Math Websites - Tri-Valley Local School District

Math Websites [pic]

3rd Grade Everyday Math Links by unit

| [pic]Addition [pic] | |

| Addition Pyramid |Subtraction  |

|Addition Hidden Picture |Math Baseball   |

|Addition Math O |Math Mayhem |

|Math Baseball   |Mathcar Racing  |

|Batter's Up Baseball | Operation Order |

|Math Mayhem | Line Jumper |

|Mathcar Racing | Function Machine |

|Operation Order |Space Shuttle Launch  |

| Line Jumper |Save the Math Apples  |

|Function Machine |Robotic Calculator  |

|Space Shuttle Launch |Tic Tac Toe Squares  |

|Save the Math Apples  |Power Football |

|Robotic Calculator |Spacey Math |

|Tic Tac Toe Squares  | Number Monster |

|Power Football  |Arthim Attack  |

|Spacey Math |Math Journey  |

| Number Monster |  |

|Arthim Attack |  |

|Math Journey  |  |

|3 Monkeys Addition |  |

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|[pic]Multiplication [pic] |[pic] Division  [pic] |

| Function Machine |  Math Mayhem |

| Batter's Up Baseball |Mathcar Racing  |

|Math Mayhem |Operation Order  |

|Operation Order  | Function Machine |

|Mathcar Racing  |Division Math O |

|Factor Game | Division Bingo |

|Interactive Times Table | Space Shuttle Launch |

|Multiplication Math O |Save the Math Apples |

|Multiplication Mystery |Robotic Calculator  |

|Multiplication Magician |Tic Tac Toe Squares  |

| |Power Football  |

|Product Game |Spacey Math |

|Arrays | Number Monster |

| Lemonade Larry |Arthim Attack  |

| Multiplication Flashcards |Math Journey  |

|Space Shuttle Launch  | |

|Save the Math Apples  | |

|Robotic Calculator  | |

|Tic Tac Toe Squares | |

|Power Football  | |

|Spacey Math | |

| Number Monster | |

|Arthim Attack  | |

|Math Journey | |

|  [pic]Numbers & [pic] |  |

|Number Patterns |[pic] Estimating &[pic] |

|Number Cracker |Rounding |

|Guess the Number |Rounding Seashells |

|Skip Counting Game |Rounding Flashcards |

|Patterns |Rounding Decimals |

|Cookie Dough |Rounding Numbers: |

|One False Move |Rounding Decimals To: |

|  |Rounding Decimals |

|  |Estimating |

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|[pic]Telling Time[pic] |[pic]Money & [pic] |

|Time Clock |Making Change |

|What Time is it? |Change Maker |

|The Right Time |Lemonade Stand |

|Stop the Clock Level 1 |Coffee Shop |

|Stop the Clock Level 2 | Lemonade Larry |

|Stop the Clock Level 3 |Counting Coins Money |

|Stop the Clock Level 4 |Counting Money |

|Stop the Clock Level 5 |How Many Cents? |

| |Counting Change |

| |Cash Out |

| |Spending Spree game  |

| |Practice Counting Money  |

| |Learn To Count Money |

| |Change Maker |

| |Counting Money |

| |Counting Money |

| |Grandpa's Game  |

| |Discovering Coin Values |

| |Let's Do Lunch  |

| |Let's Go Shopping  |

|[pic] Graphing [pic] | [pic]Measurement[pic] |

|Create a Graph |The Ruler Game |

|Bugs in the System |Shape Surveyor |

|Let's Graph |Measure It! |

| |Perimeter and Area Booster |

| [pic]Place Value &[pic] |[pic] Fractions[pic] |

|Decimals |Basic Fractions |

|Place Value Game |Adding Fractions |

|Base 10 Blocks |Comparing Fractions |

|Decimal Jeopardy |Comparing Fractions 2 |

|Place Value Puzzler | |

|Naming Decimals |Converting Fractions |

|Adding Decimals |Subtracting Fractions |

|Subtracting Decimals |Pizza Party |

|Multiplying Decimals |Name that Fraction |

|Dividing Decimals |Fractron |

|Rounding Decimals | |

|Place Values | |

|Comparing Decimals | |

|Mystery Picture | |

|[pic] General Math Links [pic] |  |

|Sheppard Software | |

|Arcademic Skill Builders | |

|Math Slice | |

|Math Manipulatives | |

|Study Island | |

|Fun Brain | |

|I Know That | |

|Telling Time | |

|Kids Bank | |

|Kings Math | |

|AAA Math | |

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