PDF YEAR 7 MATHEMATICS TIME: 1h 30min Main Paper

[Pages:8]DEPARTMENT FOR CURRICULUM, RESEARCH, INNOVATION AND LIFELONG LEARNING Directorate for Learning and Assessment Programmes Educational Assessment Unit

Annual Examinations for Middle Schools 2018



LEVELS 6 ? 7

TIME: 1h 30min

Question 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11




Total Non Global Main Calc Mark



Name: _______________________________

Class: _______________

Calculators are allowed but all necessary working must be shown. Answer all questions.

1. a) List all the factors of 27.

Ans: _____, _____, _____, _____

b) Circle the prime numbers from: 15, 21, 3, 18, 1, 29, 45, 33

(4 marks)

2. Yan puts 9 apples, 7 pears and 5 oranges in a bag. He picks a fruit at random. Work out the probability that Yan picks:

a) an apple b) a pear or an orange c) a banana d) an apple or a pear or an orange

Ans: __________ Ans: __________ Ans: __________ Ans: __________

(4 marks)

Mathematics ? Main Paper ? Year 7 ? L6 to L7 ? 2018

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3. Match:


It has 3 equal sides and 3 equal angles


It has 2 pairs of opposite equal angles and 2 pairs of equal and parallel sides

c) Regular Quadrilateral

d) It has 8 sides

e) It has 6 faces


Equilateral Triangle Octagon Cube Parallelogram

4. a) (i) Write the number in figures.

(5 marks) Two thousand and eight = __________

(ii) Round to the nearest 100.

789 __________

(iii) Round to the nearest 10.

153 __________

(iv) Round to the nearest unit.

282.17 _________

(v) Round to 2 d.p.

498.0302 __________

b) Melissa has 9 skirts and 15 pairs of trousers. Write the ratio of skirts to pairs of trousers. Simplify your answer.

Ans: __________ (7 marks)

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Mathematics ? Main Paper ? Year 7 ? L6 to L7 ? 2018

Name: ______________________________

Class: _________

LEVELS 6 ? 7

5. Use the calendar of August 2018 given below to answer the following questions.

a) How many whole weeks does August 2018 have?

Ans: __________

b) Michael will start his football training on the second Monday of the month. Write

the date of his first day of training.

Ans: __________________________

c) In August, Michael goes to the beach every Sunday. How many times will Michael

go to the beach?

Ans: __________

d) Clara celebrates her birthday on the 21st August. On which day of the week is

her birthday?

Ans: __________________________

(4 marks)

6. a) Jake has some cows on his farm. Each cow gives him 2.5 litres of milk daily.

(i) Fill in: Litres of milk daily = ________ litres ? number of cows (ii) Calculate the litres of milk Jake gets each day from 18 cows.

b) Evaluate h2 ? (h 4) when h = 12.

Ans: ________litres

Mathematics ? Main Paper ? Year 7 ? L6 to L7 ? 2018

Ans: ________ (6 marks)

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7. Ben thinks of a number. He multiplies the number by 9. Then he adds 17. Write an expression to show his working.

8. a) Write the equation shown on the balance.

Ans: __________ (2 marks)

b) Solve the equation.

Ans: ____________________

9. a) Fill in.

Ans: __________ (2 marks)

Solid Cuboid


Faces Edges Vertices

b) The shape is made up of cuboid F and cube G. Find the volume of the shape.

4 cm



8 cm

Diagram not to scale

5 cm 7 cm

Ans: ________cm3 (7 marks)

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Mathematics ? Main Paper ? Year 7 ? L6 to L7 ? 2018

10. a) Find the perimeter of:

12 cm

Diagram not to scale

b) The area of a field is calculated in (mm2, m2, cm2).

Ans: ________cm

c) Find the area of the shapes below. Each square is 1 cm2.



Mathematics ? Main Paper ? Year 7 ? L6 to L7 ? 2018

Ans: Shape K = ________ cm2 Shape L = ________ cm2 Shape M = ________cm2 (7 marks)

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11. a) Use ruler and compasses only. (i) Mark point G on the line, 7.3 cm away from point F. (ii) Construct an angle of 60 at F.


b) Using a protractor, draw an angle of 46 at G. c) Join to form FGH. d) Measure GH. e) Triangle FGH is called ________________ triangle.

f) Measure angle FHG.

Ans: __________cm

? Ans: _________

12. a) Draw and label an angle of 145.

(7 marks)

b) The angle of 145? is (acute, obtuse, reflex).

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Mathematics ? Main Paper ? Year 7 ? L6 to L7 ? 2018

c) Find the sizes of the angles marked with letters.


132 c


b = ______

b e

Diagram not to scale

c = 48 Underline the correct reason.

(angles on a straight line, vertically opposite angles, corresponding angles)

d = ______

Explain why angle e = 42 ___________________________________


(10 marks)

13. a) Fill in the frequency table.

12, 17, 13, 13, 12, 17, 15, 12, 12, 17

Age 12 13 15 17


Frequency 10

b) Work out the mean.

c) What is the mode?

Mathematics ? Main Paper ? Year 7 ? L6 to L7 ? 2018

Mean = __________

Mode = __________ (5 marks)

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14. Use this graph to answer the following questions. y


8 7

6 5

4 B


2 A


-1 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8



a) Write the co-ordinates of point A = ____________ and point B = ____________.

b) Plot point C(4, 8). Join the three points.

c) Point D is on the same line with co-ordinates (7, _____).

d) The equation of the plotted line is:

y = x + 2

y = x ? 2

y = 2x

(5 marks)

End of Examination

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Mathematics ? Main Paper ? Year 7 ? L6 to L7 ? 2018


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