Mathematics Resources for Teachers, Parents and Learners ...

This a FREE Mathematics ebook for grade 7-9 learners and their parents/educators


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Mathematics Resources for Teachers, Parents and Learners (in Grade 7, 8 and 9)

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A FREE ebook

by Lourens Breytenbach B Ed (Hons)

"It is my mission and passion to help parents and teachers to help their kids to do BETTER in Maths ... worldwide!"

This ebook contains more than 60 pages of useful articles, tests and worksheets (with fully worked out solutions and answers) that will help YOU as a teacher, parent or learner to get better results in MATHS! You are allowed to download, print and distribute this ebook in any way you see fit. Please feel free to share it with your friends, children, colleagues, family and other learners.



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Copyright ?

Compiled by Lourens Breytenbach

p. 1

This a FREE Mathematics ebook for grade 7-9 learners and their parents/educators





2. Disclaimer with Terms & Conditions


3. How smart are you?


A fun test to check how "clever" you REALLY are ...

4. How to fail MATHS


An article to help you understand what NOT to do

5. 10 secrets to get 10% more


An article about some easy ways to do better in Maths

6. 10 Mistakes parents make


Your kid is too nice to tell you this!

7. Links to some cool webpages


8. FREE WORKSHEETS, tests and study sheets


9. Answers to worksheets and tests


10. Final words


Copyright ?

Compiled by Lourens Breytenbach

p. 2

This a FREE Mathematics ebook for grade 7-9 learners and their parents/educators


This FREE ebook is the promotional version for the series of Worksheet Packages that are available on the website. Our goal is to help mathematics learners all over the globe succeed.

The idea is to help kids do better and also to have more fun while they are learning. Teachers and parents need worksheets that their kids can DO. And this is was we offer. Everyone loves math ... but only if they get it!


This ebook has been created to inspire teachers to work (even) harder, to motivate parents to get more involved with their kids' learning and also help teenagers to start liking maths again!

But it all revolves around the QUALITY of the learning material that these kids are using. Our secret is that kids can SEE the correct version of a worksheet that they attempted to do themselves.

So, let's get to work! Please enjoy each page. Remember Maths is still the ONE subject that opens doors in this world. Most professions require Mathematics. Let's open those doors of opportunity! Remember kids, you don't have to get full marks all the time ? you just have to work VERY hard to get the best results that YOU are capable of.

Make sure you like us on FACEBOOK

Copyright ?

Compiled by Lourens Breytenbach

p. 3

This a FREE Mathematics ebook for grade 7-9 learners and their parents/educators

2. Disclaimer with Terms & Conditions


1. The learning material in this ebook may not be sold or repackaged as part of some product or service. All materials are copyrighted by and Lourens Breytenbach. You are however allowed to print, copy and reproduce or share this ebook for free. Please allow the name of our website and the author to stay in tact.

2. Always remember to consult your child's teacher before making any decisions about his/her learning process. This resource does not guarantee any improvement in any learner's academic performance. A student's results will usually only improve through consistent hard work under the guidance of a professionally trained educator.

3. This publication contains articles that contain tips, advice and recommendations for parents, teachers and learners. These ideas are NOT based on research but on experience. My aim here is not to present information that is scientifically proven. Everything offered here is simply my own work; my own opinion. There is enough info out there to keep you reading for a lifetime and you might STILL not find the perfect piece of advice for your specific problem. My work is based on my own experience and although I recently completed my Honours degree in Educational Management through UNISA, I still believe that simple COMMON SENSE is our best guide to what works. 20 years of experience has taught me this much.

4. This ebook is NOT a TEXTBOOK. It is simply a pack of worksheets and articles that I have compiled myself. I do have some knowledge about the curriculum in SA (CAPS) as well as those in the UK and the USA but I am not an expert on all the requirements of all the syllabi in all countries. I have based my worksheets on the South African Mathematics syllabus. Please understand that this resource and others that we offer on our website will not cover the complete learning programme of any country.

5. Please forgive and report language and mathematical errors if you find any on our website or in one of our texts. I plan to update and improve the site as well as our products continually.

6. This ebook is only available as a digital download. It is distributed as a .pdf file ONLY.

7. I will appreciate any and all feedback, suggestions and contributions. This is a relatively new project and it can only improve through your feedback. Please feel free to contact us at .

8. This ebook will be updated frequently. Please visit our website at for the newest version. THANK YOU!

Copyright ?

Compiled by Lourens Breytenbach

p. 4

This a FREE Mathematics ebook for grade 7-9 learners and their parents/educators


3. How "smart" are you?

This "test" or "quiz" contains 20 quick questions to see if you know your mathematical stuff!

This is simply a fun test for everyone ? both young and old!

Grab a pen and let's see what you know ...

The answers (with a short discussion) will follow after the test.

Quick RULES: NO CALCULATORS ALLOWED !!! NO PHONES allowed !!! YOU may NOT GOOGLE !!! Do this on YOUR OWN !!!

BTW: There are NO "trick questions" ... You can work it out with simple math skills!

Are you READY ....

Copyright ?

Compiled by Lourens Breytenbach

p. 5


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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