H.1.4.12 Population Dynamics Worksheet

H.1.4.12 Population Dynamics Worksheet

Factors that contribute to Predator-Prey relationships

The ___________________ and ___________________ of food

Large number of deer will ___________________ the number of wolves.

This will ___________________ the number of deer and then wolves.

When wolves ___________________ deer will ___________________ again.

Factors that contribute to Predator-Prey relationships


When there is ___________________ they ___________________, this allows population of prey to survive and ___________________.

Movement of Prey & Predators

If there is ____________________________ the ___________________ to a more abundant location; ___________________ to area with more prey.

Population Dynamics

A population is a _________________________________________________________________

Population density is a measurement of the ____________________________________________

Population increases are due to increases in the ___________________ and __________________

Population decreases are due to increases in the ___________________ and __________________

Population Dynamics

Most population numbers tend to ______________________________________, but find an overall balance in the long term

where births and immigrations are ___________________ deaths and emigrations.

Mortality rates are high in nature – many organisms ______________________________________

Population Dynamics

Deaths are usually due to _________________________________________________________ rather than old age.

A high mortality rate is important to populations – why?

It protects ______________________________________ and

_________________________________________________________ organisms.

Normal Population Curve

Notes on graph

Organisms _________________ and then _________________ to their new environment

Growth takes place _________________ due to newly-available food

_________________________________ are felt – predation, overcrowding, available food, etc.

Growth _________________ at a level that the _________________________________.

Human Population Curve

Has not been susceptible to the normal constraints of nature and looks very different

Human population curve

Note: 1 billion = 1,000 million

|Year (AD) |Population |

|400 | |

|1650 | |

|1930s | |

|1970s | |

|2000 | |

Pop is now increasing by about 85 million per year = 230,000 per day = 160 per minute = 2.7 per second

Human population curve

66% of world population live in Asia. Birth rates are _____________________________________.

The increase in the human population is ______________________________________________, but is caused by _________________________________.

Factors affecting Human Population Numbers






A _______________________ leads to malnutrition and death due to disease or starvation e.g.

Great Irish Famine of 1845 – 47, about one million people died.

Some countries still suffer from famine, but it is _________________________________________ ______________________________________________.

Advances in agricultural techniques have so far allowed ___________________________ to match _______________________________.


________________ – reduce the incidence of diphtheria, whooping cough, tetanus, polio, meningitis, TB, etc.

________________ + ________________ – have controlled malaria, yellow fever and sleeping sickness.

________________ have improved surgical methods & new drugs have saved many lives.

________________ have prevented deaths that would have been caused by bacteria.


Increased ________________________________________________ since the 1960s. Evident in ________________ countries e.g. in Western Europe and USA the average family size = 2.1.

This is close to the level needed to ensure the pop remains constant.

The ________________________________________________________________ from 6.1 in 1970 to 3.5 today, due to contraception.

Need to know

Outline the contributory factors or variables in the Predator/Prey Relationships

State the effects on the Human Population due to:







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