Applications of Mathematics 10 - Chemistry 12

Chemistry 12

 Course Outline


Room 107

Teacher: Megan Boniface


Website: bonifacechem12. (bookmark this on your computer!)

TEXTBOOK: Hebden Chemistry 12 Student Workbook


▪ Scientific calculator

▪ Three ring-binder with lined paper

▪ Pen, pencil, eraser

▪ You do not need a lab notebook for this course


• To emphasize the applications of science to everyday living and the skills needed in the workplace.

• To prepare students for further education and establish a fundamental understanding of chemistry.


The Learning outcomes for this course can be viewed at:



There are five units in this course:

|UNIT 1 |reaction kinetics (Rates) |

|unit 2 |equilibrium |

|unit 3 |solubility equilibria |

|unit 4 |acids, bases, & salts |

|unit 5 |oxidation & reduction |


This is a rigorous course and we have a lot of material to cover in a short time. Consequently, the following guidelines must be followed for our class to be successful:

• “Out of class work” must be completed every day. If you miss a class, you can check the website for notes and assigned questions. Try very hard not to miss class!

• We will use our class time efficiently. Classes will be a combination of lessons and work time.

• You will be expected to finish assignments and do additional review outside of class. You can expect to have to work at least 1 hour after every class at home to be successful.

• For any assigned textbook questions, you are expected to check your answers in the back of the book.

• We have frequent quizzes (and homework checks) so please stay on top of the course material!

CHECK MY WEBSITE: Homework will be posted on my website. If you have missed a class, you may check the website to see what was assigned. It is expected that you will stay on top of the material in the course.


There are 5 unit tests. There is not a final exam. Please make every effort not to miss a test.

If a test is missed, you will be required to write it upon your return (make up tests are usually scheduled in the library outside of class time).


If you feel you need to re-write a test, talk to me. The option to re-write is discretionary and you must show evidence that you have sufficiently reviewed the material. Rewrites will take place outside of the scheduled class time.



| |% of Course Mark |

|Unit Tests |70 % |

|Quizzes |15% |

|Assignments & Labs |15% |


Academic integrity is taken seriously in this course and at this school. Plagiarism and cheating are not tolerated and will result in a mark of zero on a test or assignment. If a person is caught cheating on a test, the test will be confiscated and given a mark of zero with no option to rewrite.


 Extra help is available. Please see me before or after class. I check my emails daily so please feel free to email me at whenever necessary.

I look forward to a fantastic semester with you!!!


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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