Math 103 – College Algebra

Math 103 – College Algebra

Summer 2011 – Course Syllabus

Section 104

Instructor Nektarios Michail Orfanoudakis

Meeting Time MWTh 3:00 PM - 4:50 PM

Course Location C314, Wells Hall

Text Book College Algebra Essentials (hardcover or 3-ring binder version) by Robert Blitzer, Prentice Hall, 3rd Edition, 2010

Office A107 Wells Hall


Phone 517-884-1442

Office hour MW 1:55 PM – 2:55 PM

Equipment-A graphing calculator is required for this course and you should bring your calculator to class every day. A TI 83 or 84 is recommended for this course. Other electronic device including TI 89/92, TI Voyage Plus, TI N-spire/CAS, HP 49 series, laptop, or cell phones are prohibited in the classroom.


Coverage-Chapters 1-4, excluding Intermediate Value Theorem (in Section 3.2), Section 3.7, and logistic growth models (in Section 4.5).

Evaluation– There shall be three 50-minute exams (100 pts each), six in-class quizzes (20 pts each and drop the lowest one) and one uniform final exam (200pts). Therefore, there is a total of 600 points. The grading scale shall be no worse than the following:

|Course Percentage |Grade Point |

|90 – 100% |4.0 |

|85 – 89% |3.5 |

|79 – 84% |3.0 |

|73 – 78% |2.5 |

|65 – 72% |2.0 |

|60 – 64% |1.5 |

|55 – 59% |1.0 |

|0 – 54% |0.0 |

The quizzes will be given in the last 20 minutes of the class on the days shown on tentative schedule. The lowest score of quizzes will be dropped to accommodate for absence. The 50-minute exams will be given in the last 50 minutes of the class on the days shown on tentative schedule. Any change in the scheduling of quizzes or exams will be announced in the class.

Attendance– Students are expected to attend on time for all lectures. Attendance will be taken. You are responsible for all the material covered. When a student is absent, it is the student’s responsibility to obtain missed material from classmates.

Make-up Policy-There will be no make-up exams or quizzes. Any missed quiz will receive a score of 0. A missed exam will receive a score of 0 unless a valid reason is presented before the time of the exam or after the exam in the case of an emergency. Only extreme situations with a documented excuse will allow a student to be excused from an exam. The instructor determines whether or not the situation mentioned above is extreme. Students must look at this syllabus carefully and plan well ahead: Advance travel schedules (business or personal) are NOT excuses. The score for the missed exam will then be determined from the corresponding chapter questions on the final exam.

Grade-change Policy- If you have questions regarding grading of any graded material, you should submit your doubt to the instructor, on the day the instructor hands back the material, before leaving the classroom. No grading change will be made once the material has left the classroom.

Mathematics Learning Center (MLC) - The Math Learning Center will be open this summer.  Hours will be announced in class as soon as they are available.  For more information, visit

Integrity of Scholarship and Grades– All students are expected to adhere to the University’s policy concerning academic integrity. It is covered in the Spartan Life booklet under General Student Regulations. According to the handbook, “no student shall claim or submit the work of another as one’s own.” For more information about this and other scholarship issues, please consult the handbook or visit the Spartan Life web site at

Important Dates

|First day of classes |May 16 |

|End of open add/drop period |May 18 |

|End of 100% refund period |May 26 |

|Holiday- University Closed |May 30 |

|Last day to drop with no grade reported |June 8 |

|Classes end |June 30 |

Tentative Course Schedule

|Week # |Monday | |Wednesday | |Thursday | |

|1 |5/16 |1.1-1.3 |5/18 |1.3-1.5 |5/19 |1.6-1.7, Quiz 1 (1.1-1.5) |

|2 |5/23 |2.1-2.2 |5/25 |2.3-2.4, Exam 1 (1.1-2.2) |5/26 |2.5-2.6, Quiz 2 (2.1-2.4) |

|3 |5/30 |No Class. University Closed |6/1 |2.6-2.8 |6/2 |2.8-3.1, Quiz 3 (2.5-2.7) |

|4 |6/6 |3.1-3.2 |6/8 |Review, Exam 2 (2.3-3.2) |6/9 |3.3-3.4 |

|5 |6/13 |3.5-3.6, Quiz 4 (3.1-3.4) |6/15 |3.6, 4.1 |6/16 |4.1-4.2, Quiz 5 (3.5-4.1) |

|6 |6/20 |Review, Exam 3 (3.3-4.2) |6/22 |4.3-4.4 |6/23 |4.4-4.5, Quiz 6 (4.3-4.4) |

|7 |6/27 |4.5, Review |6/29 |Review |6/30 |Final |

Suggested homework problems (by sections):

|Section |Problems |

|1.1 |7,11,13,21,25,29-40,41,43,55,71-82 |

|1.2 |13, 25, 43, 53, 55, 59, 69, 71, 75, 79, 95, 124-127 |

|1.3 |5, 7, 11, 13, 15, 17, 21, 27, 31, 35, 41, 47, 65, 69, 73, 85, 86, 87, 91 |

|1.4 |5, 17, 19, 23, 33, 37, 43, 47, 53, 71-77(odd) |

|1.5 |3,13,23,27,29,39,43,51,61,69,71,77,79,85,91,93,95,101,107,109,111,117,123,125, 145-151(odd),168-173 |

|1.6 |3,13,17,21,33,41,45,49,53,55,59,65,71,75,77,89,95,101,131-137(odd) |

|1.7 |19-25(odd),31,35,39,43,47,53,61,67,79,81,91,97,120,127,130,131,146 |

|Review |Chapter Test(1-44) *** |

|Section |Problems |

|2.1 |3,7,15,21,31,43,51,53,55,57,63,65,69,71,95,100 |

|2.2 |7,9,21,25,31,47,53,61,69,104-109 |

|2.3 |9,19,23,29,70-75 |

|2.4 |5,11,27,30,41,45,49,53,91 |

|2.5 |5,15-20,23,31,39,45 |

|2.6 |25,35,41,45,53,63,73,97-99,112-115 |

|2.7 |5,15,53-63(odd),91-98 |

|2.8 |11,17,27,39,51,62 |

|Review |Chapter Test(1-34) *** |

|Section |Problems |

|3.1 |3,7,15,21,31,43,51,53,55,57,63,65,69,71,95,100 |

|3.2 |7,9,21,25,31,47,53,61,69,104-109 |

|3.3 |9,19,23,29,70-75 |

|3.4 |5,11,27,30,41,45,53,91 |

|3.5 |5,15-20,23,31,39,45 |

|3.6 |3,7,19,29,31,37,41,43,53,59,61,75,79,98-103 |

|Review |Chapter Test(1-17,23,24) *** |

|Section |Problems |

|4.1 |7,9,11,25,27,41,55,57,59,61,67,73,87-91 |

|4.2 |1-25(odd), 29,33,39,43,53,73,75,77, 81-105(odd), 135-145 |

|4.3 |5,7,11,15,21,27,35,45,51,61,65,71,77,83,85,89-102,125-131 |

|4.4 |5,13,15,27,27,31,35,41,43,47,51,55,63,73,81,89,91-100,105,107,111,113,139-146 |

|4.5 |6,7,9,11,13,17,21,23,35,37,51,53 |

|Review |Chapter Test(1-29,34) *** |

***The problems listed as “Chapter Test” can be found at the end of each chapter. Additional practice problems can be found in the “Chapter Review” at the end of each chapter.


The uniform 2-hour final exam will be held on June 30 during the normal class time in the normally scheduled classroom.


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