Al Mushrif School Grade 2 Homework

Al Mushrif School Grade 2 Homework

March 9th-13th , 2014

|Thursday |Wednesday |Tuesday |Monday |Sunday |المواد التعليمية |

| | | | | |Subjects |

|Spelling Test: mean, clean, dream, |Reading Time Volume C: finish all |Reading Time Volume C: finish all stories |Reading Time Volume C: finish all |Reading Time Volume C: finish all |الإنجليزي |

|beach, team, length, weight, height, |stories | |stories |stories |English |

|temperature, distance | |Practice spelling | | | |

| |Spelling test tomorrow! | |Practice spelling | | |

| |Read, write, cover, check | | | | |

| | | | | | |

|Make sure all math worksheets are | | check math books for assigned |الرياضيات |

|completed! | |arlymath/on_time_game1.htm |pages |ams/jams/math/measurement/|Math |

| | | | |m | |

| | Please check your child’s bag for homework| |العلوم |

| |ce/physical_processes/light_shadows/pla|books! |e.htm | |Science |

| |y/ | | | | |

Vocabulary Words: biography , birthdate , legend , hero , famous

Spelling Words: mean, clean, dream, beach, team, length, weight, height, temperature, distance

Dear Parents, this week we continue our four-week unit on “Biographies”. Last week we learned the difference between a “hero” and a “legend”. We wrote information about ourselves so we may understand how to write a biography.

In maths, we are learning how to tell time, and measure weight.

In science, we will learn about shadows

Please make sure your child brings back all reading assignments and completed homework by Thursday. Thank you!

Check us out on the internet!


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