6th Grade Final Project Rubric

6th Grade Final Project Rubric Name:___________________________


Characteristic shared:_______________

|Requirement |Points Possible |Points Earned/notes |

|Professionalism; poster is neat, tidy, and well-organized; pictures are | | |

|cut and placed neatly and squarely; everything is typed. |10 | |

| | | |

|Content: one major characteristic is compared between two different | | |

|civilizations. For each civilization, a minimum of three examples are | | |

|used to show the differences between the two civilizations. |15 | |

| | | |

| | | |

|Research: The textbook is used, as well as one other factual, written | | |

|resource (library, encyclopedia, etc.). The internet is also used as a | | |

|second resource for pictures or content. |15 | |

|SOURCES ARE CITED ON THE POSTER! (front or back of poster) | | |

|Quality Pictures and Captions: At least one picture for each example | | |

|(that means at least 6 pictures), each of which has a creative, | | |

|explanatory caption of at least two short sentences. |10 | |

|Written Portion: A short essay explaining the major differences in the | | |

|two civilizations. Minimum 5 paragraphs; an intro paragraph, one | | |

|paragraph for each of the three examples that compare the two |20 | |

|civilizations, and a conclusion paragraph. Should be at least one typed | | |

|page. | | |

|Spelling/Grammar: There are no spelling or grammatical errors on the | | |

|poster. |10 | |

|Time management: Time used in class and out of class well; project done | | |

|on time or early. |10 | |

|Presentation: Student presents a 2-3 minute explanation to the rest of | | |

|the class on their subject; student shows they know the content well | | |

|enough to explain it, not just read it to the class; student takes |10 | |

|presentation seriously. | | |

|Total: |100 | |


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