BLACKLINE MASTER 1-1 - Discover Math and Science Now

Biology Date: Name: Class:

Marking Key (where materials and procedure are not provided):

Level 1: I’m still working on it / not yet meeting Level 3: I’ve got it / meeting expectations

Level 2: I’m almost there / approaching expectations Level 4: I’m a star / exceeding expectations /

|Performance Criteria |Level 1 |Level 2 |Level 3 |Level 4 |

|Hypothesis ( / 4 ) | | | | |

|Educated guess |None given |Hypothesis provided with some|You give a testable |You make a testable statement |

|Short definitive statement, stated in the | |errors. |statement or |or prediction. |

|positive | |e.g. You list what will |prediction. |It may be in the IF … THEN |

| | |happen, but impossible to |It may be in the IF … |You include a reason WHY |

| | |test your statement |THEN …. | |

|Variables ( / 4 ) | | | | |

|Independent (manipulated) |None given and/or they are |Correctly identify 2/4 |Correctly identify 3/4 |All variables correctly |

|Dependant (responding) |incorrectly identified |variables |variables |identified |

|Controlled variables (variable that are kept | | | | |

|the same /not changed). | | | | |

|Experimental Control (can be negative, | | | | |

|positive or both) | | | | |

|Materials ( / 4 ) |(Only applicable in |Experimental design) | | |

|An exact list, experiment can easily be |None given or missing |Most of material accurately |Almost all materials |All materials listed, |

|repeated |materials |described |are clearly and |including quantities and |

| |Material described | |accurately described |concentrations/weights. |

| |inaccurately | | | |

|Procedures ( / 4 ) |(Only applicable in |Experimental design) | | |

|Numbered, step by step, |Procedures do not accurately |Procedures are listed, but |Listed in logical |All steps are included, |

|Reads like a recipe, can easily be followed |list the steps of the |are not in logical order or |order, some details |Instructions are concise, yet |

| |experiment |are difficult to follow. |missing |detailed (reader could |

| |No changes made to lab noted |Some changes are noted |Many changes made to |reproduce the entire lab using|

| | | |lab are noted |only your procedure write-up) |

| | | | |Written in past tense and |

| | | | |passive voice |

|Observations ( / 4 ) | | | | |

|Qualitative (the 5 senses) |None given and/or missing. |Qualitative – not detailed |Qualitative – you |Qualitative – detailed and |

|Quantitative (includes measurements, | |enough |provide most of the |descriptive (I can see what |

|counting, table, graphs, calculations etc.) | |Quantitative provided with |details |you are describing) |

| | |some errors (e.g. |Quantitative – provided|Quantitative – tables, units,|

| | |calculations, units) |with minimal errors |calculations |

|Questions ( / ) | | | | |

| |Questions not answered |Questions answered with some |Questions answered |Questions answered with |

| | |errors or incomplete answers |correctly and fully. |connections to previous ideas |

| | | | |or other topics |

|Discussion ( / 10 ) | | | | |

|( / 4 ) Explains YOUR results. (CER). |Missing / none given |Discussion incomplete |Results explained and |Explains the results. |

|Includes sources (from your lab & external |Results are not explained |Results explained, with |3/4 discussion |Includes sources (from lab and|

|sources) that compliment your findings. |Discussion doesn’t link to |errors e.g. discussion |requirements met |external) that compliment your|

|( / 2) Discussion of relevant theory -- |observations and/or results |doesn’t match observations or| |findings. |

|Provide connections to current learning, |Sources/citations or sources |sources do not link to | |Includes sources of error. |

|previous ideas or other topics |of error or suggestions on how|experiment | |Provide connections to |

|( / 4 ) Includes sources of error, |experiment can be improved not|Discussion only partially | |previous ideas or other topics|

|E.g.How could the experiment be improved. |provided |relates to relevant theory | | |

| | |Only 1 – 2 sources of error | | |

| | |provided | | |

|Conclusions ( / 2) | | | | |

|State if the observations support, do not |None given and/or conclusions |Conclusions provided with |Conclusion stated |Conclusion stated correctly |

|support the hypothesis or do neither very |are incorrect. |some errors. |correctly. |and fully. |

|clearly. | | | | |

General Information:

• A lab report is a finished product – NOT a draft

• Lab reports MUST be handed in on the due date, at the BEGINNING of class.

• A computer generated lab report must use a minimum font-point of 12 and be in BLACK ink.

• You may do a handwritten report – it MUST be in dark blue of black ink. Pencil may only be used for drawings and graphs.

• The procedure is always written in the past tense and passive voice.

o CORRECT: The petri dish was swapped with a Q-tip.

o INCORRECT: Swab the petri dish with a Q-tip.

• Include all section headings, even if a particular section will not be fully represented in the write up.

• Keep all section headings IN ORDER.

Important Marking Notes:

• Information is copied or plagiarized = auto 0 for entire project


Course: Name:

Block Partner’s name(s):

Unit (topic) Covered Date (lab was performed)

Lab Title


• State the reason for doing the experiment and specify what you are hoping to discover

• You may use one of the following statement starters:

o To determine …

o To discover …

o To investigate …

o To observe …

• This may be stated as a question. Generally this is only one sentence long.


Independent Variable: What you are changing. Can also be called the manipulated variable

Dependant Variable: What you’re measuring. Can also be called the responding variable

Controlled Variables: List of all the variables you are not changing so that they do not affect your results

Experimental Control: Is different than controlled variables. It is the condition you set up to compare your other results to. It can be negative (e.g. water – you expect to get a negative result), positive (e.g. a known or expected positive result) or both.


• This is an educated answer to the purpose. This should also be one sentence long and in the format of an IF … THEN… BECAUSE statement. (See the next page for a template.)

• Make sure that the purpose and hypothesis match each other. This is the statement that you are seeking to reject or accept based on your data result. (A well written hypothesis will clearly identify the IV, DV and give a rough outline of your procedure).

• The BECAUSE part of your hypothesis is going to be longer. You must explain your hypothesis using science. (If you use a reference it should be at the end of your lab)



• List of things you used in the experiment including quantities and concentrations for each

• E.g. 500 ml beaker; 5 mL of 5% NaOH


• For some experiments, the procedure will be given to you. Make sure to note any changes you made here.

• For other experiments, you will be required to enter the complete procedure, listing the steps to follow in conducting the experiment.

• Use the past tense, passive voice and full sentences.

• May include diagrams along with words


Results (Your results will ALWAYS include observations. The other 3 categories will depend on the lab):

• Observations -describe what was observed / measured during the experiment

• Data Tables – includes a proper heading (Table 1: Length of ….) and all units

• Graphs – don’t forget your units

• Calculations – show your work and don’t forget your units

Questions (that come with the lab. Sometimes, these can be answered in your discussion)


• This is the longest part of your lab. There are 3 parts to your discussion.

• Part 1 - EXPLAIN your results. This needs to include 3 parts too

o (a) Make a Claim. Restate the purpose and hypothesis and then state if the data accepts or rejects the hypothesis

o (b) Provide Evidence for your Claim. Here you support you claim by referring to your data table and your results. This may include a comparison of YOUR results to expected results and/or the rest of the class. You may also include research from other sources (from other reading material, scientific journals, textbook, class notes etc)

o (c) Provide Reasoning that links your evidence to your claim. I.e. Explain the results and find sources that agree with your findings.

o In all cases, you must include references for any external resources you use. Unacknowledged sources = copying and plagiarism = ZERO on your lab (.

• Part 2 – Discussion of Relevant Theory. Here, you provide connections to current learning. The lab is being done for a purpose. What concepts have we been discussing in class is this lab trying to demonstrate? Does it connect to previous ideas or other topics we have already discussed in Biology 12 or other courses? This can sometimes be incorporated into Part 1, the Explain your Results section.

• Part 3 - Include experimental sources of error and suggest ideas about how the experiment could be improved.

Please see additional guidance about Lab Report Discussion on the next pages.

Thank you Ms. Toombs for the clear instructions and guidance.






• Restate the purpose and hypothesis and then state if the data accepts or rejects the hypothesis.

• Make a general scientific concluding statement. i.e. The theory the lab supported or demonstrated. …. This is 1-2 sentences. Link the appropriate theory to the experiment completed.


***If you have consulted external sources to provide background information, explain your results, or answer questions etc., you MUST cite your sources.

This includes your textbook, websites consulted, etc. ***

Failure to do so is Plagiarism and will result in serious consequences. One of which is receiving a zero for the assignment with NO opportunity for a re-do. (Please see page 10 – 11 in the student agenda for more details.


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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