MATH 1316

|Section |Problems |Section |Problems |

| | | | |

|1.1 |3,9-81mot, omit 57 |5.2 |3-60mot, omit 48 |

| | | | |

|1.2 |3-66mot |5.3 |3-24mot, 39-63mot, 65 |

| | | | |

|1.3 |3-42mot |5.4 |3-45mot, 55, 59 |

| | | | |

|1.4 |3-21mot, 30-69mot |5.5 |8, 9-39mot, 77,79 |

| | | | |

|2.1 |3-18mot, 36-45mot, 60, 63 |5.6 |3-42mot |

| | | | |

|2.2 |3-36mot, 42, 45, 54, 57, 60 |6.1 |6-36mot, 7, 11, 20, 42,45,48, 57-66mot,81 |

| | | | |

|2.3 |1, 3-42mot, 51, 54 |6.2 |9-27mot, 31,35,36,41,49,51 |

| | | | |

|2.4 |12-33mot, 39-53o, omit 18 |6.3 |5, 9, 13, 21, 23, 25 |

| | | | |

|2.5 |1, 3, 7,9,13,27 |7.1 |3-15mot, 39, 42, 45 |

| | | | |

|3.1 |3-54mot, 79, read pages 108 & 109 |7.2 |1, 3-30mot, omit 18 |

| | | | |

|3.2 |3-24mot, 36-48mot |7.3 |1, 3-33mot, 39, 42, 45 |

| | | | |

|3.3 |3-48mot, 54,57 (all values) |7.4 |45, 48 |

| | | | |

|3.1 |57-75mot |7.5 |1, 3, 5, 13, 15, 17, 21 |

| | | | |

|3.4 |3-18mot, 27-45mot |8.1 |3-75mot |

| | | | |

|4.1 |1, 9-36mot |8.2 |3-57mot |

| | | | |

|4.2 |3-39mot, 13, 45, 47 |8.3 |3-30mot |

| | | | |

|4.3 |3-24mot, 23 |8.4 |3-30mot |

| | | | |

|5.1 |6-33mot, 39-51mot | | |

*Problems may be added to or deleted from any assignment.

o - odd

mot - multiples of three - 3,6,9,12,15,18,21,24,27,30,33,36,39,42,45,48,51,54,57,60,63,66,69,



2.3 (29) 58.0(, 122.0( (31) 81.2(, 261.2( (33) 30.5(, 329.5( (35) 46.2(, 133.8(

3.3 (55) 2(/3, 4(/3 (57) 7(/6, 11(/6 (59) (/6, 11(/6


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