Hard math questions for adults


Hard math questions for adults

Remember that time we totally stumped you with five seemingly simple math problems that actually twisted your brain up in knots? Well, we're at it again. Here are four more super simple problems that will actually confuse the crap out of you! 1. The Speed Addition Test Let's start out easy. Add the following numbers from top to bottom as quickly as you can in your head. Did you get 5000? Well, that would be... wrong. The Answer: 4100 The Explanation: This is just a simple case of your brain getting ahead of itself. You were probs totally on a roll until you got to to the last addition. 1000 + 20 = 1020 (Right.) 1020 + 30 = 1050 (Totes.) 1050 + 1000 = 2050 (Yup.) 2050 + 1030 = 3080 (Mhmmm.) 3080 + 1000 = 4080 (Yassss, almost done!) 4080 + 20 = 4100 Errrr, what?! You def didn't get that before. It seems totally obvious now that it's all done out slowly in front of you, but what made you slip up on that last addition the first time around is that when you were adding everything up quickly in your head, you never had to carry any ones until the very end, and when you finally do have to carry a one, you accidentally added it to the thousands spot rather than the hundreds because you were going so quickly. Or maybe you didn't spot the 30 in the 1030 of the third to last line. Or, maybe you're just a genius and you were right the first time in which case, good on you! 2. Who fixed your broken water heater? Suppose your water heater broke so you couldn't take a hot shower. You go to a person and ask them to check out your water heater. That person comes to your house and uses a bunch of spare parts and then fixes it so you pay him or her for the repairs. Is this person more likely: An accountant? OR An accountant and a plumber. Getty Images Did you answer a plumber? That's understandable, but you're wrong. The Answer: The person is most likely an accountant. The Explanation: When you read this word problem, you intuitively jumped to the conclusion that the person was most likely a plumber because, well, plumbers fix water heaters. BUT, the question asks what is more likely, which means it's a probability question. Strictly speaking, it's more likely s/he's an accountant than a plumber. The key to remember here is that the question asks if the person who fixes the heater is most likely an accountant or an accountant and a plumber (AKA, a plumber-accountant). So, the probabilities are that [A] a plumber-accountant fixed your heater (probably very small, right? Not many people are both licensed plumbers and accountants), [B] an accountant fixed your heater (there are probs waaaaaay more accountants than plumber-accountants) And then, in this situation, any plumber is definitely also an accountant, so you actually add those probabilities together. A A + B or Plumber-Accountants Plumber-Accountant + Accountants So, it was most likely an accountant! 3. What is the answer to the following equation? Did you multiply the 1 x 0 first and then add the rest of the ones together and get 12? Wrong! The Answer: The answer is 2. Yes, 2! The Explanation: Since there are no operator symbols (+, -, x, /) at the end of each line, there's no mathematic reason to believe that each line is part of the same equation. And since an equation is a statement that the values of two mathematical expressions are equal, since there are no equal signs at the ends of the first two lines, they're not equations at all. They're just expressions. That means the only equation in the picture above is the last line, and: 1 + 1 x 0 + 1 = 2 Some argue that you should string the lines together, making the two ones at the end of each line 11s, in which case the answer would be 30 because: 1 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 11 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 11 + 1 x 0 + 1 = 30 But this isn't really mathematically sound because math isn't like English. You don't just "keep reading" onto the next line (that would cause a lot of confusion and ambiguity in math problems). If you have a long equation that must be split on multiple lines, the line break must come immediately before or after an operator symbol. So if 30 was meant to be the answer, the problem should have been written: 1 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 11 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 11 + 1 x 0 +1 = 30 4. The value of 0.999... is? Here's a simple question: Well, everyone knows that putting ... at the end of three nines in a row means that 9 goes on infinitely, so you answered false. 0.999... could never equal 1, right? Answer: Nope. Wrong. It is, in fact, equal to one. Here's a proof to prove it: The Explanation: The reason this is so hard to grasp is because the concept of infinity is just kind complicated to grasp in the first place. Most people just imagine that there's a last 9 somewhere down the line. But the thing is, the 9s are never-ending. It's also important to remember that just because two numbers look different doesn't mean they're not the same value. 0.5 is definitely the same as 1/2. And 2 + 2 is the same as 4. And 0.999... is absolutely equal to 1. It's just two different ways of expressing the same value. Here's another, even simpler proof that might help you understand. We all agree that 1/3 = 0.333... repeating, right? Well, check this out: See! It's actually pretty simple! If you're still having a hard time grasping it, let expert YouTube explainer, ViHart, explain it to you in complete detail (and with fun doodles). This content is imported from YouTube. You may be able to find the same content in another format, or you may be able to find more information, at their web site. This content is created and maintained by a third party, and imported onto this page to help users provide their email addresses. You may be able to find more information about this and similar content at piano.io Math trivia is a great way to test your knowledge. It can be fun to see how much you remember or help you study for an upcoming test. The best part of math trivia is that it can be fun for all ages. We've gathered a combination of interesting trivia and historical facts. There are sure to be some facts you didn't know before. Number Trivia Number trivia is an excellent way to impress your friends with math facts. These won't require much, if any, solving. Instead, they'll make you feel like a mathematician just for having them memorized. See how many you and your friends can get right. What is the only number that has the same number of letters as it's meaning? Four What number doesn't have its own Roman numeral? Zero What is the only even prime number? Two What is the smallest perfect number? Six What is our current numerical system based on? Hindu-Arabic numeral system Is Pi a rational or irrational number? Irrational, it cannot be written as a fraction Which number is considered a "magic number?" Nine What is the most popular lucky number? Seven What is the most popular two-digit number? 13 Which is the most prime number of the first ten? Seven, it can't be divided or multiplied by the first ten How much would the paper weigh if you printed out the number Googolplex? More than the entire planet! Where is four considered an unlucky number? Asia How do you laugh in Thai text lingo? 555 What is the only temperature that is the same in Fahrenheit and Celsius? 40 Below How many different combinations does a Rubix cube have? 43 quintillion Which number is the sum of its multiples when you add the single digits together? Nine What is the only number spelled with letters in alphabetical order? Forty What letter does every odd number have in it? An "E" What are the only prime numbers that end in 2 and 5? 2 and 5, no other prime numbers end in those numbers How many lives are cats said to have? Nine How many cupcakes are in a baker's dozen? 13 cupcakes How many colors are needed on a map to make sure that no border will share a color? Four Easy Math Trivia Here are some easy math questions for you to solve. These make for a great warm-up to some of the more challenging questions that will come later. These questions are great for children and adults alike. What is the perimeter of a circle called? The circumference What is the square root of 144? 12 Can Pi be written as a fraction? No What is 64 divided by 8? Eight Which number is greater, a googol, or a quadrillion? A googol How many sides does a nonagon have? Nine Are all sides equal in an Isosceles triangle? No, only two are equal What is five squared? 25 What is an angle called if it's greater than 90 degrees? Obtuse What is five to the power of zero? One What is the top number of a fraction called? Numerator What is a shape with eight sides called? An octagon An improper fraction is always greater than what number? One What does the Roman numeral "X" equal? Ten Which prime number comes after 3? Five Hard Math Trivia Hopefully, you practiced the easy math trivia in the last section because now it's about to get a little more challenging. Here are some difficult math questions to test your brain. Plus, some trivia facts to see how much you know. Does a convex shape curve inward or outward? Outward Is negative four a natural number? No What flat image can also be displayed in 3D? A hologram What number does a giga stand for? A billion How many equal sides do Icosahedrons have? Twenty What is bigger, 100, or 10 squared? They're the same! What is the prefix meaning 10? Deka A composite number has what? One factor How many seconds are in one day? 86,400 seconds How many sides does a dodecahedron have? 12 sides When was the equal sign invented? 1557 by Robert Recorde What number is twice the sum of its digits? 18 When was the number googol first used? In 1938 by Milton Sirotta, who was only nine years old What is the billionth digit of Pi? Nine What is the mathematical name for a pound sign (#)? Octothorpe Math Trivia for Kids These questions are great practice for kids to review some of the things they have been learning in school. Math trivia for kids is also an excellent review if they are out of class right now or if you just want to have some fun learning. See how many you and your family can get correct! What are whole numbers? Any number without a decimal point, for example ? 1,2,3,4, etc. What does a century represent? 100 years What is 16 minus 8? Eight How many sides does a hexagon have? Six What is 91 divided by 7? 13 If Mark has 56 legos and Angelo has 24 legos, how many legos do they have together? 80 legos If Lacey has 84 pink flowers, and Andrew has 95 flowers ? how many flowers do they have in total? 179 What is 24 plus 11? 35 What are integers? They are like whole numbers, but they can include negative numbers What is three squared? Nine What is the basic metric unit of mass? A kilogram What is the least common multiple of 6, 8, and 12? 24 If Josh gives you 17 cookies and your sister eats 3, how many do you have left? 14 cookies What is the square root of 81? Nine If there are 25 students in your class, but three students are absent, how many students are in the class that day? 22 students What is 12 times 5? 60 What is the largest composite number less than 40? 39 If you divide 48 by 6, what do you get? Eight What is 4 times 4? 16 How many milliliters are in one liter? 1,000 milliliters If 6 students share 36 cookies, how many cookies does each student get? 6 cookies What is 100 plus 100? 200 If your cherry has four seeds and you accidentally eat two, how many are left? 2 seeds What is 13 times 4? 52 If there are 8 students in Ms. Collin's class and 11 students in Ms. Andrew's class, how many students are there altogether? 19 students What is 68 divided by 4? 17 If there are 9 chocolate bars and Chris eats 3, how many are left? Six chocolate bars What is 4 times 2? Eight If there are 64 popsicles to split among 16 students, how many popsicles would each student get? 4 popsicles What is the nearest whole number to 206.86? 207 If there are 17 postcards in a shop and you buy 6 ? how many postcards are left? 11 postcards What is 144 divided by 12? 12 What is the closest whole number to 1,569.3? 1,569 What are the even numbers in this sequence ? 2, 5, 7, 9, 10? Two and 10 Jamie reads 14 pages in her 38-page book. How many pages are left? 24 pages Math History There is no need to do any solving for these questions. Here is some fun math history trivia you may not have learned before. So much time is spent learning how to solve problems; you may never have learned some of these fun facts. Memorize a few of them to share with friends, or see how many you already know. Hundred was derived from what Norse number? Hundrath, actually meaning 120 What is the Pythagoras' Constant, discovered by the first mathematician around 500 BC? The square root of two Which Indian Astronomer discovered zero around 600 A.D? Brahmagupta What number sequence often appears in nature and was discovered in 1202 AD? Fibonacci Sequence What is the fastest someone has ever counted to one billion? 89 days, Jeremy Harper streamed his attempt in 2007 What civilization first used dot patterns to represent numbers? The Chinese Who invented paint by number? Leonardo Da Vinci Who is the fastest human calculator? Scott Flansburg won the Guinness World Record in 2001 Where was the oldest mathematical artifact found? In the Lebombo Mountains, it's the Lebombo bone, which is over 35,000 years old How was Eratosthenes able to determine the Earth's diameter? A rod and the rule of three How old was Isaac Newton when he developed integral calculus? 23 years old What German woman formulated theories to understand relativity? Emmy Noether What mathematical theory explains the randomness of nature? The butterfly effect, discovered by meteorologist Edward Lorenz Who developed the cartesian axes? Ren? Descartes Where was the first recorded instance of math games played? Africa ? south of the Sahara Understanding math helps to improve reasoning and critical thinking skills. Hopefully, these math trivia questions taught you something new!

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