Show your work for the following math problems:

Show your work for the following math problems:

Kinetic Energy

1. A 10-kg ball rolls at a rate of 2 m/s. What is the kinetic energy of the ball?

2. A boy with mass is 60-kg skates around a rink at a speed of 10m/s. How much kinetic energy does he have?

3. A 2-kg ball is thrown at a speed of 5m/s. What is the kinetic energy of the ball?

4. A 35-kg object is pushed at a speed of 8m/s. What is the kinetic energy of the object?

5. A .54-kg toy car rolls at a speed of 1.8m/s. What is the kinetic energy of the car?

Potential Energy

1. A boy carries a box weighing 50N up a flight of stairs 10-m high. How much potential energy has the box


2. A ball that weighs 2N sits on a shelf that is 5m high. How much potential energy

does the ball have?

3. What is the potential energy of a box that has a mass of 10-kg sitting at the stop of a hill that is 2m high:

4. A toy with a mass of 6.5kg is on a shelf that is 15m high. How much potential energy does the toy have?

6. A 40-kg box is sitting on a table that is 3m high. What is the potential energy of the box?


1. If you lifted an object weighing 200N through a distance of 0.5m, how much work would you do?

2. How much work is done when a 20N force lifts an object 2-m off the ground?

3. How much work do you do when you push a 20-kg box 4 meters across the floor?

4. A 950N mountain climber scales a 100-m cliff. How much work does the climber do?

5. A power shovel did 24,000j of work, exerting force of 4000N. How high did the shovel lift the load?


1. How much work does a 100-watt light bulb do when it is lift for 30s?

2. If you exert a force of 500N to walk 4m up a flight of stairs in 4s, how much power do you use?

3. A girl lifts a 100N load a height of 2.0m in 35seconds. What power does the girl produce?

4. How much work is done when a 15-watt light bulb is lit for 150seconds?

5. If you do 50J of work in 1.2 seconds. How much power is produced?


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