Please read carefully even if you are not “new” to fundamentals

Instructor’s web site:

(please book mark)

Fundamental Mathematics is a 4-credit course for the instructor. You are assigned four classroom days, and you may choose any three of those days on which to meet with your class. The fourth day is the lab day, which is a specific day of the week. See your schedule for the lab days. This semester the labs will meet in MSB 114 , MSB 108 or MSB 156 or in Bowman. If you are new you need to get your flashline card set up to unlock the 114 door (see Jeanette Carlson). MSB 108 will need an additional card to open this room.

Please meet everyday with your students during the first week of each 5 week session. See sample day by day calendar on the instructor’s website. During weeks 2-4 you can select the “off” day. Be sure to tell the students your “off” day on your day by day calendar that you will distribute on the first day of school.

You are assigned one computer lab day which cannot change. You may use your lab day to allow students to work on Lab assignments. Please do not give 50 min quizzes or lecture the entire Lab day. The course was designed so that the Lab day is exploratory, review, or expanding a particular math topic. Starting S 09 some lab days will be using MATHPASS.

The required textbook was Beginning Algebra, 4th edition, K. Elayn Martin-Gay. See the coordinator for the old text. It will be useful. I have a few copies left but it can be obtained from the publisher if needed.

The textbooks starting in the Fall 08 are eBooks, written by KSU authors. The project started in 2003.

The eBooks have been piloted during the Spring 08 term. No software was used or will be used until the eBooks have been finalized.

Please encourage your students to buy a copy of the eBook at the Campus Copy Connection located on the third floor of the library. Cost should be around five dollars.

The parent directory of the eBooks is located at:

Extra materials for 10031-34 courses (like sample syllabi, quizzes, exams and labs) are located here and on the instructor’s website.

Copies of your 5-week day by day schedule will be duplicated and distributed to students on the first day of each five week session.

Students should also receive a copy of your syllabus outlining your classroom procedures. This information will include policies regarding office hours, attendance, calculators, homework, quizzes, tests, make-ups, students with disabilities, the final exam, and the grading scale.

Regular attendance is necessary and expected of students. There is no required attendance policy. Rather than penalize students who do not attend, instructors are asked to employ various techniques to encourage strong attendance.

New sections can be introduced by using the Classroom Examples and Teaching Tips placed throughout the text. It is suggested that instructors closely follow the terminology and methods indicated in each chapter.

A list of suggested homework assignments is available to instructors on the website. Written homework will be assigned daily. The previous day's assignment should be reviewed briefly by working out several homework problems on the board. Students will keep a Homework Notebook that will be collected and graded at least twice at the discretion of the instructor. I strongly suggest instructors to collect a notebook for at least the course 10031.


Lab exercises will be assigned during the lab. Students with eBook opened, can work in groups or individually. Encourage you students to read the eBook and look up sample problems to help them work through the lab exercises. Hopefully the student will complete the lab during the 50 minute period. The labs will be checked and graded. See sample syllabus on the instructor’s website for points. Sample written labs are also posted.

For S 09, MATHPASS will be used on some lab days for 10031-34. You have to create an account and add your classes. You may copy sample labs under shared assignments or create your own. I would encourage a strict grading policy for MATHPASS. For instance, 90% and above full credit, 80%-89% deduct one point, and no credit below 80%. They may retake MATHPASS as often as they like until the desired due date.

Written quizzes are an essential component of this course. They can be given on a daily or weekly schedule. Students with a University-related excused absence must be offered the opportunity to make up quizzes. Examples of quizzes are available on the instructor’s web site. Older version of quizzes can be found on the third floor copier room. See the file folders marked 10031-34.

A Final Exam will be given the last week of class. These exams have been designed so that partial credit need not be given, but partial credit may be awarded at the discretion of the instructor. Exams are returned to students for their inspection, then collected and kept on file for one year. A reasonable opportunity must be provided for any student who requires a make-up exam.

Grades [pic]

It is nice to have the final exam on the Wed of the fifth week, and then return the tests with grades totaled the next day. If they do not pass with a C, inform the student to retake the course. Input grades using Flashline’s wffa on Friday of the fifth week.

Before Friday of the fifth week, input the grades using vista. See “How to input grades on Vista” on instructor’s website. This has to be done asap so that advisors or students can adjust their schedule. Banner does not upload the grades until the following week.

Advise and assist in scheduling any students that did not pass Thurs or Friday of the fifth week. Please give them written notification if they did not pass the course. See sample letters for successful and unsuccessful students on the instructor’s website. See sample excel sheet for grade totals.

Components of this course will be weighted as follows:

Written HW, Lab assignments, notebook, etc. (20%) + Quizzes (30%) + Final Exam (50%) = 100% The sample syllabus has been updated to reflect the appropriate weights. See web site.

The following grading scale will be used:

A = 93% A- = 90% B+ = 87% B = 83% B- = 80%

C+ = 77% C = 73% C- = 70% D+ = 67% D = 60% F = 0%

A grade of NF will be assigned to any student who never attended class. It has been suggested that we give NF’s sooner rather than later. Since you will be taking attendance daily, if a student has not attended by the end of week one, enter a final grade of NF Mon or Tues of the second week. If the student suddenly shows and wants to attend, let him. If not the student may withdraw or drop the class. The NF can be changed easily to a grade later.

A grade of SF will be assigned to any student who stopped attending before the withdrawal deadline.

A grade of IN may be assigned to students who satisfy all of the following criteria and who initiate the request for an IN grade with the faculty member.

They must have completed at least 4 weeks of the session.

They must have a C (73%) or better in the class for completed work.

They are unable to complete the work due to extenuating circumstances.

They can provide documentation of the extenuating circumstances.

*In MATH 10031 calculators will not be used in class. In MATH 10032-10036 the extent to which calculators may be used on quizzes, tests and assignments will be determined by the instructor. Cell phones will be silent during class. * SAS (Student Accessibility Services) students will not be permitted to uses calculators for tests in 10031 as of Spring 07. The SAS office will be enforcing this policy.

Any student who feels misplaced in their current math course may contact the Course Coordinator.

Use your Flashline account in order to access your e-mail, Web for Faculty, and campus announcements. You may have your e-mail forwarded to another account, or vice versa. Course news will be sent on a regular basis to your account. Math Department news will be posted on your account.

Instructors must keep at least 5 office hours per week.

Post your name, office hours, and teaching schedule on your office door.

Please periodically check the instructor’s website and email for important news through out each of the five weeks.

To contact the coordinator use email or visit my office at 339 MSB. Avoid using the telephone.


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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