Elementary Handbook

Elementary Handbook



…do all to the glory of God.

1 Corinthians 10:31

So then, just as you received Christ Jesus as Lord, continue to live your lives in Him, rooted and built up in Him, strengthened in the faith as you were taught, and overflowing with thankfulness.

Colossians 2:6-7

Table of Contents


Our Mission 4

Our Purpose 4

Our Philosophy of Education 4



Pledge to the American Flag 5

Pledge to the Bible 5


Spiritual Life and Conduct 5

Code of Conduct 6

General Standards 6

Disciplinary Policy Statement 7

Demerit Policy for 4th and 5th Grade 7

Disciplinary Action 8

Cheating 8

Detention Policy 9

Detention Procedure 9

Disciplinary Probation Policy 9

Reasons for Probation 9

Invoking Probation 9

The Probation Period 9


Reasons for Suspension 10





Achievement Testing 11

Academic Standards 12


Annual Honor Roll Recognition 12


Grades 1-5 12

Kindergarten 12

Incomplete Grade 12




Amount of Homework 13


Make –Up Work 14


Overview 14

Resolving Conflicts 14

Use of Office Phone 14

Closed Campus 14

Classroom Visitors 14

Withdrawal and Transfer Procedure 15

Field Trips 15

Curriculum and Textbooks 15

Course of Study 15

Chapel 15

Bible Version for Classroom Use 16

Bible Memorization 16


Bicycles 16

Off-Limit Areas 16

Play Area Rules 16

Hallway Manners 16

Failure to Comply with These Rules 16


Medication Policy for Non-Prescribed Drugs 17

Medication Policy for Prescribed Drugs 17

Medical Emergency Procedure 17

Illness During School Hours 17




Family Vacations 18

Attendance Records 18

Tardiness 18

Truancy 18

Academic Probation 18


Procedures of CCCS’ Retention Policy 19







Alterations 20

Alternate Uniform Apparel 20


Belts/Shoes 21

Jewelry 21

Accessories 21

Gymnasium Wear 21




Our Mission Calvary Chapel Christian School (CCCS), founded in 1994, is a ministry of Calvary Chapel Spring Valley. Calvary Chapel Christian School is dedicated to leading students into a pattern of life and receptiveness of thought conducive to spiritual life. The staff, the school board and the administration of CCCS are interested in the development of the whole child.

Our mission is to honor God by providing academic excellence while encouraging students to effectively integrate Biblical truth into their daily lives and impact the culture for Christ.

Our Purpose Our goal is that each student will experience the full, regenerating power of Jesus Christ and the Word of God through the work of the Holy Spirit in their lives. At the same time, we expect each student to strive for the highest development of each of his or her God-given gifts and talents.

Functioning as an extension of the Christian home, CCCS supports parents who seek to obey Biblical instruction, which gives them ultimate responsibility for the education of their children (Deuteronomy 6:7-8). Because the Christian approach to learning differs significantly from the secular viewpoint, CCCS offers a curriculum rooted in a God-centered view of life. This view holds that God’s Word is the standard for all truth. The curriculum, taught by a qualified Christian faculty, allows parents to provide their children with academic instruction consistent with the Christ-centered teaching received at home and at church.

Our Philosophy of Education The basis of our philosophy is the belief in God the Father, Jesus Christ our Savior, the Holy Spirit and God’s Word – the Bible. We believe in the authority, authenticity and reliability of the Bible as the complete and final revelation of God concerning all matters of faith, truth and practice.

All our goals and objectives are based on the Bible. These goals and objectives include:

1. All that we do is to the glory of God (I Corinthians 10:31)

2. Our primary goal is to assure the salvation of all of our students (Matthew 23:19, 20)

3. To promote the maturity of our students in doctrine and practice (Ephesians 6:4 & Colossians 1:28, 29)

4. To train our students in Christian service and ministry (II Timothy 2:2)

5. To teach our students a sound mastery of basic learning skills, self-discipline, and good work habits (II Timothy 2:15)

We believe in the conviction that the knowledge of the Bible and of Jesus Christ is essential to the development and growth of the individual in the spiritual, mental, and social areas.

All staff and faculty have a personal commitment to Jesus Christ. They will allow the Lord to minister through them by the power of the Holy Spirit.

The school is an extension of the family and also an extension of the church. In this capacity, we will promote the relationship of family, church, school and members of the body of Christ.

We believe that our priorities and those we teach should be in the following order:

1. Commitment to Christ

2. Commitment to family

3. Commitment to school and community

Our belief is that God is sovereign now, in the past and in the future. We believe we have been created in God’s image and the Bible gives us the moral principles by which to live. We strive to meet all the needs of the student; spiritual, mental and physical.


WE BELIEVE THAT THERE IS ONE LIVING AND TRUE GOD, eternally existing in three persons; the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit, equal in power and glory; that this triune God created all, upholds all, and governs all.

WE BELIEVE THAT THE SCRIPTURES of the Old and New Testaments are the Word of God, fully inspired without error in the original manuscripts, and the infallible rule of faith and practice.

WE BELIEVE IN GOD THE FATHER, an infinite, personal Spirit perfect in holiness, wisdom, power and love; that He concerns Himself mercifully in the affairs of men; that He hears and answers prayer; and that He saves from sin and death all who come to Him through Jesus Christ.

WE BELIEVE IN JESUS CHRIST, God's only begotten Son, conceived by the Holy Spirit. We believe in His virgin birth, sinless life, miracles and teachings; His substitutionary atoning death, bodily resurrection, ascension into heaven, perpetual intercession for His people and personal, visible return to earth.

WE BELIEVE IN THE HOLY SPIRIT, Who came forth from the Father and Son to convict the world of sin, righteousness, and judgment, and to regenerate, sanctify and empower for ministry all who believe in Christ; we believe the Holy Spirit indwells every believer in Jesus Christ and that He is an abiding Helper, Teacher, and Guide. We believe in the present ministry of the Holy Spirit and in the exercise of all the biblical gifts of the Spirit.

WE BELIEVE THAT ALL PEOPLE are sinners by nature and choice and, therefore, are under condemnation; that God regenerates by the Holy Spirit, those who repent of their sins and confess.

JESUS CHRIST AS LORD; THAT JESUS CHRIST baptizes the seeking believer with the Holy Spirit and power for service, often subsequent to regeneration.

WE BELIEVE THAT THE LORD JESUS CHRIST committed two ORDINANCES to the Church: 1) Baptism, and 2) The Lord’s Supper. We believe in Baptism by immersion and Communion open to all believers.

WE BELIEVE ALSO IN THE LAYING ON OF HANDS for the baptism of the Holy Spirit, for ordination of pastors, elders, and deacons, and for receiving gifts of the Spirit.

WE BELIEVE IN THE PERSONAL, VISIBLE RETURN OF CHRIST to earth and the establishment of His Kingdom, in the resurrection of the body, and the final judgment.


Pledge to the American Flag "I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America, and to the republic for which it stands. One nation, under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all."

Pledge to the Christian Flag "I pledge allegiance to the Christian flag and to the Savior for whose Kingdom it stands. One Savior, crucified, risen and coming again, with life and liberty for all who believe."

Pledge to the Bible “I pledge allegiance to the Bible, God's Holy word. I will make it a lamp unto my feet and a light unto my path. I will hide its words in my heart that I might not sin against God."


Students and their parents are expected to attend a church of similar faith to Calvary Chapel Spring Valley on a consistent basis.

REVIEW COMMITTEE Calvary Chapel Christian School has a disciplinary and academic Review Committee comprised of teachers and administration within our school. Serious discipline and academic issues are reviewed by this committee to determine the best resolution and/or consequences for the student. If a student is referred to appear before the Review Committee, they must have at least one custodial parent present at the hearing.

Spiritual Life and Conduct One of the unique purposes of CCCS is to prepare Christian young people for effective service for Christ in whatever career they choose. Since only those who are truly Christian can perform effective Christian service, CCCS desires for each student to have a vital, personal relationship with God through faith in Jesus Christ, and asks all students to measure their lives by scriptural standards of conduct.

Each student should understand that attending CCCS is a privilege granted to those who will demonstrate a spirit of harmony with the philosophy and goals of the school. By applying for admission to CCCS a student indicates his/her desire to become a sincere, cooperative member of the student body.

Spiritual growth is never the result of superimposed rules, and therefore CCCS’ standards of conduct are not designed merely to produce a pattern of outward conformity, but to change a child’s heart.

The school desires that students demonstrate, by their conduct, an inward acceptance of Christ and an attitude of submission to His Lordship. It is hoped that all students will be led by the Holy Spirit to live above the letter of the rules and standards. To produce an environment that will encourage these goals, CCCS expects every student to demonstrate, by attitude and behavior, a life committed to following Christ. "Don't let anyone look down on you because you are young, but set an example for the believers in speech, in life, in love, in faith and in purity." (I Timothy 4:12)

Code of Conduct

1. I will show respect for authority and submit myself to the teachers and administration of Calvary Chapel Christian School, realizing that attendance at CCCS is a privilege, not a right. (Obey your leaders and submit to their authority. They keep watch over you as men who must give an account. Obey them so that their work will be a joy, not a burden, for that would be of no advantage to you. Hebrews 13:17)

2. I will strive to discover my God-given talents, to develop those abilities fully, and to devote those talents to a lifetime of learning, serving, and honoring God. (Each one should use whatever gift he has received to serve others, faithfully administering God’s grace in its various forms. If anyone speaks, he should do it as one speaking the very words of God. If anyone serves, he (Jesus Christ. To him be the glory and the power for ever and ever. Amen. 1 Peter 4:10-11)

3. I will not use or be associated with the use of tobacco, drugs, or alcohol. (Do you not know that you body is a temple of the Holy Spirit, who is in you, whom you have received from God? You are not your own; you were bought at a price. Therefore honor God with your body. 1Corinthians 6:19-20)

4. I will honor God by maintaining a lifestyle of purity. (Dear friends, I urge you, as aliens and strangers in the world, to abstain from sinful desires, which war against your soul. 1 Peter 2:11)

5. I will refrain from the use of profanity, vulgarity, or any other type of writing, print material, innuendo, or conversation that is inappropriate for a Christian.

6. I will not lie, cheat, or steal, nor will I tolerate such activity. (Ill-gotten treasures are of no value, but righteousness delivers from death. Proverbs 10:2)

7. I will show respect for authority and submit myself to the teachers and administration of Chapel Christian School, realizing that attendance at CCCS is a privilege, not a right. (We give no offense in anything, that our ministry may not be blamed. 2 Corinthians 6:3)

8. My dress and my appearance will not only comply with the dress code of CCCS, but it will also reflect Christian modesty and values. (And those member of the body which we think to be less honorable, on these we bestow greater honor; and our unpresentable parts have greater modesty. 1Corinthians 12:23)

9. My relationship with other students will be based on the principles of Christ’s love. I will show care and concern for others in my speech and my actions. (“Thus says the Lord of hosts: ‘Execute true justice, Show mercy and compassion everyone to his brother.’” Zechariah 7:9)

10. I will support the Statement of Faith as it is applied to instruction throughout the curriculum.

11. I will uphold this code of conduct at school, at school activities, and outside of school.

General Standards

1. Students using, or in possession of alcohol, non-prescriptive drugs, tobacco or participating in immoral acts (I Cor. 6:18-19, I Thess. 4:3-4) will be subject to suspension or immediate dismissal from CCCS. Since students are expected to uphold Christian standards both on and off campus, disciplinary action will result regardless of where the inappropriate behavior takes place.

2. The following items are not permitted on the campus. If found on the premises, such items will be confiscated from the student: skates, skateboards, radios, headphones, MP3, DVD, IPod, or cassette players, fireworks, water balloons, squirt guns, video games, pocket knives or any type of weapon, inappropriate literature and pictures, cigarette lighters, matches, and any item which causes disruptive behavior or is considered unsafe. An Administrator must clear exceptions to this policy beforehand.

3. Any student, and their belongings, may be subject to search when there is suspicion that the student has violated the law, or a school rule, and that the search will uncover evidence of this violation.

4. Students are expected to use good judgment in their actions and attitude while at school. The following items will not be tolerated and may result in a parent conference, suspension, and/or expulsion: Abusive or vulgar language in the halls, classroom, and school grounds or during off-campus school activities, hazing, teasing, fighting, cheating, stealing, unauthorized entrance into school buildings, rooms, or teacher supplies, and the throwing of unauthorized objects (rocks, etc.).

5. Students may have water bottles with water in them only. No other food or drink is allowed in the classroom, unless the teacher grants permission.

6. Students should not bring soda in their lunches.

7. No glass containers are allowed at school.

8. All regulations considered and adopted by the administration of CCCS and announced to the students for the smooth running of the school have the same force as those published in this manual.

Disciplinary Policy Statement The discipline policy of the school is intended to establish a classroom environment conducive to learning. Discipline is training that develops self-control and character, as well as the attitude of submission to authority.

The school’s discipline policies include instruction, correction, consequence, and reward. All of these elements are Biblical and a balance between consequence and reward is essential. “For whom the Lord loves He reproves” (Proverbs 3:12)

DEMERIT POLICY for 4th and 5th Grade

Demerits may be issued by teachers, faculty, volunteers and staff of CCCS and CCSV. Additionally, the number of demerits issued will be at the discretion of the administration and in response to the seriousness of the offense.


Infractions Demerit Amount

1. Dress Code 1

2. Uniform Code 1

3. Unauthorized use of electronics 1

4. Gum Chewing 1

5. Not prepared for class 1

6. Talking 1

7. Refusal to work 1

8. Throwing or shooting items 1

9. Disruption of learning environment 1

10. Eating or drinking in class (unauthorized) 1

11. Not on task 1

12. Cell phone (see cell phone policy) 1

13. Late for class 1

14. Disrespect of personal or school property 1


Detention Notification Policy

A detention referral will be issued when a student accumulates (3) demerits. When the student accumulates the 3 demerits, a morning detention will be issued.

Demerits will be removed at the beginning of every nine weeks.


The following classroom infractions that result in further steps of discipline are listed below:

1. Forged notes

2. Profanity

3. Stealing

4. Vandalism

5. Extreme insubordination or disrespect

6. Lying

7. Cheating

8. Bullying

9. Fighting

10. Obscene gestures

11. Plagiarism

12. Cutting class

13. Not returning a detention notice signed by parents

14. Missing assigned detention


Demerits start over every nine weeks.

1st violation = office referral = automatically assume 9 demerits, automatic suspension.

2nd violation = office referral, automatically assume 15 demerits and suspension, probation, or possible expulsion.

Consequence for Demerits Policy

|Demerit Total|Academic Consequence |Extracurricular Consequence |

|3 |Detention |None |

|6 |In-school ½ day suspension |AD notified of probation status |

|9 |In-school one day suspension |Suspension of school activities |

|12 |1 day in-home suspension |Suspension of school activities |

|15 |Enrollment subject to termination |Behavior Contract |

| |

|Consequence exceptions may only be made at the discretion of the administration |

Record of suspensions remains throughout the year. Administration reserves the discretion to evaluate and implement consequences based on individual cases.


Detention, work assignments, probation or suspension may be used as part of the discipline procedure. Students may be expelled (withdrawn from enrollment in the school) for continued violations of school standards or if a single offense is particularly serious. The principal and Assistant Superintendent and Superintendent handle expulsion with the counsel of the School Advisory Board and the Senior Pastor.


Cheating demonstrates a lack of integrity and character that is inconsistent with Christian values and the goals of our school. Cheating robs students of the opportunity to become competent learners and in the end is self-destructive.

Cheating includes:

• Copying, faxing, emailing or in any way duplicating assignments that are turned in, wholly or in part, as original work.

• Exchanging assignments with other students, either handwritten or computer generated, whether you believe they will be copied or not.

• Using any form of memory aid during tests or quizzes without the expressed permission of the teacher.

• Using a computer or other means to translate an assignment from one language to another and submitting it as an original translation.

• Giving or receiving answers on a test or quiz. It is a student’s responsibility to secure his work to minimize the opportunity for others to copy work.

• Taking credit for group work when you have not contributed an equal or appropriate share toward the final result.

• Accessing a test or quiz or answers to the same in advance of its administration.

• Using summaries/commentaries or television/movie renditions in lieu of reading the assigned material.

• Looking at another student’s test or quiz paper.

• Using a “cheat sheet”.

• Allowing someone to cheat off your paper or providing answers for another student.

• Any form of communication during a test or quiz.

• Stealing a test or the distribution of a stolen test.

• A student doing or copying another student’s homework, project or paper.

• Plagiarism is defined as the theft and use of another person’s ideas or writings as one’s own, with or without knowledge of the other person. This includes not properly citing sources in a written work.


First offense

1) F on quiz, test or paper (scored as a zero)

2) Office referral to Administration

3) Phone call home

4) If the student holds any sort of leadership position in a club, class or athletic team the student will appear before the Student Advisory Board and possibly lose the position for a period of time. Cheating is a violation of honor, and cheating and leadership do not go hand-in-hand.

5) Probation.

6) Suspension from school

Second offense

1) F on quiz, test or paper (scored as a zero)

2) Parent conference.

3) Letter in permanent school records.

4) Suspension from school.

5) Possible expulsion.


Students who receive a detention will be given a form for the parents to sign. Detentions will be held on Monday, Wednesdays, and Fridays at 7:30 a.m. unless otherwise noted.


Students with detentions must:

a. Must arrive on time on the date assigned for detention.

b. Students who do not comply with the detention procedure will receive 6 demerits and a Saturday detention.

c. Failure to show up to Saturday detention will result in 9 demerits and 1 day suspension and suspension of activities.


It is our desire that every student remain at Calvary Chapel Christian School; however, we will not tolerate students who continually disrupt the school’s academic or spiritual program. A student can therefore be placed on probationary status for disciplinary reasons. Disciplinary probation will extend from the time probation is awarded through the end of the school year. In some cases when a student is put on probation in their last semester, probation can be carried through the entire upcoming school year. Students placed on disciplinary probation may need to appear before the Review Committee to determine eligibility for future enrollment.



1) insufficient academic progress, specifically failing any one subject or a grade point average below a 2.0

2) failure of the parents to obtain recommended professional assistance for the student

3) failing 1 or more core classes in one grading period.


1) a rebellious spirit which shows no improvement after much effort by the teachers and staff

2) a continued negative attitude having a bad influence upon other students

3) continued deliberate disobedience

4) committing a serious breach of conduct in school or outside school that has an adverse effect upon the CCCS’ testimony and fails to comply with the CCCS code of conduct

5) failure of the parents to comply with the disciplinary procedures of the school


The probation will go into effect after the staff has reviewed the student’s behavior, attitude and/or academic performance. The parents will be notified explaining the reason for the probation and the length of time of the probation. A conference will be held with the parents, the student, and the administration to give notification and explanation for the probation. Suggestions for parental action or disciplinary measures to correct the infraction or lack of academic progress will be addressed at this time.

Students who incur excessive discipline or academic issues throughout the year may be ineligible for reenrollment.


The period of probation will be determined by the administration. Student activities will be limited, and all positions of trust and responsibility must be relinquished during this time.


When the student has received 9 demerits they will receive a one suspension (in-house or at home at the discretion of administration) with parent notification. If the student receives 12 demerits they will receive a one day suspension with parent notification (students and parents will have to sign an agreement that states if the student is suspended due to an office referral, the next office referral may result in a two day suspension, then expulsion, as decided by the CCCS Administration).

When the student is suspended from school the student may receive credit for homework assigned while suspended. Tests and quizzes missed while the student is suspended may be made up.

Disciplinary probation is invoked when a student is suspended from school. The length of probation is determined by the administration.


1) continued deliberate disobedience or disrespect displayed

2) a rebellious spirit which is unchanged after much effort by the school staff

3) a continued negative attitude having a bad influence upon other students

4) a serious breach of conduct in the classroom, on school grounds, or a school sanctioned event having an adverse effect on the image of the school

5) failure of the student to comply with the disciplinary actions of the school

6) failure of the parents to get recommended counseling.

BULLYING Bullying means any overt act or combination of acts directed against a student by another student or group of students which:

1. is repeated over time;

2. is intended to ridicule, humiliate, or intimidate the student

3. occurs during the school day on school property, on a school bus, or at a school sponsored activity

4. occurs before or after school hours at any school sponsored activity

5. cyber-bullying will not be tolerated and includes Facebook, MySpace, Twitter Email, Texting, Sexting or any other form of social networking before, during or after school hours

Any student found guilty committing any of the above acts will receive all or part of the following based on the discretion of the administration:

• 9 demerits

• Suspension

Disciplinary Punishment Detention, Biblical work assignments, probation or suspension may be used as part of the discipline procedure. Students may be expelled (withdrawn from enrollment in the school) for continued violations of school standards or if a single offense is particularly serious.

Cheating is a serious offense. It involves taking information from another source and presenting it as your own information. Thus, it involves both the components of stealing and lying. Adults are prosecuted and sent to prison for these kinds of crimes. Therefore, students must come to understand the seriousness of an act of cheating. Cheating is defined as copying homework, handing in another's work, plagiarism in research papers and compositions, and unauthorized assistance on tests or quizzes. (Therefore, to him who knows to do good and does not do it, to him it is sin. James 4:17)

If it is determined that a student has indeed cheated, the following actions will be taken:

1. The student will receive a zero on the assignment.

2. The administration will be notified.

3. The student will confer with an Administrator.

4. The parents will be called.

5. If the student holds any sort of leadership position in a club, class, or athletic team, the student will lose the position for a period of time. Cheating is a violation of honor, and leadership is a matter of honor. Cheating and leadership do not go hand-in-hand.

6. A student will be suspended as a result of a second offense. A conference with the parent, student, teacher, and an administrator will be held.

7. A third offense may result in the permanent expulsion of the student from CCCS.


Probation is invoked when a student has a serious problem, and it gives the student an opportunity to correct his/her problem. If the student does not improve to a satisfactory level, he/she will be dismissed and asked to withdraw from the school.

It is the responsibility of the parents to view and understand the athletic handbook with their student athletes. This handbook will be given to the parents at the first athletic meeting of the season.

Reasons for Probation


Insufficient academic progress; failing any one subject, or a grade point average below a 2.0.

Any student involved with a Calvary Chapel Christian School team will be ineligible to play on that team for a period of four and one half weeks, unless their grade situation is rectified within one week of the probation being issued.


1. A rebellious spirit which is unchanged after much effort by the teachers and staff.

2. A continued negative attitude and bad influence upon the other students.


1. Continued deliberate disobedience.

2. Committing a serious breach of conduct in school or outside of school that has an adverse effect upon the school's testimony.

3. Failure of the parents to comply with the disciplinary procedures of the school.

Invoking Probation The probation will take place after the staff has reviewed the student's behavior, attitude and/or academic performance. A notice explaining the reason for, and period of, probation will be sent to the parents. A conference is held with the parents, the student and an Administrator to give notification and explanation of the probation. Suggestions for parental action or disciplinary measures to correct the infraction or lack of academic progress will be addressed at this time.

The Probation Period The period of probation will be determined by the administration. Student activities will be limited, and all positions of trust and responsibility must be relinquished, during this time.


Expulsion will be recommended if it becomes apparent that the student will not be able to meet the requirements of the school, or that the student's behavior is preventing classroom instruction. Expulsion may also be recommended for any severe disciplinary problem, unresolved academic or disciplinary probation, or failure to correct the deficiencies specified in probationary admissions. When expulsion is recommended, a date of withdrawal from the school will be set and the withdrawal procedure followed. The expulsion date may be immediate. A student may be expelled from school for a serious breach of conduct, and/or repeated problems with behavior or academic performance.


1. In the case of such an offense, the matter will be referred to the Administrator.

2. The Administrator will review the matter and advise the Principal concerning expulsion.

3. The Principal has the authority to expel any student for non-compliance with the rules and regulations of the school with the Administrator’s approval.

4. The student/parent may appeal the decision to the School Board.

Corporal Punishment Calvary Chapel Christian School believes that corporal punishment is Biblically based and should be used as a form of discipline, by parents, within the context of loving correction. Therefore, no employee of CCCS shall use corporal punishment.


Achievement Testing The Stanford Achievement Test will be given to all students K - 5th grades.

Academic Standards It is the belief of CCCS that a quality education is the result of:

1. A curriculum that integrates God’s Truth into all courses and adequately prepares the student for future educational endeavors.

2. Teachers that are Christian in philosophy.

3. Class sizes that enable the student to derive maximum benefit from his/her academic exposure.

Each student is expected to use all available school and home resources to perform at his/her highest level in order to take full advantage of the educational program. Student originality and creativity are encouraged within the organized framework of the classroom.


Grading Percentages –

A 90 – 100 B 80 – 89 C 70 – 79 D 60 – 69 F Below 60

Grading Standards -

E – Excellent S – Satisfactory N – Needs Improvement U – Unsatisfactory

Annual Honor Roll Recognition

Principal’s List - All As in every subject, every quarter

Semester Honor Roll Recognition

High Honor Roll - All As

A/B Honor Roll - All As and Bs; No Cs


Grades 1-5 Students in grades 1-5 will follow the quarter system. Report Cards will be available through RenWeb at the end of each nine weeks. In computing the end of year grade, an average of the four quarters will be computed. Progress reports will be emailed home through RenWeb every three weeks. A yearly report card will be printed and sent home on the last day of school.

Kindergarten Students will receive a Report Card designed specifically for their curriculum. The report card will be emailed home at the end of the first semester. A yearly report card will be printed and sent home on the last day of school. All parents will conference with their student’s teacher at the end of the first semester to be informed of the student’s progress.

Parents or teachers may opt to conference at any other time during the year in addition to the scheduled conference times.

Incomplete Grade An "Incomplete" is given only when the teacher feels there are justifiable reasons for the work to be late. Such a grade changes to “F” if the work is not completed within two weeks. An “M” for a grade means the assignment is was not turned in because a student was absent or the assignment is missing.


On occasion, because of a student’s good academic performance, parents will request that a student be advanced a grade level beyond the normal promotion. Skipping a grade is not considered to be a beneficial practice and is not allowed by the school. The nature of the curriculum is such that a student will usually miss critical concepts and skills by skipping a grade. The school administrators also consider other factors such as those that relate to maturation and social development. At CCCS, it is the view that students should move through the planned curriculum in a step-by-step fashion in a way that allows for steady academic and social development.


CCCS believes it is very important for school and home to work together. In order to promote effective communication and understanding, parents are asked to cooperate with the following guidelines:

1. Parents will meet with their child’s teacher(s) in a personal conference at the end of the first nine-week grading period. (K at the semester)

2. Teachers will also use letters, emails, phone calls, and regular progress reports as needed to communicate with the parents.

3. It is important that each parent schedules a conference with their teacher whenever a need or concern is evident. Parents should not feel limited to the personal conference which takes place at the end of the first nine weeks. Many needs can be met through a simple conference between parent and teacher. Concerns need to be shared first between the parent and teacher. The administration is interested in all areas concerning students and the school and will be available for parent-teacher conferences following the initial parent teacher contact.

4. Please schedule an appointment ahead of time if you wish to discuss academics or behavior with a teacher. Do not discuss issues during drop off or pick up time.


CCCS recognizes the educational value and importance of homework for students. We believe that meaningful home study is a necessary part of each pupil's educational program and that it should be related to the educational philosophy and goals of the school. Homework should be a purposeful extension of the school day which provides the student with additional opportunities for the development and reinforcement of the school's instructional objectives.

The assignment of homework should be regular and reasonable, and is encouraged when it contributes to the student's education through individual work, responsibility, completion of projects, and the establishment of good study habits. Christ-like character qualities of responsibility, initiative, orderliness and thoroughness are developed as a result of homework.

Amount of Homework Homework serves two purposes: 1) it reinforces class work and; 2) it allows enrichment and creativity. The amount of time a student needs to do homework varies from day to day and from student to student. The faculty attempts to assign a reasonable amount of homework in light of the subject matter and the abilities and needs of the students. The school faculty urges that each student plan out-of-school activities wisely so that adequate time is provided for homework. Wise planning of time will allow for completed homework assignments as well as for the development of personal responsibility.

It is expected that the average student will spend 10 minutes per grade level per night. For example, the average fourth grade student will have approximately 50 minutes of homework a night. This does not include special projects and elementary reading time. Teachers are expected to give reasonable homework assignments; with consideration being given to Wednesday night church meetings and special church activities. (Students will bring home unfinished class assignments to complete at home, these may extend the normal homework time.)

Kindergarten = 10 minutes

1st Grade = 20 minutes

2nd Grade = 30 minutes

3rd Grade = 40 minutes

4th Grade = 50 minutes

5th Grade = 60 minutes


It is our goal to foster the development of right attitudes toward work and responsibility. Completing assignments in a timely manner is a responsibility that students need to accomplish. This skill of completing work on time develops habits that will impact not only the learning process, but your child’s entire life. While we recognize that there may be extenuating circumstances, the following is our general policy.

Long-term assignments are due on the original due date regardless of an absence. Parents and students will have ample notification regarding the due date. Long-term assignments require planning and consistent work so there is no reason why they cannot be completed on time.

Assigned work is due at 8:30 a.m. on the date designated by the teacher. Work turned in after 8:30 a.m. will receive a grade that is reduced by 50% on the first day it is late. Work turned in after 8:30 a.m. on the 2nd day following the due date will receive a 0. Students with missing assignments may have detention at lunch, during which time they must work on said assignments.

Example: Math page 102 is due on Tuesday. The assignment was left on the table at home and is not turned in until sometime between 8:30 a.m. on Tuesday and 8:30 a.m. on Wednesday. The grade would have been 90% if turned in on time, but it is entered as a 45% because it was late. If it is turned in after 8:30 a.m. on Wednesday, the grade will be entered as a 0.

Make-Up Work Students with excused absences will be allowed to make-up work within a reasonable length of time. Students who are absent will have two days for every day absent to make up work. For example: a student who is absent four days will have eight days to complete make up work. Students should not expect teachers to delay tests or allow them extra time simply because they missed a day of school just before the test. Consideration will be given to students missing several days in a row or those obviously too ill to prepare for school. It is the student’s responsibility to determine what work has been missed and to see that it is made up in grades 4 and 5.

Students who are absent for reasons other than illness will need to contact their teacher at least three days prior to the absence in writing to receive the work before leaving school.


Overview The major policies and guidelines governing student life at Calvary Chapel Christian School include, but are not limited to, the following. The final decision in all matters pertaining to the school rests with the Administration and Board of CCCS.

Office Hours: Monday through Friday 7:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. Summer Hours: 9:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m.

School Hours: Monday through Friday 8:15 a.m. to 3:00 p.m.

Office Phone Number: 702-248-8879, option 1

Office Fax Number: 702-220-8694

Resolving Conflicts Parents should willingly uphold the standards and guidelines upon which our educational philosophy is based. If there is any conflict or complaint involving school matters, parents are requested to first contact the person concerned, not commenting on it to the child, other teachers or parents until a proper investigation is made. Conflicts should be settled in the following manner:

1. Speak directly to the person in question. This will solve the majority of problems, as well as prevent gossip, misunderstandings, or hard feelings. (“Moreover if your brother sins against you, go and tell him his fault between you and him alone. If he hears you, you have gained your brother”. Matthew 18:15)

2. If this does not resolve the conflict, request a meeting with the person in question and the school administrator.

3. If no resolution is reached, request that the issue be presented to the school board.

Use of Office Phone The office phone is for school business purposes, and students may use it only in cases of emergency. Forgotten items do not constitute an emergency.

Closed Campus CCCS is a closed campus. This means that during school hours, anyone not attending CCCS must have permission to be on the campus, and CCCS students must have permission to leave the campus. Other than for school sponsored activities, a student must be signed out by a parent, or approved party on pick up list, when leaving school grounds during school hours. If a student leaves the campus during school hours without permission, the student will be considered truant and subject to automatic suspension.

Classroom Visitors To avoid disrupting the normal classroom schedule, parents wishing to visit their child’s classroom should make arrangements in advance with the teacher.

The visiting of classes by students not attending CCCS may be permitted with special consent of an Administrator and Teacher. Permission must be obtained at least one day in advance.

All visitors/volunteers must first sign in at the school office and must abide by the same rules as CCCS students. Loitering on the school grounds by those not in attendance at CCCS is not allowed.

Withdrawal and Transfer Procedure The procedure for withdrawing from CCCS any time during the school year is as follows:

1. Notification of withdrawal must be made by telephone or in person by the parent or guardian.

2. The parent must obtain a withdrawal form in the office at least one day before the last day of attendance.

3. The student must return all school books and library books, clean out his/her desk, and pay any fines due.

4. Arrangements must be made with an Administrator and the accounting department to meet any unpaid contractual obligations.

5. The withdrawal form, with all required signatures, must be returned to the school office for final checkout.

6. Report cards, transcripts of grades, and other services are the property of CCCS and no such report cards, transcripts or other service will be rendered or released to the withdrawing student, his/her parent or guardian or to any other party or institution, educational or otherwise, until all tuition commitments, fees and other accounts have been paid in full.

Field Trips Throughout the school year, students will be participating in various field trips and activities away from the school premises. An Annual Field Trip Release/Emergency Medical Form must be completed, signed, and returned to the school office before a student will be allowed to participate in such an activity. In addition, a Field Trip Permission Form must be completed, signed, and returned to the teacher at least two days prior to the field trip so that alternate arrangements can be made for the student.

The teacher is always in control of all field trips. Each student will be assigned a seat at the discretion of the teacher. No changes will be made in vehicle assignments except by the teacher.

All students will depart and arrive at the field trip in the vehicle to which he/she is assigned. Field trips will begin and end at school. All students must return to school before being dismissed.

Drivers for elementary field trips must be on the Approved Drivers List. If a parent is interested in driving for elementary activities they should submit a Volunteer Driver Application and a copy of their driver’s license and current insurance card to their child’s teacher or the school office for approval. Written general instructions for drivers and chaperones may be obtained from the office or classroom teacher.

Curriculum and Textbooks Without proper materials that complement the philosophy, the best of philosophies is of little value. The philosophy of the school must be carried out in its educational program. Textbooks and curriculum are important factors within this framework and must be carefully chosen and formulated. Curriculum will conform to the philosophy of CCCS. Curriculum committees are composed of teachers and Administrators. They screen potential textbook adoptions to determine how closely they align with CCCS’ philosophy and objectives. In addition, the scope and sequence of each series is considered along with a list of other criteria.

In selecting classroom textbooks, both Christian and secular publishers shall be considered. It is recognized that Christian publishers provide a distinctive Christian perspective especially needed in the social and physical science areas that have been so strongly influenced by the humanistic philosophy. Christian publishers provide an emphasis on Christian values and Christian thinking.

On the other hand, secular publishers often provide excellent textbooks and study materials as well. In some instances, a subject area such as math (less distorted by the humanistic philosophy) may be better presented pedagogically by secular publishers. These publishers may also, unintentionally, provide material that allows the teacher to guide students in critical thinking and Scriptural evaluation of humanistic values.

It is expected that teachers will not stray too far from the subject content of their curriculum. This does not mean that topics of varied interest cannot be discussed, but primary attention is to be paid to the course curriculum.

Course of Study CCCS provides a graded course of study for grades K through 12. Provisions are made for periodic evaluation of courses of study and for revision in order to keep pace with societal and educational change. Curriculum development reflects CCCS’ statements of philosophy and purpose, and is based on reliable findings from the sciences dealing with child growth and development, and learning. The goal of the entire school effort is to achieve proper and adequate development of the students in terms of spiritual growth, academic learning, and healthy social and physical performance.

Chapel Students will meet for corporate worship and expression in chapel service once each week during the school year. It shall be an extension of their Christian training, but not the extent of it. An Administrator or a designated individual is responsible for conducting the chapel service. Attentive, courteous conduct that is honoring to the Lord should be observed at all assemblies. Students will be attentive and respectful during chapel.

Bible Version for Classroom Use The use of Scripture in the classroom is a fundamental, integral and principle part of the educational process. For this reason, it is important that CCCS adopt a policy that recognizes the importance not only of the use of Scripture, but that it also selects a version that has those qualities that further the education process. Grades K-5 will use the NIV Bible.

Bible Memorization Each student will be involved in Bible memorization each year. It is required that each student learn at least one verse per week. These verses will be in accordance with Bible curriculum for each grade.


Bicycles Children riding bikes to school must park bikes in the area provided. Students are not allowed to ride on campus. Skateboards are not allowed on property.

Off-Limit Areas Any area on our campus beyond the sidewalk surrounding the church property is strictly off limits for students, except when accompanied by teachers, other supervisory adults, or when the teacher has granted permission. The church administrative building is off limits except when accompanied by an adult. Children must stay out of planters and not destroy landscape.

Bathrooms next to the sanctuary are only to be used by K-1 students under teacher supervision or in case of an emergency. The only exception to this is by teacher approval, or if the breezeway bathroom is closed for cleaning or repair.

The parking lot is off limits during the school day. The coffee shop is off limits for students during school hours. The coffee shop area should never be used as a school thoroughfare. Parents must accompany their child when in the coffee shop.

Play Area Rules

1. A playground schedule will be published independent of this handbook. Scheduled classes will have priority of use. PE classes have priority on field and outdoor court use.

2. No twisting on swings, standing on swings, swinging double or jumping out of swings. Students must be holding on to the swing at all times.

3. There must be no running on sidewalks or around buildings.

4. Skateboards are not to be used on the school campus.

5. There is to be NO throwing of objects, such as dirt, grass, sand or rocks.

6. Jump ropes are to be used for jumping rope only.

7. No tackle football, wrestling or martial arts activity is allowed.

8. No death drops or other dangerous maneuvers allowed on bars or swings.

9. When the whistle sounds, children are to come immediately to the supervisor in charge.

10. Groups do not leave the play area until all are lined up in an orderly fashion and dismissed by the supervisor.

11. Always return all playground equipment back to the playground box, or classroom.

12. No toys or sports equipment should be brought from home to school to play with on the playground or in the classroom. (Exception is show and tell)

Hallway Manners Classes are testing at different times of the day and our Pre-K and kindergarten classes are napping after lunch so it is necessary to be orderly in the hallways at all times.

1. Follow the directions of the adult walking with you in the halls.

2. Walk on the side opposite the doors in a straight line.

3. No running

4. Use quiet voices if you are allowed to talk.

Failure to Comply with These Rules:

• Failure to comply with these rules will result in disciplinary action by the play area supervisor (such as sitting on the sidelines, etc.). The offense should then be reported to the classroom teacher of the offender.

• Serious cases or those, which are repeated consistently, will be referred to the Administrator if necessary.

• Using profane language will first be dealt with by the teacher and if necessary by the Administrator.

• Anyone showing disrespect to the play area supervisor shall be referred first to the classroom teacher, then to the Administrator.


Medication Policy for Non-Prescribed Drugs (This includes cough drops, tums, pain relievers, fever reducers, and inhalers)

1. Authorization slip must be filled out and approved. The authorization slip, which indicates the prescribed dosage and proper time(s) to administer the medication, will be kept on file in the school office.

2. All medications must be sent to school in the original container; over-the-counter medications (i.e., aspirin, Advil, cough drops, etc.), as well as prescription medicine in the original bottle.

3. All medications are kept in a locked cabinet located in the school office. Students are not allowed to keep medication with them. Students are to come into the school office to receive medicine.

4. No student is at any time to give or sell another student medication. If a student does give or sell medication to another student, disciplinary action will be taken.

5. All medications must be picked up on the last day of each school year.

Medication Policy for Prescribed Drugs

1. Authorization slip must be filled out and approved.

2. All medications are kept in the school office and are administered to students when prescribed.

3. No student is at any time to give or sell another student medication.

4. All medications must be picked up on the last day of each school year.

Medical Emergency Procedure At the beginning of each school year, all parents are asked to fill in the information on an “Emergency Card” which includes the name and phone number of the doctor to be notified, as well as the name, address, and phone number of the parents and an alternate person to be notified if the need should arise. It is the responsibility of the parent to see that this information is on file. In case of serious illness or injury, this information may be used before consultation with the family if this is felt necessary.

Illness during School Hours Children who become ill will be sent to the office. The parents will be called to come for the child. Arrangements must be made to pick up the ill student within one hour of notification.

In case of illness, or a temperature of 100 degrees and above, the family will be contacted by phone, and the parents will be requested to come to the school to pick up the ill child. If a child has been absent from school due to a communicable disease, they must have written permission from their physician before being readmitted to school.


Students are not allowed to use cell phones between 8:00 a.m. and 3:00 p.m. Parents should call the school office during these hours if it is necessary to contact their child. Similarly, students must use the office phone to call parents during school hours. Phones that are seen or heard will be confiscated and kept by the school office until the end of the school day, at which time the parents may pick them up.


A "Lost & Found Box" will be maintained in the office. Articles not claimed within two weeks will be donated. Parents can help prevent lost items by labeling ALL items. Students should also be taken past the Lost and Found once a week to look for lost items they don’t know are lost!


Attendance will be taken by elementary teachers no later than 8:30 each morning. When a student has been, or is anticipating being, absent from school, he/she is to bring a signed note from his/her parent or legal guardian prior to, or upon his/her return to school. This note must detail the date(s) and cause of the absence. Any questions regarding the authenticity of the note, or the reason for the absence may be verified by a phone call from the school. The teacher will make sure the note is delivered to the office.

Failure of a student to attend school will be considered an absence. Each absence will be considered excused or unexcused. An excused absence is an absence due to a personal illness, serious illness in the family, death in the family, school-approved trips, medical or dental appointments, court appearances, or absences due to providential hindrance. An absence for any reason other than those listed above will be considered “unexcused.”

The determination of excused or unexcused will be made in the office. Any changes to the attendance record will also be handled by the office. There is a perfect attendance award given to all students who have not missed any school days during the school year. Any student who has missed more than one half day is not eligible.

Attendance at school provides a student with the classroom experience. This experience is composed of participation in class activities and direct instruction conducted by the classroom teacher. The instructional program designed by each teacher is a progressive and sequential experience. It is generally impossible for that experience to be “made up.” For this reason, repeated failure of a student to attend class will be seen as a serious problem.

When excessive absences are adversely affecting a student’s academic performance, a special meeting will be called with the student, the student’s parents, teachers and Administrator to resolve the situation. Elementary students with 18 or more absences during the school year may be retained in the current grade.

Family Vacations Please fill out the form for an extended absence. (Form may be obtained in the office) In the event that a student must miss school due to a family trip, the teacher will use his/her discretion regarding the issuing of homework prior to the trip. Any homework given prior to the vacation must be completed and turned in the day the student returns; otherwise no credit will be given for assigned work. Further, if it is decided that no homework be given prior, then all work should be completed within one week from the time that the student returns to school. Any absences should be minimal.

Attendance Records The office team will supervise all attendance records. Daily records will be kept for every student and entered on his/her permanent record at the end of the school year.

Tardiness Tardiness affects not only the tardy student, but disrupts students in the class. It is the parents’ and student’s responsibility to be at school and in class on time. All students are expected to be in class and seated at the time the bell rings at the start of the class. A student is considered “tardy” if they are not seated at the time the bell rings. (A warning bell rings at 8:10 a.m.) Students arriving after 8:15 must check into the office and receive a tag to go to class.

Parents of students who are continually tardy will be required to meet with an Administrator to resolve the problem. After being tardy six (6) times a student will no longer be eligible for perfect attendance.

A tardy may be excused with written permission from another teacher, administrator, or the school office due to emergencies, illnesses, or unusual circumstances.

Truancy is an absence without the knowledge and consent of parents and/or school staff. This includes leaving school without permission before the end of the school day, or staying out of a scheduled class or activity without permission. Such action will not be tolerated. Possible consequences of being truant will include:

First offense: Possible suspension. Parents are notified.

Second offense: Meet with an Administrator and parent. One to three day suspension

Third offense: Possible expulsion from CCCS.

ACADEMIC PROBATION Students whose GPA falls below 2.0 in any quarter, who fail one or more classes, or who are in academic jeopardy will be placed on academic probation. Students may be asked to appear before the Review Committee if the situation is not rectified by the completion of the next grading period.


Students in grades one through five may be required to repeat the year if they earn two or more F’s for the year in major subjects (Bible, English, Reading, Math, Science, or Social Studies), or if the child study team determines retention to be in the best interest of the student.

General Principles:

1. We believe that in certain cases retention is a necessary and appropriate tool in the educational strategies that are used for the development of children. While it is recognized that this is a serious action with potentially long range impact on children and their families, retention will be recommended in certain circumstances. The difficulties that may be created must be minimized. The prayer of our school would be that through the retention experience the student would meet with success in the classroom and develop age-appropriate social and emotional behaviors.

2. The goal of our school is to minimize the need for retention. Early communication between the home and school combined with vigorous intervention efforts will always be made to reduce the potential for retention.

3. Retention decisions will be more frequent among our early elementary children. This is based on research which clearly indicates that children benefit far more in their academic progress when retention occurs during earlier years.

4. The general policy regarding retention is that a child may not be retained more than one time while enrolled at CCCS.

Procedures of CCCS’ Retention Policy

1. If, after careful observation during the first semester, a teacher feels retention is a possibility, he/she will consult with administration. The teacher will then schedule a parent conference to discuss the student’s academic and developmental progress. At this conference the possibility of retention will be suggested as well as specific plans for remediation.

2. Depending upon the student’s progress, a recommendation for retention will be made to the parents by the classroom teacher with administrative approval. This conference will be scheduled at the earliest time possible during the second semester.

3. When a teacher has recommended retention, the administration may appoint a child study team. This child study team will be composed of the Administrator(s), the particular teacher involved, other appointed teachers and the child’s parents.

4. In some cases, in spite of appropriate intervention, retention will still be necessary. The respective Administrator will make this final recommendation. If the parents do not agree with this recommendation, a conference will be scheduled with the parents, classroom teacher and Administrator. The desired result of this conference is to have parental consent for retention. We recognize this is a vital component for the retention to be effective. In cases in which the school believes that promotion would be educationally detrimental to a student, the school reserves the right to retain a student.


All students desiring to start Kindergarten must be five years old before October 1 of the school year in which they are to be enrolled.


Classrooms are open at 8:00 a.m. for students to put their items away, get organized, and fill out homework planner.

Please follow the before school drop off and after school pick up procedures handed out at Open House. Extra copies are available in the school office.

1. The traffic flow is designed for ease and safety, so please help us out by abiding by those rules.

2. Always drive slowly through the parking lot. Little ones can dart out at any time.

3. Park and walk in students K-2 unless they are accompanied by an older sibling.

4. At the end of the day, park and walk in to pick up your child.

5. Be careful as to not damage any cars in the parking lot. If there is a problem come to the office to report it.


Students in grades K-5 will be released to the parent/guardian or persons designated by the parents on their individual pick up list. If a parent/guardian wants anyone else to pick up their child from school they must send a signed note to the classroom teacher, or call the school office prior to 2:00 p.m. Younger siblings will only be released to siblings age 13 or over if they have a supervision release form on file in the office. All persons picking up a student should be prepared to produce picture identification.


Lion’s Den is a before and after school program for children in grades K-5. The program provides participants with a safe, supervised and fun environment. Further information is available in the school office. Morning hours: 6:30 a.m. - 8:00 a.m. Afternoon hours: 3:15 p.m. – 5:30 p.m.


• Enter the bus in a line. Hold the handrail while going up and down the stairs.

• When entering the bus, go directly to a seat. Remain seated and face forward during the entire ride.

• Always speak quietly on the bus so the driver will not be distracted. Always be silent when a bus comes to a railroad crossing so the driver can hear if a train is coming.

• Never throw things on the bus or out the windows.

• Keep the aisles clear at all times. Feet should be directly in front of you on the floor.

• Never play with the emergency exits. Large instruments or sports equipment should not block the aisle or emergency exits. If there is an emergency, listen to the driver and follow instructions.

• Hands should be kept to yourself at all times while riding on the bus. Fighting and picking on others creates a dangerous bus ride.

• If you leave something on the bus, never return to the bus to get it. The driver may not see you come back and he/she may begin moving the bus.

• Respect the "Danger Zone" which surrounds all sides of the bus. The "Danger Zone" is ten feet wide on all sides of the bus. Always remain 10 steps away from the bus to be out of the "Danger Zone" and where the driver can see you.


Calvary Chapel Christian School has school uniforms. Brochures indicating the uniform options are available in the school office or on the website. Families may select from the brochure or website those pieces that best suit their needs.

Non-uniform clothing may not be worn during school hours. The singular exception to this policy is a heavy winter coat during cold weather. Non-uniform hats, sweaters, sweatshirts, and lightweight jackets are not to be worn to school. Only Calvary hooded sweatshirts may be worn. Other hoodies (even fleece-lined or fur-lined) may not be worn. Only Calvary hats and Calvary beanies (beanies only on cold weather days) may be worn on the playground. These items are all available through our uniform supplier.


• Uniform clothing may not be altered in unconventional manners. For example, pant seams may not be opened or hems frayed. Skirts may not be hemmed above the knee.

Alternate Uniform Apparel

• Skorts, skirts and jumpers which are indistinguishable from the uniform brochure items in fabric and color may be purchased from the French Toast or Class A line of school uniform clothing found in local stores.

• Pants and shorts which are indistinguishable from the uniform brochure items in fabric, color, and style may be purchased from the French Toast or Class A line of school uniform clothing found in local stores.

• Solid leggings, tights, and undershirts if worn must be navy, white, grey, yellow, or black only, no other colors and no patterns.


Length of attire

• Shorts and skorts must be no shorter than knee length. Skirts and jumpers must be at least knee length.

• Pants must be hemmed to a length that clears the ground.


• Tops must be long enough to cover the abdomen when your hands are raised.

• No tank tops, spaghetti straps, or muscle shirts may be worn.

• Tops with a straight hem may be worn un-tucked.

• Any shirt with tails or an elongated back hem must be tucked in. As an exception to this rule, the denim shirt

may be worn as an over shirt with another uniform shirt underneath.

All clothing must fit appropriately. Tops, skirts, skorts, shorts, and pants should be neither form fitting or baggy.

No ripped, torn, or clothing with holes in them may be worn.

Underwear should never be seen (undershirts should not show under the uniform shirts).

Hats are available in the brochure or on the website. These must be removed in the classroom and in Chapel.

Hoods may not be worn in the classroom or in Chapel.

Head scarves/Bandanas are not part of the uniform and may not be worn. Hats are available in the brochure or on the website.


• Acceptable belts are a solid color khaki, navy blue, brown leather or black leather. Imitation leathers are permitted. Chains, metal spikes and studs, or any other decorative finish on the belt which draws undue attention to itself is not allowed.


• Athletic shoes must be worn for PE, no boots or other shoes may be worn.

• Shoes must be in good repair.

• Students K – 5 are not allowed to wear open toe or open back shoes. No roller shoes allowed. Athletic shoes are preferred. Students must be able to run and play safely on play equipment, at recess and PE.

• “Flip-flops”/shower shoes are never allowed.


• No facial piercings or gauges are allowed.

• Boys will not be permitted to wear earrings.

• Jewelry may not be spiked, studded, consist of large chains, or in any other way draw undue attention to itself.

• Girls in grades K-5 should not wear dangling earrings or that are of such a size as to be a safety hazard during recess or PE.


• Leggings or yoga pants may not be worn alone. They must be worn under shorts, skorts, jumpers, or skirts.

Hair must be a natural color. Not necessarily your natural color.

Male Hair Length

Everything is permissible for me-but not everything is beneficial (1Corinthians 6:12)

Our Lord gives us many freedoms, and as we teach our students, it is imperative that we look at the heart and create parameters in the areas of hair length that allow our students to be positive examples at our school, our church, and witnesses for Him in the world. It is our desire that hair not become a distraction. In many settings others will judge students negatively or even turn a deaf ear to their testimony if they look disheveled and unkempt. Hair length must remain off the shoulder and bangs are not to cover the eyes or hinder that connectedness that is so necessary among students and faculty. Hair should not be dyed or styled in an extreme manner. The Athletic Department may require more specific haircuts based on safety measures (See Parent Athlete Handbook).

CCCS administration reserves the authority to determine whether styles or colors are deemed extreme. We desire that issues of style do not become a distraction from our mission.

On the occasional free dress day, all dress code rules still apply. In addition, students should take care not to wear any item of apparel which glorifies/advertises any group or product that might cause another to stumble.

Gymnasium Wear

• Students in grades K-5 are to wear athletic shoes and be dressed comfortably for active play. No boots or shoes that do not stay on the foot. No student will be allowed to play on the gym floor without appropriate shoes.

Any issue of attire not specifically addressed above is expected to conform to our school’s standard of modesty and safety. The final decision on any question about the appropriateness of a student’s attire or accessories rests with the school.


The faculty, staff and administration of Calvary Chapel Christian School encourages the parents of CCCS to become actively involved in their child’s education, and to lend every possible encouragement and support to them.

It is Calvary Chapel Christian School’s desire to make each student’s Christian education and maturing process the most rewarding possible. May we all seek God’s guidance and wisdom as we work together to accomplish this goal.


After reading the Parent/Student Handbook, please discuss with your child (ren) all of the information that is appropriate to your child (ren). Please sign the acknowledgement below (both parents and legal guardian when applicable) and return this page to your child’s teacher by August 24, 2011.

I have read the Parent/Student Handbook and agree to be bound by the terms contained therein. I have discussed all of the appropriate information with my child (ren).

Parent or Legal Guardian’s Signature __________________________________________________

Print Name _______________________________________________________Date ___________

Parent or Legal Guardian’s Signature __________________________________________________

Print Name _______________________________________________________Date ___________

Please have your child sign below.

I have read the Parent/Student Handbook and agree to be bound by the terms contained therein.

Student Signature __________________________________________ Date ___________________


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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