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College Improvement Plan September 2006 St. John Plessington Catholic College

|School Priority Area 1: To raise achievements and standards across all key stages. (SEF 3) |Success Criteria: |

| |Departments achieve their targets at KS3, KS4 and KS5. |

| |100% of students aware of where they are now, where they should be and how they can get there. |

| |Increase in % of pupils achieving 5 A*-C in Maths and English |


|Identify intervention cohorts and plan provision |LCs, HOL, KS-co, HODs |INSET, Mtg time, Indiv. |Sept 06 – |PAD reports, Achievement portfolios inc target |Pupils meet their targets. |

|for these students. | |Folders for portfolios |July 07 |setting pro-forma sent to parents |Parents more fully informed |

|Implement and develop the role of the newly |KS-co, HODs, |INSET, Mtg time, |Sept 06 – July 07 |Job specifications, minutes of meetings, HOD |Key stage specific strategies developed |

|appointed Key Stage |AHTs | | |feedback, reports to govs |with improved pupil performance |

|co-ordinators | | | | | |

|Implement a programme of support for the |Govs, HT, DHT, AHT, HOD, |INSET, Mtg time, increased|Sept 06 – Dec 06 |Maths action plan,Minutes of meetings, lesson |Maths dept meet whole school targets |

|Mathematics department thereby increasing the no.|KS co, Maths dept. LEA |resources, LEA support | |observations inc. snapshots, report to HT & | |

|of pupils achieving their target grades. |advisors | | |govs by HOD. PAD reports | |

|Effectively monitor the quality of departments’ |Govs, HT, DHT, AHT, HOD, |INSET, Mtg time, |Sept 06 – July 07 |AHT reports to SMT, HOD portfolio of evidence, |Consistency of approach across all |

|work through effective self-evaluation |KS co, |Self-eval. policy | |lesson observations, |depts. Increased knowledge of depts’ |

|strategies. | | | | |practice and performance at all levels. |

|Develop a structured,individualised ‘Learning |DHT, Dir 6th Form, HOY 12,|INSET, Mtg time, Indiv. |Sept 06- Oct 07 |Achievement portfolios inc. copies of |Students fully aware of expectations and|

|Plan’ for 6th Formers. |HOY 13, FTs |Folders for portfolios | |communication to parents |action needed. |

|School Priority Area 2: To improve the quality of provision across the curriculum. (SEF 5) |Success Criteria: |

| |100% of lessons at least satisfactory 80% of lessons good or better. |

| |Improved levels of guidance and support for all pupils. |

| | |


|Further improve the quality of guidance and |HT, DHT, HOL, LCs |Budget INSET |09/ 06 – 07/07 |Learning Coaches & HOL appointed for Sept 06. |Pupils aware of where they are at and |

|support for pupils through the appointment of | | | | |what they need to do to improve. |

|full-time Learning Coaches and appointment of | | | | | |

|Heads of Learning. | | | | | |

| Monitor the academic progress of every pupil |LCs 7-11 HOL 7-13 |Achievement Portfolios / INSET |09/ 06 – 07/07 |Six reports per year and PAD assessment APs and|Parents more fully informed, |

| | | | |Achievement Plans; Job specifications, minutes |intervention strategies for under |

| | | | |of meetings, HOD feedback, reports to SMT; |performing pupils Pupils fully aware of |

| | | | |reports to govs, copies of targets to parents. |their academic targets and progress in |

| | | | |Take Your Work home week. |each subject and achieve targets. |

|Focus on differentiated learning |SMT/SENCO/HODS |INSET, increased TA |09/ 06 – 07/07 |GAS file, SENCO INSET, Learning programmes, |Pupils aware of the levels they are |

| | |Personnel/clerical | |lesson observations , |working at and towards |

|Focus on Assessment for Learning |AHT, HODS, All staff |Photocopying |09/ 06 – 07/07 |Revised AfL policy, marking policy, PAD, Lesson|Pupils aware of the levels they are |

| | | | |observations, teacher markbook, pupil |working at and towards |

| | | | |achievement portfolios, pupil planners | |

|Develop Learning to Learn policy further |CS, |Audit, INSET PPM, LA |09/ 06 – 07/07 |Learn to Learn policy. Pupils know and |Confident independent learners. All |

| | |consultant. | |understand they learn in different ways. |children understand they learn in |

| | | | |Teacher planners. Pupil planners. Lesson |different ways. All teachers are aware |

| | | | |observation. |and use pupils’ learning styles to |

| | | | | |inform planning. |

|Introduce an ICT strategic plan |AHT |Budget INSET |09/ 06 – 07/07 |ICT replacement plan in place – ICT strategic |ICT used everyday as a tool for learning|

| | | | |plan in place .Lesson observations. New | |

| | | | |Website. | |

|To improve the quality of primary secondary |DHT | |09/ 06 – 07/07 |Pupil groupings, differentiated learning, |Provision reflects pupils’ starting |

|curriculum transition | | | |lesson obs |points |

|Expand the opportunities for alternative |AHT, HOL, LC |Budget |09/ 06 – 07/07 |More Year 10 & 11 pupils out on placements |Cohort more motivated, improved exam |

|curriculum provision where appropriate | | | | |performance |

|Develop a Performing Arts strategy. |HT, DHT, HOD Music/ |Staging lighting, blinds ,sound|From Sept 06 |Main Hall converted into a performance space |Increased drama and music performances |

| |Drama |system, musical instruments | |Performing Arts TA appointed , GTTP student |throughout the year. Increased |

| | | | |employed |opportunities within and out of school |

| | | | |Lockers for music tuition pupils, orchestra, |hours for children to see exhibitions of|

| | | | |brass band choir expanded. |live theatre, dance and music. Regular |

| | | | | |exhibitions of pupils’ work. |

|Expand provision of courses for sixth form |SMT/Dir 6th form |budget |From Sept 06 |Sociology available as option choice |Increased recruitment and retention |

|Further develop guidance and support provision |HT, DHT, Dir 6th Form, |Budget |From Sept 06 |Re-structured 6th Form pastoral team, increased|Improved examination results at KS5 with|

|for 6th Formers |HOY 12 HOY 13 | | |opportunities for independent study, increased |greater level of intervention |

| | | | |no. of reports to parents | |

|Develop the role of Humanities across the College|HT DHT, Head of |INSET, deployment of staff |09/ 06 – 07/07 |Humanities college plan |Shared good practice across the |

|and beyond to share good practice. |English, English staff | | | |curriculum and beyond |

|Structured CPD programme of shared good practice |CS |PPM, INSET |09/ 06 – 07/07 |Good practice Forum |Shared good practice, |

|Implement the Accelerated Reading Scheme. |AHT, Librarian, |Increased library budget |09/ 06 – 07/07 |Year/House competition results, Academic |More children engaged in reading for |

| | | | |Review. |pleasure |

|School Priority Area 3: To improve the personal development and well-being of all pupils (including their|Success Criteria: |

|spiritual development and well-being). (SEF 4) |Positive relationships among all members of the community and a calm and happy school with an emphasis on|

| |reward rather than sanction. |

| |Pupils want to participate and have a sense of service to others. |


|Develop the role of chaplaincy across the |AB, RW, SMT, All |Meeting time |09/ 06 – 07/07 |Chaplaincy Team established, Coherent plan|Spiritual development of community |

|college. |staff | | |established and implemented |enhanced. Members aware of |

| | | | | |responsibilities. |

|Further develop retreat provision across the |AB, RW, SMT, All |Retreat costs met |09/ 06 – 07/07 |Opportunities for all Year groups to |Further develop sense of identity and |

|college. |staff | | |attend retreat |sense of community. |

|Improve the college learning environment |Govs, HT, Operations|Budget |By Sept O6 |Upgraded dining facilities, |Calmer atmosphere at lunchtime – pupils |

| |Manager, all staff | | |re-structured college day, purchase of |eating lunch earlier – greater focus on |

| | | | |College mini-bus. |learning in afternoon session, extended |

| | | | |New uniform policy implemented, SJP Asset |enrichment activities, improved |

| | | | |management plan |self-esteem and pride among pupils |

|Implement a whole school focus on behaviour for |AHT (LBP) all staff |INSET |From Sept 06 |Revised Behaviour Policy implemented |Greater focus on Rewards – further reduce |

|learning | | | | |no. of fixed term exclusions with improved|

| | | | | |behaviour. |

|Devise a strategic action plan (following |AHT, HOL, LCs |PASS Survey package, On-line |09/ 06 – 07/07 |Strategic Action Plan, School Council & |Pupils sense of belonging and commitment |

|feedback from PASS) to further develop well-being| |facilities | |6th Form Council meetings, Strategic |to the community enhanced. Intervention |

|of students | | | |Action Plan, Parental feedback from |strategies to work with disaffected pupils|

| | | | |questionnaires. | |

|Implement a House system |AHTs, Teaching |Assembly time, house competitions|09/ 06 – 07/07 |House competitions and House points tally |All students further enabled to contribute|

| |staff, FTs, | | | |to communal activities |

|Achieve Healthy Schools Award |AHT, School Nurse |Assembly time, PSHE |09/ 06 – 07/07 |Healthier option take-up, ban on ‘junk |Increased awareness among pupils of |

| | | | |food’ |lifestyle issues |

|Develop an Eco school strategic plan |AHT, PPS, |Eco Council,Govs:Mrs. Carty & | |Silver Eco school Award environment |Increase pupil awareness of the |

| | |Dr.Crawford | | | |

|School Priority Area 4: To improve the effectiveness of leadership and management (SEF6) |Success Criteria: |

| |100% of staff and governors working collaboratively as a team towards a shared vision |

| |Staff aware of their strengths and what they must do to improve |


|Introduce a whole school self-evaluation policy |HT, DHTs, AHT, HODs |Meeting time, observation |09/ 06 |Seasonal monitoring policy implemented |Rigorous self evaluation at all levels |

| |HOL, Govs |structure | | | |

|Implement and develop the role of the newly |KS-co, HODs, |INSET, Mtg time, |Sept 06 – July 07 |Job specifications, minutes of |Key stage specific strategies developed |

|appointed Key Stage |AHTs | | |meetings, HOD feedback, reports to govs|with improved pupil performance |

|co-ordinators | | | | | |

|Introduce a new pastoral structure throughout |DHTs, AHTs, HOLs, LCs, |Budget |Sept 06 – July 07 |Job specifications, minutes of |Pro-active rather than reactive approach|

|key stages 3 & 4 |Dir. of 6th Form, HOY12| | |meetings, HOL feedback, reports to govs|to pastoral care |

| |& 13 | | | | |

|Re-structure the leadership and management of the|DHT, Dir. of 6th Form, |Budget |09/ 06 |Re-structured 6th Form pastoral team in|Improved examination results at KS5 with|

|6th Form |HOY12 & 13 | | |place, increased no. of reports to |greater level of intervention and closer|

| | | | |parents |scrutiny |

|Develop communication systems across the college |Teaching staff, support|ICT facilities, e-mail system, |By October 06 |New website, Staff using e-mail |Improved communication across the |

|community |staff |web site, voicemail | |systems, voicemail for key pastoral |college community and more efficient |

| | | | |staff, Plessington News, electronic |response times to parents. Pupils and |

| | | | |registration, SLEUTH behaviour tracking|parents accessing learning materials. |

| | | | |system | |

|Extend the role of Governing Body with links to |Govs, AHTs, HODs |Meeting time |By December 06 |Governors meeting with HODs, AHTs |Governors more fully informed and |

|departments | | | |engaged in the Self-evaluation process |greater ownership of key issues. |


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