SCALE DRAWING PROJECTGoal: You will select a cartoon or picture and use scale factor to enlarge it to best fit a sheet of paper or half poster or full poster.Include in your project: 1. The original pictureThe enlarged picture (colored to match original)Measurements of the original pictureThe scale selected to enlarge the pictureSelf-Completed EvaluationIllustration:Step 1: Tape your picture on the centimeter grid paper that is provided. Draw a grid over your picture with a color pen. Be very precise and use a ruler to make sure that all lines are straight and equally spaced. Number the rows and columns so that the boxes have reference.Step 2: Select a scale (1 cm on picture = __________ cm on paper or poster) Step 3: Draw the borders Multiply the length and width of the cartoon character by your scale factor and see how much of the paper you have left over for the border. Take thenew length of your picture and subtract it from the paper length, then divide it by two, thiswill tell you how far the border will be away from the edge of your paper. Draw your border around your paper before drawing your grid on your paper. Step 4: Draw a grid on your paper using your scale. (i.e. If your scale factor is 4:1, your grid on your large paper will be 4 cm x 4 cm; therefore, you would draw 4 cm tick marks going across the length and width and then connect your marks to form a grid.) You must draw your own grid. Do not use your own grid paper!Step 5: Reconstruct drawing and color accordingly. All you do is draw EXACTLY what you see in each small square into its corresponding large square. For example, in the second square on the top row of the "Betty" enlargement we see the tips of her bows and a tiny bit of her hair. These get drawn on the big grid as shown below.Step 6: Color and shade your new picture exactly as the original. Reflection and Self-Evaluation:Step 7: Write a reflection about your project. The reflection has to be a paragraph and answering some of the following questions: What is scale factor? When are scale drawing use in the real world? What did you learn about scale factor? What went well ? What did you struggle on in the project?SCALE DRAWING PROJECT RUBRIC:NOTE: When you submit your project, you will first score yourself using this rubric. Be honest and thorough in your evaluation. Remember to include the following parts in your presentation:Include in your project: 1. The original picture 2. The enlarged picture (colored to match original)3. Reflection (may be typed or neatly hand-written)4. Rubric and Self-Completed Evaluation (this form)531GridsAll grid lines can be seen on drawing and match the original picture. Clearly measured correctly and scaled properly.Grid lines may not match wrapper but are parallel and show some understanding of scale factor.No lines are parallel, or measured correctly. The scale does not in any way match the calculations.PresentationThe enlarged picture is colored neatly in the lines and colors match original wrapper.Some of the enlarged picture is colored neatly in the lines and some of the colors match original comic.The enlarged picture is not colored neatly in the lines and does not match original wrapper.ReconstructionAll proportions are accurate on the enlarged picture.Some proportions are not accurate on the enlarged pictureNo proportions are accurate on the enlarged pictureReflectionReflection is neatly written with no errors and clearly communicates details about scale factor using academic vocabulary.Reflection is not well-written may contain errors and poorly communicates details about scale factor, but uses some academic vocabulary.Reflection is poorly written with multiple errors and does not communicate details about scale factor. Uses no academic vocabulary.Total Points Possible: 20Self-Assessment:Teacher-Assessment: Grids:____/5Grids:____/ 5Reconstruction:____/5Reconstruction:____/ 5Presentation:____/5Presentation:____/ 5Reflection:____/5Reflection:____/ 5Total Points: ____/20Total Points: ____/20Comment on your level of effort: ................

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