Math 106 – Section #1











Exercise #6

Sophisticated statistical methods almost always require the use of a computer. SPSS is one of the more sophisticated statistical software packages and has capabilities that range from finding simple descriptive statistics to performing very sophisticated statistical techniques. (SPSS is an abbreviation for Statistical Package for the Social Sciences; the software has its origin in efforts to develop computational methods of statistical analysis in the social sciences.) The steps below comprise the first in a series of several exercises requiring the use of SPSS statistical software.

Step 1:

First you must log onto your account on the college's computer network. After logging on, it would be a good idea for you to first create a folder devoted to all SPSS labs for the course (See someone in IT Services (the computer center) located in the basement of the Academic Center for help with this, if necessary.)

Step 2:

In the second column of the course schedule webpage, you should see several links to SPSS data files (ending with the extension “.sav”). Choose one of these data files (pick any one you like), and download the file to your personal folder on the network.

Step 3:

Find out how to access the SPSS Statistical Package on the college network, and be sure to make a note of how to do this in the future whenever you need SPSS for a homework assignment. (Lab monitors can help with accessing SPSS from the network, but lab monitors may not be knowledgeable about statistics or about how to use SPSS.) When you first enter SPSS, you may be confronted with a dialogue box asking you "What would you like to do?" You can bypass this dialogue box by clicking on the Cancel button.

Step 4:

Once you have successfully accessed the SPSS Statistical Package, you should see a blank data window on the screen consisting of many rows and columns. If you have not successfully accessed the SPSS Statistical Package, you should find out ASAP from a tutor, a classmate, or the instructor what you are doing wrong. You will need to be able to enter the SPSS Statistical Package in future labs.

Step 5:

Once you are satisfied that you know how to access the SPSS Statistical Package for future labs, then use the menu options File> Open to open the data file you downloaded from Step 2 , available from your personal folder on the network. Use the menu options File> Print to print a copy of the data.

Step 6:

Once have printed your data file, you may exit from the program (by selecting the menu options File> Exit). Then, write the following on your printed copy of the data:

Your Name

Today’s Date

MATH 214 – Exercise #6

Submit this printed copy with your lab.


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