Springboard Grade 6 Units 1 & 2

Springboard Grade 6 Units 1 & 2

Unit 1 Changes in Me

|Reading |Days |Lang. Arts/Writing |

|Learning Focus What is Storytelling? |1-2 |Skills- WW1 Writing Process, WW4 Personal |

|Activities- | |Narratives, Introduce Narratives, |

|1.1 Previewing the U nit | |Transitions, Sensory Details, Verbs/Nouns, |

|1.2 Planning to Revisit, Revise, and | |Comparative and Superlative Forms of |

|Reflect |1 |Modifiers |

|1.3 Ideas of Change | | |

|1.4 Oral Fluency |1 | |

|1.5 Who's Who(Poetry) |2 |Activities- |

| |1- 2 |1.6 A Lion's Narrative |

|Skills- Point of View, Sequencing, Analyze | |1.7 Memory Map |

|Elements of a Nonfiction Narrative, |2- 3 |1.8 Family Stories |

|Recognizing Transitions in Reading, Details|2- 3 | |

|(Library/SSR On Going) |3 | |

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|1.9 Getting Superpowers | | |

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|Skills- Reading Narrative Types of Fiction,| |Continue skills above(2 days) |

|Identifying Different Narrative Openings | | |

| |2 |1.10 Reflecting on Narrative Openings |

| | |1.11 What Makes a Good Narrative |

| |1 |EA #1 |

| | |Learning Focus/1.12 How to Explain and A |

| |1 |Frame Poem |

| | |1.13 Explaining Change |

|1.14 Changing Narrative Writing to |4- 5 | |

|Expository |2 |WW6 Expository Text |

|1.15 Using Context Clues | | |

|1.16 Changes in Three Arrows |1 |Skills- Abstract Nouns, Interjections, Use |

|1.17 Reading “The Jacket” | |of Capitalization |

|1.18 The Mermaid Speaks |3 | |

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| |2 | |

| |1 |EA #2 |

|Reflection (either/or) |1 |Reflection (either/or) |

| |1 | |

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| |3 | |

| |1 | |

Unit 2 Changes in My World

|Reading |Days |Lang. Arts/Writing |

|Learning Focus Imagining Stories |1- 2 |WW2 Short Story |

|2.1 Previewing the U nit | |Skills- Adjectives, Adverbs, Indefinite |

|2.2 A Toy's World | |Pronouns, Alternatives to Overused Verbs |

|2.3 Changes in My World |1- 2 | |

|2.4 A Day of Change |1- 2 | |

|2.5 Changes in Simba's World |2- 3 | |

| |3- 4 | |

| | |2.6 Play Ball: Part One |

|Skills- Poetry/Short Stories, Continuing | |2.7 Play Ball: Part Two |

|work on Plot Diagrams/Vocab terms, Use of |1- 2 |2.8 Picturing Green Gables |

|Dialogue/ Dialogue Tags/Reinforce |1 |2.9 He Said, She Said |

|Alternatives to Overused Verbs, Literary |2- 3 |2.10 Character Changes |

|Terms |1- 2 |2.11 Writing About a Chance Encounter |

|(Library/SSR On Going) |1- 2 |EA #1 |

| |1- 2 | |

| | |Skills- Review Literary Terms, Review |

|Learning Focus Don't Switch that Channel |3- 5 |Figurative Language (Metaphor and Simile), |

|2.12 Understanding TV News | |Prepositions/Phrases, Contractions, Review |

|2.13 Parts of a News Story |2 |Commonly Confused Words |

|2.14 That's a Great Question | | |

|2.15 Weather Changes | | |

|2.16 Weather Explanations |1- 2 | |

| |1 |2.17 Meet the Watsons |

|Skills- Idioms, Hyperbole, Alliteration, |1- 2 |2.18 Average High Temp |

|Review/Identify the 5W's of a News Story, |1- 2 |EA #2 |

| |1 |2.19 Portfolio:Using Dialogue |

| | |Reflection |

| |2 | |

| |1 | |

| |3- 4 | |

| |1 | |

| |1 | |

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