his dinners so they won’t starve all evening.

8. Marathon runners should eat extra carbs before a big race, and since Mark did not eat enough carbs before the race, he felt sluggish the entire time.

9. When the printer runs out of paper, a little light on the LCD display flashes. So when the light was flashing, Kyle knew he needed to put more paper into the printer.

10. Since it gets dark around 6:00 pm during the winter months, Kyla made her children come in from playing at 5:30 pm.

11. Skateboarding without knee pads and a helmet is said to be dangerous. So when I got my first skateboard, I made sure to get a helmet and knee pads.

12. Whenever Sarah drove over the speed bumps near the dorm too fast, her CD player would skip around like crazy. So this time before she entered the dorm parking lot, she paused the CD.


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