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Name _______________________________________Date ___________Class ______39243001333501238250133350GiantburgerThis headline appeared in a newspaper.Every day approximately 7% of Americans eat at Giantburger restaurants.Based on the following information, is the headline accurate? Justify your claim.There are about 8×103 Giantburger restaurants in America.Each restaurant serves on average 2.5×103 people every day.There are about 3×108 Americans.3210MP1Make sense of problems and persevere in solving themI made an appropriate plan to solve the problem and carried it through. I proved my answer was correct and made sense using a valid strategy.I made an appropriate plan to solve the problem and carried it through, but I re-used my original strategy to check my calculations.I made a plan that wasn’t clear, but I was able to find an answer that seemed reasonable.OR I made a plan, but was unable to carry it through to a reasonable answer. I did not understand how to solve the problem.MP6Attend to precision: MathematicsI used appropriate symbols and labels to effectively communicate ideas. This includes:All calculations written correctlyAll units includedAll work labeled I used appropriate symbols and labels to communicate ideas however I made one of the following errors:Calculation errorFalse math sentencesLabels missingI used some appropriate symbols and labels to communicate ideas however they may make two of the following errors:Calculation errorFalse math sentencesLabels missingI have calculations that are incorrect leading to an incorrect answer ORI have calculations that do not support answer given. Labels are not given or are incorrect.MP6 Attend to precision: WritingI used appropriate vocabulary in a way that shows understanding. Use at least 80% of listed vocabulary.I used at least 80% of the appropriate vocabulary, but I didn’t show a clear understanding of vocabulary.ORI used appropriate vocabulary in a way that shows understanding. Use at least 65% of listed vocabulary.I used 80% of the appropriate vocabulary, however my writing does not show understanding of the words. OR I used at least 30% of the appropriate vocabulary..I used appropriate vocabulary incorrectly or I did not used appropriate vocabulary at all.MP3 Construct viable argumentsI have a clear and concise explanation. I provided a reason for each step taken and I may or may not have included calculation details. I have accurate information in my explanation.I have a clear explanation but it is not concise. OR I have an explanation that shows understanding, but is not clear.I may not have provided a reason for every step taken. I may have included some inaccurate information. I have written an explanation that is a list of procedural steps taken to find the solution without any reasoning. ORI have an incomplete explanation.I have written an explanation that does not support the solution. ORI did not write an explanation.Raw Score1211109876543210Grade10094888277716554433322110Solution3210MP1Make sense of problems and persevere in solving themI made an appropriate plan to solve the problem and carried it through. I proved my answer was correct and made sense using a valid strategy.I made an appropriate plan to solve the problem and carried it through, but I re-used my original strategy to check my calculations.If students did not use scientific notation, but did the calculations correctlyI made a plan that wasn’t clear, but I was able to find an answer that seemed reasonable.OR I made a plan, but was unable to carry it through to a reasonable answer. I did not understand how to solve the problem.MP6Attend to precision: MathematicsI used appropriate symbols and labels to effectively communicate ideas. This includes:All calculations written correctlyAll units includedAll work labeled I used appropriate symbols and labels to communicate ideas however I made one of the following errors:Calculation errorFalse math sentencesLabels missingI used some appropriate symbols and labels to communicate ideas however they may make two of the following errors:Calculation errorFalse math sentencesLabels missingI have calculations that are incorrect leading to an incorrect answer ORI have calculations that do not support answer given. Labels are not given or are incorrect.MP3 Construct viable argumentsI have a clear and concise explanation. I provided a reason for each step taken and I may or may not have included calculation details. I have accurate information in my explanation.I have a clear explanation but it is not concise. OR I have an explanation that shows understanding, but is not clear.I may not have provided a reason for every step taken. I may have included some inaccurate information. I have written an explanation that is a list of procedural steps taken to find the solution without any reasoning. ORI have an incomplete explanation.I have written an explanation that does not support the solution. ORI did not write an explanation.MP6Vocab:Scientific NotationStandard FormConvertAbout/Approximately/RoundQuotientComparePercentage/PercentDividingTotal ExponentsAmountIf there are about 8×103 Giantburger restaurants in America and each restaurant serves about 2.5×103people every day, then about8×103?2.5×103=20×106=2×107people eat at a Giantburger restaurant every day.Since there are about 3×108 Americans, the percent of Americans who eat at a Giantburger restaurant every day can be computed by dividing the number of restaurant patrons by the total number of people:2×107÷3×108=2/3×10?1Since2/3×10?1=2/3×1/10=2/30=1/15=0.066???,our estimate is that 6 2/3% of Americans eat a Giantburger restaurant every day, which is reasonably close to the claim in the newspaper. ................

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