Famous Mathematician Project

Famous Mathematician ProjectWho: Students in MYP Geometry What it Means: This project will give you an introduction to the history of mathematics. Gaining a better understanding of how the mathematics that you study today first originated will help you develop an appreciation for and better understanding of the subject as a whole.What Must Be Done: Students pick a famous mathematician. You will write a summary of your findings in researching your mathematician. You will present your mathematician to the class in a creative fashion so that the class gains a clear understanding of the importance of this mathematician.When: The written portion is due on or before Oct 27, 2014. The oral presentations will be that week. The reflection is due Oct 31, 2014Assessment: IB Criterion C Assessment and as a test grade Part 1: Oral presentationThis is where you present in a medium of your choice provided it can be accessed at school. This should be a creative endeavor and not just a biography. Have fun with it! Include at least the following:The name of the mathematicianOne or more accomplishments / contributions to mathematics Place/ time period in history Presentation should be between 2-3 minutes.Part 2: Written ComponentA creative title The name of the mathematicianPhotograph or illustration of mathematician.Place and date of birth / death (if deceased), places lived during lifetime One to three accomplishments / contributions to mathematics Place in history - at least 3 major events during his or her lifetime (historic timeline) Explain the medium you chose for your presentation and why you felt this was the most appropriate format. A resource section listing a minimum of 3 websites or other sources researched.Must be a Word document and emailed to memelson@henrico.k12.va.us by the due date.REMEMBER to document your resources. Copying anything word for word is plagiarism! You must rewrite information in your own words. Part 3: ReflectionThis is an individual grade where you should reflect on your efforts, process and final product. This is also your opportunity to grade each member of the group (including yourself).The rubrics are below and will be used for your grade. Return the rubric on the day of your presentation.Student Acknowledgement: By signing this document, you are aware that each member of the group is responsible for contributing equally in the completion of this assignment and turning it in either on or before October 27, 2014. Each member hereby claims all work submitted is his/her own and has properly identified other people’s ideas. Each member also acknowledges that he/she has examined this rubric and understands the point-values assigned for each portion. Student Signatures: ____________________________Printed:Mathematician___________________________________Criterion C: CommunicatingMaximum 8Students are expected to use mathematical language when communicating mathematical ideas, reasoning and findings-both orally and in writing.This criterion examines to what extent the student is able to:Use appropriate mathematical language (notation, symbols, terminology) in both oral and written explanationsUse appropriate and different forms of mathematical representation to communicate complete, coherent and concise mathematical reasoning.Move between creative and different forms of representation with an organized logical structure.AchievementLevelDescriptorPoints awarded0The student does not reach a standard described by any of the descriptors given below.1-2The student shows limited use of mathematical language. Limited information is presented about the mathematician. Communication is delivered as a biography rather than a creative story. Student does not follow instructions completely.3-4The student shows some appropriate use of mathematical language. Adequate information is presented about the mathematician though not always organized, logical or complete. Communication is delivered somewhat confidently and adequately as a creative story. The student somewhat follows instructions.5-6The student usually uses appropriate mathematical language. Appropriate and correct information is usually presented about the mathematician in an organized, logical or complete manner. Communication is usually delivered confidently and coherently as a creative story. The student follows instructions.7-8The student consistently uses appropriate mathematical language. Appropriate and correct information is presented about the mathematician in a consistent organized, logical or complete manner. Communication is delivered confidently and coherently as a creative story. The student followed instructions.Students in the group (print)TEST GRADE: Each person in the group will receive the same grade for the written component except for the reflection and where you are graded by your group. Needs ImprovementSatisfactoryCompetentExemplary0-12 points______13-25 points______26-39 points_____40-50 points____Actual presentation.Group has minimal organization and preparation.Group is prepared and organized. Group is prepared, organized, well-spoken, and appropriately dressed.Group is prepared, organized, well-spoken, appropriately dressed, and presents a well-thought out closing.0-2 points ____3-4 points ____5-6 points ____7-8 points ____Written portion:On time.Paper is not turned in by the due date.Paper meets some of the guidelines and the due date.Paper meets most of the guidelines and the due date.Paper meets the guidelines and the due date.0-3 points ____4-6 points ____7-9 points ____10-12 points ____Mathematical ContributionsInformation not accurate, or paper only includes 0-1 mathematical rmation provided is somewhat accurate, or paper only includes 1-2 mathematical contributionInformation provided is mostly accurate, or paper only includes 1-2 mathematical contributionInformation provided is both detailed and accurate and paper includes 2-3 mathematical contributions.0-2 points ____3-5 points ____6-8 points ____9-10 points ____Research and bibliography.Has accessed no more than two websites for information, with no reference list. Not formatted correctlyHas accessed no more than two websites for information, with a reference list. Formatted correctly.Has accessed three websites for information, with a reference list. Formatted correctly.Has accessed three or more websites for information, with a complete, correctly written reference list. Formatted correctly.0-3 points ____4-6 points ____7-9 points ____10-12 points ____Reflection/ Evaluation of process.No reflection turned in or incomplete.The student attempts to reflect on the project with some explanations. The student gives grades given to group members with little justification. The student does not address improvements to the project components.The student briefly reflects on the project from beginning to end with some detailed explanations. The student attempts to justify the grades given to group members. The student suggests improvements to the project components.The student critically reflects on the project from beginning to end with detailed explanations. The student justifies the grades given to group members. The student thoughtfully suggests improvements to the project components.Peer review 0-2 points _____3-4 points _____5-6 points _____7-8 points ______Famous Mathematician Project – ReflectionYour Name:Mathematician:Each member of the group should answer this separately in a Word document and emailed to memelson@henrico.k12.va.us by the due date (Oct 31).Reflect on the process you used to research and present your mathematician to the class. Some of the following may be included used as a guide: Did you have enough time to research and to plan your presentation? Was the mathematician a good choice and easy to research? Were the instructions clear? Did the group work well together? Did everyone contribute equally or fairly? Did you spend your time wisely? Did you rehearse so that you could be well-prepared? If you chose to work alone, reflect if this was a wise choice and why.List everyone in your group including yourself and rate each using the following rubric. If you worked alone then you should grade yourself. The average of all the ratings is the grade earned.Group memberPoints awardedDid minimal work with the group 0-2 pointsHelped somewhat with research, the paper and presentation 3-4 pointsHelped adequately with research, helped to write or edit the paper and presentation 5-6 pointsWas a valuable member of the team and worked on all aspects of the project. 7-8 pointsReflection: ................

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