Lesson plan : Structures

Lesson plan : Structures

Learning Area: Technology Grade 7

TERM: 1/2006


Time in hours: 16 Hours contact time

8 Hours non-contact time

|CORE KNOWLEDGE and concepts: |

|Demonstrates knowledge and understanding of structures in terms of: |

|• specific properties and use of materials - water resistance, thermal insulation, fire resistance |

|• stability - base size, centre of gravity |

|• strengthening - reinforcing |

|• joining techniques. |

| |

|2D nets and 3D shapes |

|LINKS with previous lesson: |LINKS with next lesson: |

|Baseline assessment: | |

|Different types of structures | |

|Communication | |

|Special needs of learners: expanded opportunities |

|Reading |

|Writing |

|Numeracy |

|ACTIVITIES |Activity 1 |Activity 2 |

|LOs and ASs focused on this | LO 2 Structures | |

|activity | | |

|Integration: other Los and Ass |LO 2 Processing | |

|enriching this activity | | |

|Short description of activity. |Revision of previous grade’s work |Introduction to lesson activities. |

|Detail in module |questi |Discussion requirements of drawings, building models, back|

| | |ground of problem. Identifying problems |

| | | |

| | | |

|Time allocation per activity |30 minutes |80 minutes |

|Resources |Module, pen and work book |Equipment like:…………….. |

|Teaching style |Questions and answers |Hypothesis, planning, conducting, building, tutoring |

|Assessment that will be |Base line |Checklist |

|recorded |Educator assessment |Project |

| |Project | |

|Teacher reflection for future |Record gaps in learners knowledge. Discuss with previous |Strong points: |

|use |teacher | |

| | |Improvements suggested: |

|ACTIVITIES |Activity 3 |Activity 4 |

|LOs and Ass focused on this | | |

|activity | | |

|Integration: other Los and Ass |Maths 7.2.3 EMS 7.3.2 |Maths 7.2.3 EMS 7.3.2 |

|enriching this activity |NS Life 7.2.2 Technology 7.2.2 |NS Life 7.2.2 Technology 7.2.2 |

|Short description of activity. |Learners are a factory. Imitate what they will do. | |

|Detail in module | | |

| | | |

| | | |

| | | |

|Time allocation per activity |20 minutes | |

|Resources |Imagination |Research materials |

| | |Different resources |

|Teaching style |Role play |Teaching how to do research work from different resources |

|Assessment that will be |Checklist |Checklist |

|recorded |Project |Project |

| |Written assignment |Practical work |

| | |Sketching |

| | |Models |

| | | |

|Teacher reflection for future |Did learners enjoy the lesson? |Problems experienced by learners |

|use | | |

| | | |

| | | |

|ACTIVITIES |Activity 5 |Activity 6 |

|LOs and Ass focused on this | | |

|activity | | |

|Integration: other Los and Ass |Maths 7.2.3 EMS 7.3.2 |Maths 7.2.3 EMS 7.3.2 |

|enriching this activity |NS Life 7.2.2 Technology 7.2.2 |NS Life 7.2.2 Technology 7.2.2 |

|Short description of activity. | | |

|Detail in module | | |

| | | |

| | | |

| | | |

| | | |

|Time allocation per activity | | |

|Resources | | |

| | | |

|Teaching style | | |

| | | |

|Assessment that will be |Checklist |Checklist |

|recorded |Project |Practical work |

| |Practical work | |

| | | |

|Teacher reflection for future | | |

|use | | |

| | | |


❑ Assessment scale

❑ Analytical rubric

❑ Holistic rubric

❑ Memorandum


❑ Educator

❑ Learner/self

❑ Peer

❑ Group

Homework tasks-

Learning strategies-

❑ Visual

❑ Auditory

❑ Kinaestetic-Tactile

❑ Individual

❑ Group work

❑ Speech

Barriers to learning-

Teacher guide:

This checklist should be used to keep track of concepts covered during every session of the entire course.



|GR. |

|At the end of this module learners should: |

|Completed and handed in all tasks for assessment. |

|Be able to explain the core knowledge pertaining to structures. |

|Handle materials accurately and though the correct processes. |

|To accurately work through the design requirements. |

|Be able to apply communication applications when working with different structures. |

|Have compiled a project portfolio communicating the Design Process. |

|Have solved a problem with structure as context. |

STRUCTURES- Baseline assessment

[pic] [pic]


Types of structures:

You have the following resources:





1. Mould a piece of clay into a cube.

2. Now convert your cube into a dice.

3. Now complete the drawing as require below.

Make a realistic 3D sketch of your dice. (COMMUNICATION)

“Remember that you must be able to see three surfaces of the dice”

Write the following examples of structures under the correct heading in the table:

Skeleton ; flower; dice; chair; chocolate slab; cube; Eiffel tower; ball; spectacles

|Shell |Frame |Solid |

| | | |

| | | |

| | | |


[pic] [pic]


Types of structures:

You have the following resources:





1. Mould a piece of clay into a cube.

2. Now convert your cube into a dice.

3. Now complete the drawing as require below.

Make a realistic 3D sketch of your dice. (COMMUNICATION)

“Remember that you must be able to see three surfaces of the dice”

Possible solutions-


Write the following examples of structures under the correct heading in the table:

Skeleton ; flower; dice; chair; chocolate slab; cube; Eiffel tower; ball; spectacles

|Shell |Frame |Solid |

|Chair |Skeleton |Dice |

|Eiffel tower |Flower |Chocolate slab |

|Cube |Spectacles |Cube |

|Ball | | |


You have been invited by the school to enter a boat building exhibition. You will however have to partner with four other learners in your class for this exhibition. The selection process of your other partners will be done by your educator. The boat that your group produces must be stable, water resistant, and durable, be able to withstand forces and it must be solidly constructed.

You will construct a scale model of the boat. You will initially develop your own ideas and then share it with the group, the group as a whole will then select a suitable design. The whole group will be then engage in the making of the boat.


• This is a paper-base project, use only:

o recycled material, e.g. thin card, corrugated card, laminated card

• Scale of the model: 1:10

• Test procedure:

o The boat will be placed on a smooth surface and wind energy will be used to determine which boat meets all the specifications.

List the specifications as described in your scenario:

This is how you will be assessed:

Process Evaluation:

|Area |4 |3 |2 |1 |

|DESIGN: Possible idea of product |Variety (three or more) of |Two or more possible ideas |At least two simple ideas |Very limited or no possible|

| |possible and relevant ideas|produced, showing a grasp |are produced. |ideas presented. |

| |produced, showing progress |of the problem. | | |

| |and understanding of the | | | |

| |problem. | | | |

|FINAL DESIGN OF PRODUCT |Detailed and various types |Various types of drawings, |Very elementary designs, |No final designs are |

| |of drawings are produced, |showing various views with |showing views, with few |present. |

| |showing various views with |labels and notes, including|labels and notes and an | |

| |detailed and appropriate |measurements, materials and|attempted 3D drawing of the| |

| |labels and notes, including|a 3D drawing of the |product. | |

| |measurements, materials and|finished product. | | |

| |methods of joining, | | | |

| |including accurate 3D | | | |

| |drawings of finished | | | |

| |product. | | | |

|MAKE: Planning and making |Detailed and exact list of |List of main assembly |Basic list of assembly |Very brief or no assembly |

| |assembly instructions for |instructions for product, |instructions, no time |instructions. |

| |the product including |no time management. |management. | |

| |accurate time management. | | | |

|MAKE: Tool and material list |Separate, accurate lists |Separate lists, lacking |Combined lists, some |Very brief lacking most |

| |including exact material |some detail, some material |quantities provided. |detail or no lists |

| |quantities provided. |quantities provided. | |provided. |

|WORKMANSHIP on finished product |Product is of outstanding |Product is of good quality,|Product produced could be |Incomplete or no product |

| |quality, showing accurate |showing ability of skills |better, attempted to show |submitted. |

| |proficiency of skills used |used to produce and solve |understanding of the skills| |

| |to produce and solve the |the problem. |taught, neat but could be | |

| |problem posed effectively. | |more stable. | |

|THE FINAL PRODUCT IN RELATION TO |Accurate and direct |Correlation between the |Limited correlation between|No correlation between the |

|THE FINAL DESIGN |correlation between the |final product and final |final product and final |final product and final |

| |final product and the final|design, no record of |design. |design. |

| |design. |changes. | | |

|EVALUATION AND MODIFICATION |Detailed evaluations, |Evaluation presented, |Limited evaluation of some |No evaluation carried out. |

|SUGGESTIONS |making justifications and |making suggestions in most |areas. | |

| |suggestions in all areas. |areas. | | |

|TESTING OF THE PRODUCT |Devised and explained |Devised two or more test, |Devised and conducted one |No test carried out or a |

| |various relevant test, |conducted the test and |test and recorded the |test carried out but no |

| |conducted them and recorded|recorded the results, but |results. |results are recorded. |

| |the results accurately and |could have been more | | |

| |logically. |detailed. | | |

|RECORD OF WORK |Accurate, relevant, logical|Neat portfolio that records|Portfolio indicating |Incomplete or inaccurate |

| |and neat portfolio that |most parts of the |evidence of the |portfolio. |

| |record the Technological |Technological process in |Technological process, but | |

| |process in detail. |detail. |not in detail. | |

|Totals | |

|Comments: |

| |

| |

You will now engage in the design process:

Activity 2 – individual activity


Learners will be:

Able to join different materials and other methods of joining

Joining Straws

One straw creased and inserted into another

Flattened and glued

Pipe cleaner

Sleeve glued around joint

Sticky tape

Joining straws at angles

A drinking straw

Plastic tubing

Threaded and tied

Pipe cleaner

Straws split to fit round then glued

Straw flattened, wrapped around and glued

Glued to card

Ends of straws flattened and glued

Joining thin sectioned pieces of wood

Card triangles can be used to make joints

Card strips can be used to make joints

(Use wood glue)

Elastic bands or string can be used to make joints

TOP card

1. Make two frames (top and base).

Glue corners on both sides of

Frames. Bend large card

Corners around frame

And glue







2. Position struts in one frame and glue. Then position top frame on the glue.

3. Glue card to enclose

4. sides

Glue sides

Make a frame from tubes - make sure it is stable so that it won’t fall over and so that it will keep its shape tent shaped? Box shaped?

Plastic over a triangular


Activity 3

This is a group activity.

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STUDENT ___________________________________

Some materials are waterproof. A material is waterproof when it will not allow the molecules of water to enter its structure. Some materials are water-resistant. Other materials are very absorbent, which means that they allow water to enter them. Bricks, clay and paper absorb water easily.

Test for water repellence.

You need:

➢ Eye dropper/ clothes sprinkler

➢ Jam bottle

➢ Elastic band

➢ Jug/jar of water

➢ Samples of fabric( cotton, linen, felt, wool, nylon, plastic coated material, leather)

Do the following:

➢ Stretch the fabric over the bottle and secure it with the elastic band.

➢ Drop or sprinkle water gently onto the fabric

➢ Carefully watch what happens.

➢ Write down your results in a the table

|Type of material |Number of seconds |Stays on top of material |Vanishes into material |Drips into jar |

| | | | | |

| | | | | |

| | | | | |

| | | | | |

Complete the following sentence:

If water forms tiny …………………….. and rolls off without …………………………... the fabric, you can consider the fabric to be (water-repellent, drops, penetrating)



|Practical work: |4 |3 |2 |1 |

|I demonstrated effective group work skills | | | | |

|We completed our task punctually | | | | |

|I used the resources and tools responsibly | | | | |

Key: 4- Excellent work

3- Good work

2- Needs improvement

1- Poor attempt


|Clothing |Home textiles |Crockery |Cutlery |Vehicles |

| | | | | |

| | | | | |

| | | | | |

| | | | | |

Activity 4

Group activity

[pic][pic][pic] [pic]


Thermal insulation is made of materials that do not allow heat to travel through them easily. Many animals like mammals and birds have a layer of fat beneath their skin. This layer of fat insulates them and helps them to retain body heat. Fat is good insulator. Animals also have fur or feathers that are good insulators. The body heat of the birds warms the air and keeps the birds warm. Air is a good insulator. Fur and feathers allow a lot of air to be trapped in them. They all are excellent insulators but poor conductors of heat. Wool, wood, clay, and plastic all trap air too, making suitable as insulators.

People need good insulating materials to prevent heat loss, for example, in clothing and in buildings in cold parts of our country and cold countries around the world. People also need to insulate rockets and space shuttles against heat.


You need:

➢ Rubber bands

➢ Boiling water

➢ Newspaper (layered)

➢ Thin cotton

➢ Thick woolly material

➢ Glass jars with lid

➢ Thermometer.

Do the following:

➢ Wrap one empty jar in newspaper, wrap another in thin cotton and wrap another in one thick woolly material.

➢ Fix the layers of insulation material with two rubber bands.

➢ Fill the jars with equal amounts of boiling water from the same kettle.

➢ Fill an extra uncovered jar with boiling water.

➢ Place the jars on a table, slightly apart from each other.

➢ Leave for fifteen minutes. Use the thermometer to measure the water temperature in each can.

Complete the table:

|Type of insulator |Temperature after 15 minutes |Temperature after 30 minutes |

|None | | |

|Newspaper | | |

|Thin cotton | | |

|Thick woolly fabric. | | |

Which material works best as an insulator? ………………………………………..



|Practical work: |4 |3 |2 |1 |

|I demonstrated effective group work skills | | | | |

|We completed our task punctually | | | | |

|I used the resources and tools responsibly | | | | |

Key: 4- Excellent work

3- Good work

2- Needs improvement

1- Poor attempt

Investigate the following

o Identify the fabric on labels of clothing and other textiles such as sleeping bags, blankets and curtains to find out which one are made of wool.

|Article |Fabric |

| | |

| | |

| | |

| | |

Look in newspapers and magazines or leaflets for advertisements for materials that are used as insulators in buildings. Cut the advert out and stick them in the space provided. Write clear labels or explanatory notes to use these materials.

Activity 5

Group activity

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Materials that are used in buildings need to be fire –resistant or flame- resistant. Some natural fibres, like hemp, are naturally fire-resistant. Artificial fibres, like hemp, are naturally fire-resistant. Artificial fibres are not as fire-resistant as natural fibres. But it is possible to various things, such as water soluble compounds, insoluble salts, oils, waxes or resins. These products include flame retardants and substances that react with the fibres and change them. The fibres become flame-resistant. The application of a flame-retardent finish usually makes usually makes a textile more expensive, so the consumer must decide whether the finish is important enough to warrant the extra expense.


You need:

➢ a pair of tongs

➢ matches

➢ equal sized material or woolen fabric

➢ pure cotton fabric

➢ plastic

➢ paper and aluminum foil

➢ metal tray (old baking dish) with some sand in it

What to do:

➢ Hold the first material with pair of tongs.

➢ Place a lighted match at the lower edge of the material until the material appears to flame.

➢ Remove the match and put the match in the sand tray. Observe the behaviour of the material.

➢ Complete the following sentence by using words in brackets

(resistant flame, fabric)

If the …………………………….. extinguishes itself ,the ………………

Is flame ………………… to some degree.

Complete the table:

|Type of fibre |Animal,pla|Does it |Colour of |Speed at |

| |nt, |burn or |the flame |which it |

| |mineral or|melt. | |burns |

| |artificial| | | |

|I demonstrated effective group work skills | | | | |

|We completed our task punctually | | | | |

|I used the resources and tools responsibly | | | | |

Key: 4- Excellent work

3- Good work

2- Needs improvement

1- Poor attempt

Activity 6

Group activity

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Strengthening Beams

ACTIVITY: Make reinforced concrete beams

What you need:

• Plaster of Paris

• Wire

• Water

• Plaster

• Cardboard (alternative)

1.Read the information about strengthening structures.

2. Make two structures known as moulds from the plastic.

3. Score and fold the plastic along the broken lines.

4. Mix the Plaster of Paris.

5. Pour it into moulds.

6. Reinforce one of them with wire.

7. Allow to dry.

8. Test the strength of both beams and complete the following table.


|Beam A |Beam B |

| | |

| | |

| | |

| | |

| | |

| | |

| | |

What happens with Beam A?


What happens with Beam B?


What is your conclusion?





|An appropriate process has been used to cut, join, shape | | |

|An appropriate material is selected | | |

|The appropriate selection of tools and equipment was made. | | |

|The tools were used safely | | |

|The beam is neatly finished off. | | |


Originally all beams were made of solid material. This made heavy and expensive. Engineers prefer beams that are strong enough to do the job, but weigh as little as possible. This gives them a better strength- to –weight ratio. Engineers changed the cross-section of beams to achieve their goal. Now they use beams that are shaped in special


Structures can be made stable by:

• increasing the size of the base.

• Increasing the mass of the base or by laying deep and heavy foundations

• Anchoring the structure with guy ropes or stays.

• Increasing the mass of the structure.


Activity 6

Group activity

[pic][pic][pic] [pic]


1. Prepare the model.

*Find a long cardboard box, such as spaghetti box or an aluminum foil box.

*Cut a 150 mm square of hardboard or thin plywood or thick corrugated card.

* Use packaging tape to fix the box to the board, cut it and tape one end to the top of the box.

2. Test the stability of the model.

• Put the model on a table.

• Tape another piece of board to the table to stop the model from slipping.

• Tie a knot at the free end of the cut elastic band.

• Pull lightly up the slack on the elastic band.

• Measure the length of the unstretched elastic band from the box to the knot.

• Pull on the elastic band, gradually increasing force.

• When the structure begins to topple, measure the length of the stretched elastic band.

3. Increase the stability of the structure by making the changes described in a –d

a) Change the size of the base.

b) Change the mass of the base.

c) Change the mass of the structure.

d) Anchor the structure

Based on your newly acquired knowledge and previous knowledge complete the project portfolio under the following headings, remember your specifications as set out in the first activity


➢ Possible solutions (options) sketched.

Group selected idea:

DEVELOPMENT of selected idea

➢ 3D Drawing : Rendered and with dimensions clearly indicated.






• The process

• The product

Activity 7

Group activity

[pic][pic][pic] [pic]

Development of your ideas

You have been introduced to 2D (two dimensional) and 3D (three dimensional) objects. Let’s explore these concepts.

Work with a partner and use the following 2D net to construct one of the 3D shapes:

1. Cut the 6 shapes from the card template and divide the pieces between two partners. You will each be making your own model from 3 separate pieces.

2. Identify the fold lines and use the side panels as an outline (guide) to help you to distinguish between hill and valley folds.

3. Assemble your model by pasting the panels together.

Now compare the two models and complete the table:


|Use your ruler to measure the model and write the dimensions on the|Use your ruler to measure the model and write the dimensions on the|

|true shape: |true shape: |

| | |

| | |

| | |

| | |

| | |

| | |

|2D |2D |

| | |

| | |

| | |

| | |

|Circumference = |Circumference = |

| | |

|Area = |Area = |

| | |

|Cover this area with square tiles. |Cover this area with square tiles. |

| | |

| | |

| | |

| | |

| | |

| | |

| | |

| | |

| | |

| | |

|Least amount of tiles needed: | |

|Dimensions of one tile: |Least amount of tiles needed: |

| |Dimensions of one tile: |



2D Nets Courtesy of TABS

Now we are ready to draw the object from a variety of angles and add realism to these drawings


From: Lonsdale School Revision Guides



❑ Work in groups of 4 members to create this 3D Puzzle.

❑ Each member will construct a cube from a 2D net as part of the team’s resources.

❑ The cubes in each group will be coloured the same (6 different colours each).

❑ IEach group will perform one of the challenges in the grid below.

❑ The duration of the activity will be timed and the process will be assessed according to the attached rubric.

Remember to colour your challenge exactly the same as your cubes.



|4 Excellent |3 Good |2 Fair |1 Inadequate |

|Very well organised. |Organised. |Fairly organised. |Unorganised. |

|Excellent teamwork. |Good teamwork. |Lacks teamwork. |Disfunctional. |

|Completed task ahead |Completed task within allotted |Barely managed within allotted |Incomplete/ Needs more time. |

|of allotted time. |time. |time. | |




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