Introduction to Machine Learning and Deep Learning - MathWorks

ο»ΏIntroduction to Machine Learning and Deep Learning

Conor Daly

? 2015 The MathWorks, Inc1.

Machine learning in action

CamVid Dataset

1. Segmentation and Recognition Using Structure from Motion Point Clouds, ECCV 2008

2. Semantic Object Classes in Video: A High-Definition Ground Truth Database, Pattern Recognition Letters


Machine learning is everywhere

Image recognition


Speech recognition

Stock prediction

Medical diagnosis

Predictive maintenance

Language translation

and more...



1. Machine learning ? predictive maintenance 2. Deep learning ? build a digits classifier 3. Predictive maintenance revisited ? a deep learning approach


What is machine learning?

Machine learning uses data and produces a model to perform a task

Standard Approach

Computer Program

long medium short

Hand Written Program

If X > 0.5 then "LONG"

If Y < 4 and Z > 5 then "MEDIUM" ...

Formula or Equation

health = 1


+ 2 ...

+ 3

Machine Learning Approach

Machine Learning

long medium short

: Predictors Response

= < >(_, )



In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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