Ms Harnik's Webpage


Due Date: ________________________________


1. A coloured, Canadian, Indigenous print, or decal no larger than 10 cm by 15 cm.

2. Show your original print to teacher for approval before proceeding.

3. Write an introduction to the artist and the symbolism in the art. The writing should be in your own words, include the Artist’s name and Nation as well as other information you find pertinent to the Artist’s background and the art you are replicating. This information should be typed and include websites used as sources.

4. The front of poster should include: a title, carefully drawn square grids on both original print and enlargement, scale and scale factor, written segment with sources, artist name listed below print, your name in the bottom right corner plus label measures used for calculations as described in checklist.

5. Grid dimensions must be listed with the print and the enlargement.


o Find a picture on the internet that was created by an Indigenous, Canadian artist. Print it. The print should not be bigger than 10 by 15 cm. The print should be in colour or coloured to match the original. Possible sites to start looking for artists and prints:

o Research information about the symbols in the art and the artist.

o Describe the symbolism in the print and briefly introduce the artist in your own words.

o List websites of sources used directly below written description.

o Create a 1 x 1 cm or 0.5 X 0.5 cm grid over your print. Use pencil and a ruler or Desmos online.

o Choose a scale factor to enlarge your original to an appropriate size for a 14 X 17 piece of paper (i.e., D:A 1:0.75, 1:0.5, 1: 0.25 etc., ) At this point you will need to do some measuring and some work with proportions to be sure your enlargement will fit on poster along with other requirements.

o Create an enlarged grid for your drawing. This grid might be 2 X 2 cm, 3 X 3 cm etc. The grid on the poster paper should be LIGHTLY drawn in pencil with a ruler!!!

o Copy the original picture square by square. Do not worry about the entire picture at this time. Color your scale drawing (try to match the colors to that of the original print).

o Show math work for scale and scale factor on the back of poster. Place two visible points on both your print and your drawing at the exact same locations. Measure with the ruler the distance between the two points on the drawing and on the picture. Use those measurements to calculate the scale and scale factor. Recall: scale factor is S=D/A and Scale – 1: A.

o Label the front of poster with a title, your name, the scale and scale factor. Labelled measurement of either Length or Width between two points on the print and enlargement that you used for scale/scale factor calculations. Provide grid dimensions below drawing.

o Mount the gridded original picture on the front of your finished poster. Write the name of the artist below the original print and the grid dimensions.

o Mount typed information about artist and symbolis and sources on the front of your finished poster.

Name:__________________________________________ Rubric

|Presentation and Completion |/5 |

|-Fine-lined | |

|-Coloured (colour matches original) | |

|-Neatness | |

|-Title, your name and artist name | |

|-All items in checklist completed on back or front of poster as per requirements. | |

|Difficulty |/3 |

|-The level of difficulty to reproduce the original (easy, medium, hard) | |

|Shape |/3 |

|-Figure length and width is proportionate to the original image | |

|Reconstruction |/3 |

|-Position of parts in correct location | |

|-Proportions are accurate on the enlarged drawing | |

|Grids |/4 |

|-Grid lines are neat and visible | |

|-Lines are parallel | |

|-Evenly spaced | |

|-grid dimensions are indicated below print and enlargement i.e. 1x1cm | |

|Scale and Scale Factor |/6 |

|-Two Visible points on the drawing and original /1 | |

|-Distance between these two distinct points is measured correctly/labelled in cm to 1 decimal point on both print and | |

|enlargement /1 | |

|-Correct calculation steps to find scale and scale factor shown | |

|on back of poster /2 | |

|-Scale and scale factor correctly written on the front of poster above drawing /2 | |

|Meaning of Art |/2 |

|-Symbolism and/or meaning described in a short paragraph in own words | |

|Intro to Canadian, Indigenous, Artist | /4 |

|-Full name | |

|-Nation of artist | |

|-Origin | |

|-interesting facts about Artist | |

|- Well written in own words | |

|-sources cited /1 | |

| | |

|TOTAL |/30 |

| | |

| |% |


| |5 |4 |3 |2 |1 |

|Scale Factor |All calculations and |Most calculations and |Few calculations and |No calculations or |No calculations and |

| |proportions are shown on back|proportions are shown on back |proportions are shown but |proportions is shown but |proportions are shown |

| |of poster. |of poster. The scale factor is|scale factor is correct |scale factor is correct |and/or scale factor |

| |The scale factor is correct! |correct! | | |calculated incorrectly! Or |

| | | | | |not given! |

|scale |Correctly calculated on back |Correctly calculated on back |Correct scale is written on|No calculation of scale |Scale is incorrect but an |

| |of sheet. Then written on |of sheet. Some steps missing. |front of sheet. Few steps |shown. Scale is correct but|attempt has been made to |

| |poster below drawing. D:A |Written on poster below |to calculate shown. |may be written backward. |calculate scale and |

| | |drawing. D:A | | |calculations are shown. |

|Grids |Neat grid lines can be seen |Neat grid lines can be seen on|Enough grid lines were used|Not enough grid lines were |No grid lines can be seen |

| |on original image and on the |original image and on the |on the original and/or |used on the original image |on original image and scale|

| |scale drawing. Lines are |scale drawing. Lines are |scale drawing (in pencil), |and/or scale drawing (in |drawing (in pencil). Lines |

| |parallel, and measured |mostly parallel, and/or mostly|but could be better |pencil). Many of the lines |are not parallel, or |

| |correctly. Dimension of grid |measured correctly. |enhanced with more gird |are not parallel, or |measured incorrectly. |

| |squares provided. |Dimension of grid squares |lines. Some of the lines |measured incorrectly. | |

| | |provided. |are not parallel or | | |

| | | |measured incorrectly. | | |

| | | |Dimensions provided | | |

|Shape |Dimensions of length and |Dimensions of length and width|Dimensions of length and |Dimensions of length and |Dimensions of length and |

| |width are clearly indicated |are clearly indicated around |width are indicated around |width are indicated around |width are not indicated |

| |around drawing and picture |drawing and picture and figure|drawing but either figure |drawing but figure length |around drawing and figure |

| |and figure length and width |length and width is almost |length or width is not |and width is not |length and width is not |

| |is proportionate to the |proportionate to original! |proportionate to original |proportionate to original |proportionate to original |

| |original image! | |image! |image! |image! |

|Position & |All proportions are accurate |Most proportions are accurate |Some proportions are |Few proportions are |No proportions are accurate|

|Proper Scaling|on the enlarged/ reduced |on the enlarged/ reduced |accurate on the enlarged/ |accurate on the enlarged/ |on the enlarged/ reduced |

| |picture and parts are in the |picture and parts are in the |reduced picture and most |reduced picture. Several |picture and many parts are |

| |correct locations! |correct locations! |parts are in the correct |parts are in the wrong |in the wrong locations. |

| | | |locations. |locations. | |

|Presentation |The scaled drawing is colored|Most of the scaled drawing is |Some of the scaled drawing |The scaled drawing is not |The scaled drawing is not |

| |neatly in the lines and |colored neatly in the lines |is colored neatly in the |colored neatly in the lines|colored neatly in the lines|

| |colors match original image. |and most of the colors match |lines and some of the |and does not match original|and does not match original|

| |The fine lining matches the |original image. |colors match original |image. |image. |

| |original picture. |It is fine lined. |image. It is fine lined. |It is mostly fine lined. |It is not fine lined. |

|Difficultly |The original image has a lot |The original image has a fair |The original image has some|The original image is |The original image is very |

| |of details and was difficult |amount of details and required|difficult components |simple however requires |simple and requires little |

| |to reproduce. |medium effort to reproduce. |requiring some effort to |some effort to reproduce. |effort to reproduce. |

| | | |reproduce. | | |

|Summary |Summary well written, | |Summary satisfactory but | |Summary is brief, poor |

| |explains meaning of art | |writing or content could be| |written. Source of |

| |and/or symbols used in art. | |improved. | |information missing. |

| |Sources of information cited | |Complete url for sources of| | |

| |properly and included with | |information provided. | |If copied = 0 |

| |summary. | | | | |

|Intro to |A well written introduction | |A fair introduction to | |Missing important |

|Artist |to Artist and origin of | |Artist. Writing could be | |information regarding |

| |Artist. Written in own | |improved. | |Artist. Poorly written. |

| |words. | | | |If copied = 0 |


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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