JMHS School counseling

2021 JMHS ClubsClub A List780154 217 - Aces – Mrs. K. Mann & Mrs. Sharp - Learn math tricks while playing card games!? Good clean fun learning easy ways to incorporate math skills into fun games!780102 117 Art Club – Mrs. Porterfield – Students will work on collaborative art projects both for the club and the school. Collaborative art projects include individual creations of an image or design pieced together to create one large piece of art. Club projects include creating decorations & paper artwork such as hanging sculptures, window displays, door covers, bulletin boards, etc throughout the school. **Very beneficial to “currently” be in an art class or completed Art I/Studio I.780155 110 - Athletic Club – Mr. Phillips - Students will participate in training activities, and prepare for Maverick athletic events.??780103 5 Carpentry - Mr. Shirey - In order to ensure the proper safety training required, students must be enrolled in carpentry classes to be a member of Skills USA Carpentry. They will have the opportunity to use their carpentry and building construction skills to train and compete at state or even the national level.780105 100 & 108 FCA –Terry Utterback - The Fellowship of Christian Athletes welcomes all students, including those who do not participate in sports. FCA meetings consist of devotions and lessons presented by Terry Utterback, club members and guest speakers. FCA hosts and participates in different events throughout the year including Fields of Faith, Souled Out, FCA Game Day and the JMHS Homecoming Parade.780157 216 Film in Education – Mrs. Dillon & Mrs. Greer - Students will view award winning, quality films that spark discussion and debate on current topics.780114 204 Fishing - Mr. Hitt - In the fishing club, students will be given the opportunity to?learn and share new skills and ideas regarding fishing.??Another focus of the club will be on learning about policies and approaches taken on natural resources, conservation, and wildlife management.?780106 7 FFA - Mr. Boone & Mr. Hill - All members of Future Farmers of America attend meetings where they make decisions and meet in accordance with state and national FFA standards. Students must be enrolled in an Agriculture course this year, and they must meet state and national FFA member guidelines.780122 6 HOSA – Mrs. Allen - Students must be in the health occupations cluster classes to be eligible for membership. The goal is to strengthen skills in various health occupations. The club is student led and advised by the instructor and therefore students will build leadership skills. We will also spend some time fund raising money for students to attend workshops, conferences, and state and national competitions. 780123 103 JROTC Staff – Major Longanacre & Master Sergeant Wiley - JROTC motivates young people to become better citizens via a mixture of hands-on and academic experiences. It also includes leadership opportunities and extracurricular activities such as Drill Team, Rifle Team, Raider Team and Battalion Staff leadership positions. JROTC staff members meet on this club day.780108 10 Law & Public Safety - Mr. Richmond - This club has curriculum based competitions. Activities include public speaking and skill demonstration challenges. The competitions are work/career based. Members must be enrolled in Mr. Richmond’s program.780142 1 Mavs in Medicine- Ms. Elizabeth Wickline & Mrs. Stephanie Darnell-Learn about exciting news in the health care field!780101 219 Math – Dr. Nakka – This club works to develop math skills and enrich learning opportunities in the math. Students will work together to complete logic and math puzzles Math Club will support classroom learning and enrich their skills with higher order thinking,780164 206 Model United Nations – Dr. Womack - This club will explore global languages, cultures, and issues through a combination of debate and experiential learning such as food, music, film, and dance.? No experience with Model UN is required, but students who choose to can compete for a spot on the Model UN travel team, which has recently traveled to Atlanta, GA and Harvard University for conferences.780138 299 Multi-Culture – Mrs. Mullins – Students will explore different cultures. They will investigate customs, music, food and more of cultures around the world.780111 4 National Technical Honor Society – Mr. P. Boone - NTHS honors the achievements of top CTE students and cultivates?excellence in today’s highly competitive, skilled workforce.780158 202 Outdoor Adventures – Mrs. Crabtree - Are you interested in outdoor adventures such as hiking, biking, camping and more!? Join this club to learn all about exploring nature.? Activities and demonstrations include campfire cooking, survival skills, local hiking, wilderness survival foods and more.??780112 105 & 7 PEP – Mrs. Boone - Student activities for this club include: supporting school teams, organizing student sections at games and promoting school spirit.JMHS 2021 Club ListClub B List780150 107 AV Club – Mr. Elmore - Club?members will receive hands on training in all things?AV.??The term?AV?stands for Audiovisual and is used in the events industry to include all the following technologies: sound, video, lighting, display and projection systems.??Club?members will help set up for various school events throughout the year.??780163 210 Board Games – Mrs. A. Mann & Mrs. Young – While playing fun and exciting games, students will enhance problem solving and critical thinking skills. Get together with friends, play and have fun!780132 210 Book – Mrs. Broyles – Each month students meet to discuss a book they have selected to read the previous month. Discussions include student likes and dislikes, comparisons to real life situations, students and more. Video clips may be used to enhance the discussion.780118 207 Drama – Mr. Goff – Students will study different aspects of drama. The students will determine the direction of the club, potentially putting on a performance.780534 10 Early Animation Club – Mr. Blevins: Students will view and study classic animation from the turn of the century up through approximately the 1950s, generally regarded as the end of the Golden Era, and discuss how animation evolved during the century. Students can bring animation from the 1950s to the present for the class to view and discuss.780120 104 Educators Rising - Mrs. Bradley - Educators Rising is a club for high school students completing in Early Childhood Education. Educators Rising provides passionate young people with hands-on teaching experience, sustains their interest in the profession, and helps them cultivate the skills they need to be successful educators. We plan to compete at states or even the national level.780121 3 FBLA –Mr. Neel - Mixing fun and learning, FBLA is a career organization that wants to engage students in activities to prepare them for career or college life. Through local, state and national events, members gain a variety of business skills through courses, conferences and competitive events. Members also build a network of friends who later become professional colleagues. Students must be enrolled in a business course at MCTC.780122 104 HOSA - Mrs. Sowers - Students must be in the health occupations cluster classes to be eligible for membership. The goal is to strengthen skills in various health occupations. The club is student led and advised by the instructor and therefore students will build leadership skills. We will also spend some time fund raising money for students to attend workshops, conferences, and state and national competitions. 780123 103 JROTC Staff – Major Longanacre & Master Sergeant Willey - JROTC motivates young people to become better citizens via a mixture of hands-on and academic experiences. It also includes leadership opportunities and extracurricular activities such as Drill Team, Rifle Team, Raider Team and Battalion Staff leadership positions. JROTC staff members meet on this club day.780161 210 Let’s Play Cards – Mrs. Dunbar – Club members will participate in card games played with a standard card deck (Hearts, Rummy, Palace) and games with specialized card desks (Rook. Uno, Phase 10).78159 211 Sports Analysis – Mr. Triplett - Students will analyze?major sports teams, players, and stats. Students will have the opportunity to discuss and debate sports at all levels.?Students will view and evaluate highlights and awards for each sport.780140 114 WV History– Mrs. Thorne – Learn about WV History and visit historical places in beautiful West Virginia.780152 114 Yearbook – Mrs. Fraley - Students who wish to be part of the yearbook staff are encouraged to join this club. Members will engage in all types of production activities including photography, sales, advertising, writing copy, page layout and various computer programs.780151 105 YOGA – Mrs. Wilson - In yoga club we will practice meditation/breathing techniques, stretching, balance, and power techniques to improve overall physical and mental health.780131 211 Young Democrats – Mr. Dixon, 780513 213 Young Republicans – Mr. Miller - This club is an opportunity to learn your basic civic duty; the importance of voting. Admission into this club will provide students with skills of debate, historical context, and political awareness to encourage high school students to become more actively engage in local, state, and national politics. Areas of study will be party platform, forms of advocacy, political organizations, and the occasional battle of values, among many other interesting topics of concern. The club will not only prepare students for voting, but for everyday living.780125 213 YLA – Dr. Womack & Mrs. Ashley Mann - YLA exposes students to the workings of the state government via simulations of the legislative, executive and judicial branches. ................

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