1. - Gogte Institute of Technology

Forth Semester (Regular)S.No.Course CodeCourseContact HoursTotal Contact Hours/weekTotal creditsMarksL – T - PCIESEETotal1.16MATEE41Partial Differential Equations Sampling Techniques and TransformsBS3– 1 - 04350501002.16EE42Electrical Power Generation Transmission and DistributionPC14– 0 - 04450501003.16EE43Synchronous & Induction MachinesPC24 –0 - 04450501004.16EE44Control SystemsPC34– 0 - 04450501005.16EE45Signals System and ProcessingPC53 –1 - 04450501006.16EEL46Linear IC's & Applications labL10 – 0 – 3322525507.16EEL47Electrical Machines LabL20 – 0 – 3322525508.16EEL48Signal Processing labL30 – 0 – 222252550Total2825325325650* SEE: SEE (Theory exam) will be conducted for 100marks of 3 hours duration. It is reduced to 50 marks for the calculationForth Semester (Diploma)S.No.Course CodeCourseContact HoursTotal Contact Hours/weekTotal creditsMarksL – T - PCIESEETotal1.16DIPMATM41Vector Calculus, Laplace Transforms and Probability(Mech,Civ, E&C, E&E)BS3– 1 - 04350501002.16EE42Electrical Power Generation Transmission and DistributionPC14– 0 - 04450501003.16EE43Synchronous & Induction MachinesPC24 –0 - 04450501004.16EE44Control SystemsPC34– 0 - 04450501005.16EE45Signals System and ProcessingPC53 –1 - 04450501006.16EEL46Linear IC's & Applications labL10 – 0 – 3322525507.16EEL47Electrical Machines LabL20 – 0 – 3322525508.16EEL48Signal Processing labL30 – 0 – 222252550Total2825325325650* SEE: SEE (Theory exam) will be conducted for 100marks of 3 hours duration. It is reduced to 50 marks for the calculationPARTIAL DIFFERENTIAL EQUATIONS, SAMPLING TECHNIQUES AND TRANSFORMSCourse Code16MATEE41Credits4Course typeBSCIE Marks50 marksHours/week: L-T-P3-1-0SEE Marks50 marksTotal Hours:40SEE Duration3 Hours for 100 MarksCourse learning objectivesStudents should1.Learn the concept of interpolation and use appropriately.2.Understand the concept of partial differential equations. 3.Apply partial differential equations to solve practical problems.4.Get acquainted with sampling distribution and testing of hypothesis.5.Study the concept of Z-transforms and its applications.Pre-requisites :Partial differentiation.Basic probability, probability distribution.Basic integration.Unit – I 8 HoursFinite Differences and Interpolation: Forward and backward differences, Newton’s forward and backward interpolation formulae, Divided difference, Newton’s divided difference formula (without proof). Lagrange’s interpolation formula. Illustrative examples. Numerical integration: Newton-Cotes quadrature formula, Trapezoidal rule, Simpsons 1/3rd rule, Simpsons 3/8th rule, Weddle’s rule. Practical examples.Unit – II8 HoursPartial Differential Equations: Partial differential equations-formation of PDE by elimination of arbitrary constants and functions, solution of non homogeneous PDE by direct integration, solution of homogeneous PDE involving derivative with respect to one independent variable only.Unit – III8 HoursApplications of Partial Differential Equations: Derivation of one dimensional Heat and Wave equations. Solutions of one dimensional Heat and Wave equations, Two dimensional Laplace equations by the method of separation of variables. Numerical solution of one dimensional Heat and Wave equations, Two dimensional Laplace equation by finite differences.Unit – IV8 HoursSampling Distribution and Testing of Hypothesis: Sampling, sampling distribution, sampling distribution of means, Level of significance and confidence limits, Tests of significance for small and large samples. ‘t’ and ‘chi square’ distributions. Practical examples.Unit – V8 HoursZ-Transform: Definition, Standard Z-transforms, Linearity, Damping rule, Shifting properties, Initial and final value theorems-examples. Inverse Z-transforms and solution of difference equations by Z-transforms. BooksText Books:1.B.S. Grewal – Higher Engineering Mathematics, Khanna Publishers, 42nd Edition, 2012 and onwards.2.P. N. Wartikar & J. N. Wartikar – Applied Mathematics (Volume I and II) Pune Vidyarthi Griha Prakashan, 7th Edition 1994 and onwards.3.B. V. Ramana - Higher Engineering Mathematics, Tata McGraw-Hill Education Private Limited, Tenth reprint 2010 and onwards.Reference Books:1.Peter V. O’ Neil – Advanced Engineering Mathematics, Thomson Brooks/Cole, 7th Edition, 2011 and onwards. 2. Glyn James – Advanced Modern Engineering Mathematics, Pearson Education, 4th Edition, 2010 and onwards.Course Outcome (COs) At the end of the course, the student will be able to Bloom’s Level1.Use finite differences in interpolation.L32.Form and solve partial differential equations.L2,L33.Develop Heat, Wave equations. L34.Partial differential equations to solve practical problems.L35.Test the hypothesis and solve problems related to them.L2, L36.Apply Z-Transforms to solve engineering problems.L3Program Outcome of this course (POs)PO No.1.An ability to apply knowledge of mathematics, science and engineering. PO12.An ability to identify, formulate and solve engineering problems. PO53.An ability to use the techniques, skills and modern engineering tools necessary for engineering practice. PO11 Course delivery methods Assessment methods1.Black board teaching1.Internal assessment tests2.Power point presentation2.Assignments3.Matlab/Scilab/R Software3.QuizScheme of Continuous Internal Evaluation (CIE): ComponentsAverage of best two tests out of threeAverage of two Assignments/ Mathematical/Computational/Statistical tools Quiz/Seminar/ProjectClass ParticipationTotal MarksMaximum Marks: 50251051050Writing two IA test is compulsory.Minimum marks required to qualify for SEE : Minimum IA test marks (Average) 10 out of 25 AND total CIE marks 20 Scheme of Semester End Examination (SEE):1.Question paper contains 08 questions each carrying 20 marks. Students have to answer FIVE full questions 2.SEE question paper will have Two compulsory questions and choice will be given to remaining three units. 3.SEE will be conducted for 100 marks of three hours duration. It will be reduced to 50 marks for the calculation of SGPA and CGPA.Semester IV(Diploma Scheme)Vector Calculus, Laplace Transforms and Probability(Mech, Civ, E&C, E&E)Course Code16DIPMATM41Credits5Course typeBSCIE Marks50 marksHours/week: L-T-P4–1– 0SEE Marks50 marksTotal Hours:50SEE Duration3 Hours for 100 marksCourse Learning ObjectivesStudents should1.Study the concept of double and triple integrals, vector differentiation. 2.Get acquainted with vector integration and its applications.3.Be proficient in Laplace transforms and Inverse Laplace transforms and solve problems related to them.4.Learn the concept of interpolation and use appropriately.5.Study the concept of random variables and its applications.Pre-requisites :Basic probability, probability distribution. Basic statistics.Basic differentiation and integration.Unit - I10 HoursVector and Integral Calculus: Double and triple integrals. Scalar and vector point function, Gradient, Divergence, Curl, solenoidal and irrotational vector fields. Unit - II10 HoursVector Integration: Line integral, Surface integral, Volume integral, Green’s theorem, Stoke’s theorem, Guass Divergence theorem (statement only) and problems.Unit - III10 HoursLaplace Transforms: Definition, Laplace transforms of elementary functions. Laplace transforms of eatf(t), tnf(t), 0tf(t)dt , f(t)t (without proof), Inverse Laplace transforms: Inverse Laplace transforms -problems, Applications to solve linear differential equation. Unit - IV10 HoursFinite Differences and Interpolation: Forward and backward differences, Newton’s forward and backward interpolation formulae, Divided difference, Newton’s divided difference formula (without proof). Lagrange’s interpolation formula. Illustrative examples. Numerical integration: Trapezoidal rule, Simpsons 1/3rd rule, Simpsons 3/8th rule, Weddle’s rule. Practical examples.Unit - V10 HoursProbability: Random Variables (RV), Discrete and Continuous Random variables, (DRV,CRV) Probability Distribution Functions (PDF) and Cumulative Distribution Functions(CDF), Expectations, Mean, Variance. Binomial, Poisson, Exponential and Normal Distributions (only examples). BooksText Books:1.B.S. Grewal – Higher Engineering Mathematics, Khanna Publishers, 42nd Edition, 2012 and onwards. 2.P. N. Wartikar & J. N. Wartikar – Applied Mathematics (Volume I and II) Pune Vidyarthi Griha Prakashan, 7th Edition 1994 and onwards.3.B. V. Ramana - Higher Engineering Mathematics, Tata McGraw-Hill Education Private Limited, Tenth reprint 2010 and onwards.Reference Books:1.Erwin Kreyszig –Advanced Engineering Mathematics, John Wiley & Sons Inc., 9th Edition, 2006 and onwards.2.Peter V. O’ Neil –Advanced Engineering Mathematics, Thomson Brooks/Cole, 7th Edition, 2011 and onwards. 3.Glyn James Advanced Modern Engineering Mathematics, Pearson Education, 4th Edition, 2010 and onwards. Course Outcome (COs)At the end of the course, the student will be able to Bloom’s Level1.Evaluate double and triple integration.L32.Explain the concept of vector differentiation and integration.L23.Define Laplace transforms, inverse Laplace transforms and solve problems related to them.L1, L34.Use finite differences in interpolation.L35.Understand the concept of random variables, PDF, CDF and its applications.L26.Use of probability distribution for practical problems.L3Program Outcome of this course (POs) Students will acquirePO No.1.An ability to apply knowledge of mathematics, science and engineering.PO12.An ability to identify, formulate and solve engineering problems.PO53.An ability to use the techniques, skills and modern engineering tools necessary for engineering practice.PO11Course delivery methodsAssessment methods1.Black board teaching1.Internal assessment tests2.Power point presentation 2.Assignments 3.Scilab/ Matlab/ R-Software3.QuizScheme of Continuous Internal Evaluation (CIE): ComponentsAverage of best two IA tests out of threeAverage of two Assignments/ Mathematical/Computational/Statistical tools QuizClass ParticipationTotalMarksMaximum Marks: 50251051050Writing two IA test is compulsory.Minimum marks required to qualify for SEE : Minimum IA test marks (Average) 10 out of 25 AND total CIE marks 20 Scheme of Semester End Examination (SEE):1.Question paper contains 08 questions each carrying 20 marks. Students have to answer FIVE full questions 2.SEE question paper will have Two compulsory questions and choice will be given to remaining three units. 3.SEE will be conducted for 100 marks of three hours duration. It will be reduced to 50 marks for the calculation of SGPA and CGPA.ELECTRIC POWER GENERATION, TRANSMISSION AND DISTRIBUTION Course Code16EE42Credits4Course typePC1CIE Marks50Hours/week: L-T-P4-0-0SEE Marks50Total Hours:50SEE Duration3 Hours for 100 marksCourse learning objectivesStudents should able 1 To demonstrate an understanding of the aspects of site selection, classification, lay out, construction and operation, merits and demerits of Hydro, Thermal, Nuclear, wind, solar power generation.2 To demonstrate an understanding of the economy aspects of power generation in terms of Diversity factor, load factor, plant capacity factor, plant utilization factor, loss factor, load duration curve, cost of generating stations, types of tariff and design, power factor improvement.3 To understand and explain the general layout of Power system, Standard voltages for generation, transmission and distribution levels, DC and AC transmission, HV AC transmission, FACTS.4 To demonstrate an understanding of the components of transmission systems, mechanical aspects, insulators, underground cables, corona, line parameters, performance calculations.5 To demonstrate an understanding of general DC and AC Distribution system, radial & ring main systems, calculation for concentrated loads and uniform loading.Pre-requisites :Basic Electrical Engineering, Electrical MachinesUnit – I 10 Hoursa.Sources of Electrical Power: Wind, solar, fuel, tidal, geo-thermal, bio generation, hydroelectric, thermal, diesel, gas, nuclear power plants (block diagram approach only). Concept of distributed generation. b. Hydro Power Generation: Selection of site, classification of hydroelectric plants, General arrangement and operation. Thermal Power Generation: Selection of site, Main parts of a thermal power plant. Working. Plant layout. Unit – II10 Hoursa. Nuclear Power Station: Introduction. Adverse effects of fossil fuels. Pros and cons of nuclear power generation. Selection of site, components of reactors. Description of fuel sources. Safety of nuclear power reactor. b. Economics Aspects of Power Generation: Introduction. Diversity factor, Load factor, Plant capacity factor, Plant use factor, Plant utilization factor, loss factor, load duration curve, cost of generation, tariff, factors influencing the rate of tariff designing, , types of tariff, power factor improvement. Unit – III10 Hours (No derivations) TYPICAL transmission & distribution systems scheme-General layout of power system, Standard voltages for generation, transmission and distribution. Advantage of high voltage transmission AC and DC. Effect of high voltage transmission on line efficiency and line drop. Components of distribution system. An introduction to EHV AC transmission, HVDC transmission and FACTs.MECHANICAL Design of Overhead transmission lines- Types of supporting structures and line conductors used. Sag and Tension calculation- supports at same level and at different levels. Effect of wind and ice. Sag at erection, Stringing chart . Line vibrators.Unit – IV10 Hours (No derivations) Insulators- Introduction, materials used, Classification of insulators for transmission and distribution, potential distribution over a string of suspension insulators. String efficiency & methods of increasing strings efficiency, grading rings and arcing horns. Testing of insulators.Underground cables- Types, material used, insulation resistance, thermal rating of cables, charging current, grading of cables, capacitance grading & inter sheath grading, testing of cables. Corona- Phenomena, disruptive and visual critical voltages, corona power loss. Advantages and disadvantages of corona. Unit – V10 Hours (No derivations) Line parameters: calculation of inductance of single phase line, 3phase lines with equilateral spacing, unsymmetrical spacing, double circuit and transposed lines. Inductance of solid , composite and bundled conductor lines. Capacitance- of single-phase line, 3phase lines with equilateral spacing, unsymmetrical spacing, double circuit and transposed lines. Capacitance of solid , composite and bundled conductor lines3 hours Performance of power transmission lines- Short transmission lines, medium transmission lines- nominal T, end condenser and π models, long transmission lines- rigorous method, ABCD constants of transmission lines, Ferranti effect. Distribution- General DC and AC Distribution system, radial & ring main systems, calculation for concentrated loads and uniform loading. Self Learning Topics: Underground cables (Unit 4)BooksText Books:1. “Power System Engineering”, A. Chakrabarti, M. L. Soni, and P.V. Gupta, Dhanpat Rai and Co., New Delhi.2. “Electric Power Generation, Transmission and Distribution”, S. N. Singh, P.H.I., New Delhi, 2nd Edition 20093.?? Electrical Power Systems- C. L. Wadhwa, New Age International,5th Edition,2009.4Reference Books:1.“Elements of Power System Design”, M. V. Deshpande, PHI 20102. Electrical Power- ?Dr. S. L. Uppal, Khanna PublicationsCourse Outcome (COs) At the end of the course, the student will be able to Bloom’s Level1.explain the aspects of site selection, classification, lay out, construction and operation, merits and demerits of Hydro, Thermal, Nuclear, wind, solar power generation.L22.explain the economy aspects of power generation in terms of Diversity factor, load factor, plant capacity factor, plant utilization factor, loss factor, load duration curve, cost of generating stations, types of tariff and design, power factor improvement.L23.explain the general layout of Power system, Standard voltages for generation, transmission and distribution levels, DC and AC transmission, HV AC transmission, FACTS.L24.explain the components of transmission systems, mechanical aspects, insulators, underground cables, corona, line parameters, performance calculations.L25.explain general DC and AC Distribution system, radial & ring main systems, calculation for concentrated loads and uniform loading.L2Program Outcome of this course (POs) Students will acquirePO No.1.ability to demonstrate knowledge of mathematics, science and engineering12.ability to identify, formulate and solve electrical and electronics engineering problems and also will be aware of contemporary issues.23.confidence for self education and ability for continuous learning.10 Course delivery methods Assessment methods1.Black board teaching1.Internal assessment tests2.Power point presentation2.Assignments3.3.QuizScheme of Continuous Internal Evaluation (CIE): ComponentsAverage of best two tests out of threeAverage of two Assignments/ Mathematical/Computational/Statistical tools Quiz/Seminar/ProjectClass ParticipationTotal MarksMaximum Marks: 50251051050Writing two IA test is compulsory.Minimum marks required to qualify for SEE : Minimum IA test marks (Average) 10 out of 25 AND total CIE marks 20 Scheme of Semester End Examination (SEE):1.Question paper contains 08 questions each carrying 20 marks. Students have to answer FIVE full questions 2.SEE question paper will have Two compulsory questions and choice will be given to remaining three units. 3.SEE will be conducted for 100 marks of three hours duration. It will be reduced to 50 marks for the calculation of SGPA and CGPA.SYNCHRONOUS AND INDUCTION MACHINES Course Code16EE43Credits4Course typePC2CIE Marks50Hours/week: L-T-P4 -0 -0SEE Marks50Total Hours:50SEE Duration3 Hours for 100 marksCourse learning objectivesStudents should be able to1To demonstrate an understanding of the principle of operation, types, construction of Synchronous machines, Excitation systems, working, Generated EMF and harmonics, reduction of harmonics, Equivalent circuit models and parameters, phasor diagrams, performance calculations, determination of voltage regulation by different methods for Non salient pole and salient pole synchronous machines.2To demonstrate an understanding of the principle of Synchronisation, methods, power flow equations, Variable excitation, Variable input operation.3To demonstrate an understanding of the principle of operation of Synchronous motor, starting methods, equivalent circuit and phasor diagrams, torque angle, effect of change in excitation and change in load, hunting and applications of synchronous motorsPre-requisites :Basic Electrical EngineeringUnit – I 10 HoursSynchronous Generators - Principle of operation, construction of three phase salient & non-salient pole synchronous machines, advantages of stationary armature, Excitation systems, generated EMF, Armature windings, distribution factor and chording (pitch) factor, harmonics-causes, reduction and elimination. Expression for nth order harmonic induced emf per phase, leakage reactance, Armature reaction, synchronous reactance, Equivalent circuit and phasor diagram of non salient type alternator. 5 hours Voltage Regulation: Voltage regulation by EMF, MMF, ZPF methods. Short circuit ratio definition and significance. Salient pole alternators-two reaction model, direct and quadrature axis reactances, Slip test, phasor diagrams on load, voltage regulation. 5 hoursUnit – II10 HoursSynchronization of alternators: Synchronizing to infinite bus, necessity and conditions for synchronization, Synchronization using Lamp methods and synchroscope, power angle characteristics, operation for fixed input and variable excitation, power flow equations including armature resistance. 5 hoursSynchronous Motors : Principle of operation, Methods of starting synchronous motors, equivalent circuit and phasor diagrams, determination of excitation emf and torque angle, effect of change in excitation, V and inverted V curves. Effect of change in load, hunting-causes, effects and reduction. Applications of synchronous motors. 5 hoursUnit – III10 HoursThree phase Induction Motors: Concept of rotating magnetic field. Principle of operation, construction, types - squirrel-cage, slip-ring induction motors. Speed and slip, frequency of rotor emf, power stages in induction motors, torque, torque-slip characteristic, motoring, generating and braking regions of operation. Maximum torque. 5 hoursPerformance analysis of three phase Induction Motor: Equivalent circuit , Phasor diagram of induction motor on no-load and on load. Losses and efficiency, No-load and blocked rotor tests. Circle diagram and performance evaluation of the motor. Cogging and crawling. 5 hoursUnit – IV10 HoursHigh torque motors-double cage and deep rotor bars. Equivalent circuit and performance evaluation of double cage induction motor. Induction generator – externally excited and self excited. Advantages and applications of induction generators. 5 hoursStarting and speed Control of Three-phase Induction Motors: Need for starter. Direct on line (DOL), Star-Delta and autotransformer starting. Rotor resistance starting. Soft(electronic) starters. Speed control - voltage, frequency, and rotor resistance. 5 hours.Unit – V10 HoursSingle-phase Induction Motor: Double revolving field theory and principle of operation. Types of single-phase induction motors: split-phase, capacitor start, shaded pole motors. Applications. 5 hoursSpecial electric motors: Reluctance motors, Hysteresis motors, repulsion motors, Single phase AC series motor (universal motors), linear induction motors and applications. 5 hoursSelf Learning Topics: Special electric motors (Unit 5)BooksText Books:1.Electrical Machines, Ashfaq Hussain, Dhanpat Rai & Co. Publications, third edition, 2015.2.Electrical Machines, V. K. Mehta & Rohit Mehta, S. Chand & Co. Ltd. Publications, second edition, 2012.Reference Books:1.Electric Machines, I. J. Nagrath and D. P. Kothari, TMH, 4th Edition,2010.2Electric Machinery, A. E. Fitzgerald, Charles Kingsley Jr., S. D. Umans, TMH, 6th edition.20063Electrical machinery, P.S Bhimbra, Khanna Publishers, 2nd edition, 2002.Course Outcome (COs) At the end of the course, the student will be able to Bloom’s Level1.explain the principle of operation, types, construction of Synchronous machines, Excitation systems, working, Generated EMF and harmonics, reduction of harmonics, Equivalent circuit models and parameters, phasor diagrams, performance calculations, determination of voltage regulation by different methods for Non salient pole and salient pole synchronous machines. L22.explain the principle of Synchronisation, methods, power flow equations, Variable excitation, Variable input operation. L23.explain the principle of operation of Synchronous motor, starting methods, equivalent circuit and phasor diagrams, torque angle, effect of change in excitation and change in load, hunting and applications of synchronous motors. L2Program Outcome of this course (POs)PO No.1.Graduates will demonstrate knowledge of mathematics, science and engineering. PO12.Graduates will demonstrate the ability to identify, formulate and solve electrical and electronics engineering problems and also will be aware of contemporary issues. PO23.Graduates will develop confidence for self education and ability for continuous learning. PO104 Graduate who can participate and succeed in competitive examinations PO11 Course delivery methods Assessment methods1.Black board teaching1.Internal assessment tests2.Power point presentation2.Assignments3.Matlab/Scilab/R Software3.QuizScheme of Continuous Internal Evaluation (CIE): ComponentsAverage of best two tests out of threeAverage of two Assignments/ Mathematical/Computational/Statistical tools Quiz/Seminar/ProjectClass ParticipationTotal MarksMaximum Marks: 50251051050Writing two IA test is compulsory.Minimum marks required to qualify for SEE : Minimum IA test marks (Average) 10 out of 25 AND total CIE marks 20 Scheme of Semester End Examination (SEE):1.Question paper contains 08 questions each carrying 20 marks. Students have to answer FIVE full questions 2.SEE question paper will have Two compulsory questions and choice will be given to remaining three units. 3.SEE will be conducted for 100 marks of three hours duration. It will be reduced to 50 marks for the calculation of SGPA and CGPA.Course Outcome (COs):At the end of the course Students will be able toProgram Outcomes(POs) of the course:Self Study topics shall be evaluated during CIE (Assignments and IA tests) and 10% weightage shall be given in SEE question paper.Scheme of Continuous Internal Evaluation (CIE): ComponentsAverage of best two tests out of threeAverage of two assignmentsQuiz/Seminar/ProjectClass participationTotalMarksMaximumMarks25105 10 50Scheme of Semester End Examination (SEE):1. It will be conducted for 100 marks of 3 hours duration. It will be reduced to 50 marks for the calculation of SGPA and CGPA.2. Question paper contains 08 questions each carrying 20 marks. Students have to answer FIVE full questions. SEE question paper will have two compulsory questions (any 2 units) and choice will be given in the remaining three units. (Kindly incorporate/mention the changes in the pattern of SEE question paper, if required, based on the content of course)CONTROL SYSTEMS Course Code16EE44Credits4Course typePC3CIE Marks50Hours/week: L-T-P3-1-0SEE Marks50Total Hours:50SEE Duration3 Hours for 100 marksCourse learning objectivesTo impart ability to the students,1To demonstrate an understanding of the concept and classification of control systems.2To demonstrate an understanding of formulation, construction and explanation of models of physical systems in terms of differential equations, transfer functions, block diagrams, signal flow graph.3To demonstrate an understanding of analysis of performance of Feedback Control systems in terms of Time domain specifications.4To demonstrate an understanding of the concept of Absolute and relative Stability of Feedback control systems using R-H criterion, Root locus technique, Frequency domain analysis methods such as Polar plots and Bodes plots.5To demonstrate an understanding of the concept of compensation in feedback control systems, types of compensators and their applications.6To demonstrate an understanding of performance and analysis of the functions of PID controllers.Pre-requisites: Basic Electrical Engineering, Network Analysis, Calculus, Laplace transform.Unit – I 10 HoursModeling of Systems: Introduction to Control Systems, classification of control systems, Open loop and close loop control systems with examples. Differential equations of physical systems – Mechanical systems- Friction, Translational systems (Mechanical accelerometer, Levered systems excluded), Rotational systems, Gear trains. Electrical systems, Analogous systems. Unit – II 10 HoursBlock diagrams and signal flow graphs: Transfer functions, Block diagrams, Signal Flow graphs Time Response of feedback control systems: Standard test signals, Unit step response of First and second order systems, Time response specifications (No Derivations).Time response specifications of second order systems, steady – state errors and error constants. Unit – III 10 HoursStability analysis: Concepts of stability, Necessary conditions for Stability, Routh-Hurwitz stability criterion, Relative stability analysis; Special cases of RH criterion. Root–Locus Techniques: Introduction, basic properties of root loci, Construction of root loci.Unit – IV10 HoursFrequency domain Analysis: Introduction, Advantages of frequency domain analysis. Correlation between time and frequency domain specifications. Polar plots, Definitions of Gain margin, and phase margin. Frequency domain analysis: Bode plots, assessment of stability determination of transfer functions from bode plot. Unit – V10 HoursCompensators: Design of lead, lag, lag lead compensators and applications. Controllers: Proportional, Proportional derivative, Proportional integral, and PID controller, Advantages and disadvantages of each controller. BooksText Books:1.Control Engineering, D Ganesh Rao, K Channa Venkatesh, Pearson Education 2010 edition.2.Control Systems, AshfaqHusain and Haroon Ashfaq, Dhanpat Rai & Co First edition 2011.Reference Books:1.1. Control Systems Engineering, I. J. Nagarath and M.Gopal, New Age International (P) Limited, 4th, Edition – 20052. Control Systems Engineering,Norman S Nise,Wiley Student Edition,5th Edition,20093.Automatic Control Systems, Benjamin C.Kuo and Farid Golnaaghi, Wiley Student Edition, 8thCourse Outcome (COs)At the end of the course, the student will be able to Bloom’s Level1. Explain the concept and classification of control systems. [L2]2.Formulate, Construct and Explain models of physical systems in terms of differential equations, transfer functions, block diagrams, signal flow graph. [L6,L3]3. Explain and Analyse performance of Feedback Control systems in terms of Time domain specifications. [L2,L4]4.Explain the concept of Absolute and relative Stability of Feedback control systems using R-H criterion, Root locus technique, Frequency domain analysis methods such as Polar plots and Bodes plots. [L2]5.Explain the concept of compensation in feedback control systems, types of compensators and their applications. [L2]6.To Explain and Compare the functions of PID controllers. [L2,L5]Program Outcome of this course (POs)PO No.1.Graduates will demonstrate knowledge of mathematics, science and engineering. [PO1]2.Graduates will demonstrate the ability to identify, formulate and solve electrical and electronics engineering problems and also will be aware of contemporary issues. [PO2]3.Graduates will develop confidence for self-education and ability for continuous learning. [PO10]4.Graduate who can participate and succeed in competitive examinations [PO11] Course delivery methods Assessment methods1.Black board teaching1.Internal assessment tests2.Power point presentation2.Assignments3.Matlab3.QuizScheme of Continuous Internal Evaluation (CIE): ComponentsAverage of best two tests out of threeAverage of twoAssignments QuizClass ParticipationTotal MarksMaximum Marks: 50251051050Writing two IA test is compulsory.Minimum marks required to qualify for SEE : Minimum IA test marks (Average) 10 out of 25 AND total CIE marks 20 Scheme of Semester End Examination (SEE):1.Question paper contains 08 questions each carrying 20 marks. Students have to answer FIVE full questions 2.SEE question paper will have Two compulsory questions and choice will be given to remaining three units. 3.SEE will be conducted for 100 marks of three hours duration. It will be reduced to 50 marks for the calculation of SGPA and CGPA.SIGNALS, SYSTEMS & PROCESSING Course Code16EE45Credits4Course typePC5CIE Marks50Hours/week: L-T-P4-0-0SEE Marks50Total Hours:50SEE Duration3 Hours for 100 marksCourse learning objectivesStudents should be able to1To demonstrate an understanding of the definition, types and properties of Systems and Signals and response of systems and their properties.2To demonstrate an understanding of concept and applications of Z transform and Discrete Fourier transform tools3To demonstrate an understanding of realisation of Digital systems, block diagrams and SFGs, realization of IIR systems and FIR systems of different forms.4To demonstrate an understanding of concept and applications Fast Fourier transforms Algorithms.5To demonstrate an understanding of concept and applications design of IIR and FIR filters.Pre-requisites :Calculus, Laplace Transformation, Z transformsSelf Learning Topics: Z transform (Unit 2) 5 hoursUnit – I 10 HoursDefinition of signals and a system, classification of signals and types. Basic operations on signals, properties of systems 4 hoursLinear Time Invariant Systems- Impulse response and system properties using Impulse response, Convolution, Solution of differential and difference equations6 hoursUnit – II10 HoursZ- Transform-Introduction, properties of ROC, properties of Z-transforms, Z transform problem, inverse Z-transform by partial fraction expansion method, System Transfer function, System stability and causality, unilateral Z-transform and its application to solve difference equations 10 hoursUnit – III10 HoursDiscrete Fourier Transforms: Definitions, properties-linearity, shift, symmetry, Analysis of DFT properties using Matlab, circular convolution – periodic convolution6 hoursREALIZATION OF DIGITAL SYSTEMS: Introduction, block diagrams and SFGs, realization of IIR systems- direct form, cascaded, parallel form, realization of FIR systems – direct form, cascade form 4 hoursUnit – IV10 HoursFAST FOURIER TRANSFORMS ALGORITHMS Introduction, decimation in time algorithm, first decomposition, continuation of decomposition, number of multiplications, and decimation in frequency algorithms, inverse decimation in time and inverse decimation in frequency algorithms 6 hoursFast convolution techniques - overlap add and overlap save methods 4hours Unit – V10 HoursDESIGN OF IIR DIGITAL FILTERS: Introduction, bilinear transformations, design of analog filters & design of digital Butterworth & Chebyshev6 hoursIntroduction to FIR DIGITAL FILTERS: FIR filters using windowing techniques, namely rectangular, modified rectangular windows.Study of different windows using Matlab 4 hoursBooks1.Text Books: Signals and Systems- Simon Haykin and Barry Van Veen, John Wiley & Sons, 2nd Edition 2008.2.Digital Signal Processing Principle, Algorithm & application, Proakis, Pearson, 4th education, 2009.3.Fundamentals of Signals and Systems - Michel J Roberts, TMH, 2nd Edition, 2010.Digital Signal Processing, Sanjeet. K. Mitra, TMH, 3rd Edition, 2009. Reference Books:Discrete Time Signal Processing ,Openheim, pearson 2nd Edition 20091.Signals and Systems, Alan V Oppenheim, Alan S. Willsky and S. Hamid Nawab,PHI, 2nd edition, 2009.2. Signals and Systems, H P Hsu and others, Schaums Outline Series, TMH, 2nd Edition, 2008.3Introduction To Digital Signal Processing, Johnny R. Johnson, PHI, 20094Digital Signal Processing, S.Salivahanan,A. Vallaraj,C.Gnanapriya,TMH,2nd Edition,2010.Course Outcome (COs) At the end of the course, the student will be able to Bloom’s Level1.explain the definition, types and properties of Systems and Signals and response of systems and their properties.L22.explain and apply Z transform and Discrete Fourier transform tools L2, L33.explain and apply Realisation of Digital systems, block diagrams and SFGs, realization of IIR systems and FIR systems of different forms. L2, L34.explain and apply Fast Fourier transforms Algorithms , design of IIR and FIR filters.L2, L3Program Outcome of this course (POs)PO No.1Graduates will demonstrate knowledge of mathematics, science and engineering.PO12Graduates will demonstrate the ability to identify, formulate and solve electrical and electronics engineering problems and also will be aware of contemporary issues.PO23Graduates will develop confidence for self education and ability for continuous learning. PO104Graduates will develop confidence for self education and ability for continuous learning. PO105Graduate who can participate and succeed in competitive examinationsPO11 Course delivery methods Assessment methods1.Black board teaching1.Internal assessment tests2.Power point presentation2.Assignments3.Matlab/Scilab/R Software3.QuizScheme of Semester End Examination (SEE):1.Question paper contains 08 questions each carrying 20 marks. Students have to answer FIVE full questions 2.SEE question paper will have Two compulsory questions and choice will be given to remaining three units. 3.SEE will be conducted for 100 marks of three hours duration. It will be reduced to 50 marks for the calculation of SGPA and CGPA.Scheme of Continuous Internal Evaluation (CIE): ComponentsAverage of best two tests out of threeAverage of two assignmentsQuiz/Seminar/ProjectClass participationTotalMarksMaximumMarks25105 10 50LINEAR INTEGRATED CIRCUITS AND APPLICATIONS LABCourse Code16EEL46Credits2Course typeL1CIE Marks25Hours/week: L-T-P1-0-2SEE Marks25Total Hours:42SEE Duration3 Hours for 50 marksCourse learning objectives:To impart ability to the students to1. Demonstrate an understanding of design and implement different linear IC circuits2. Demonstrate an understanding of design and implement different non- linear IC circuits.3. Demonstrate an understanding of 555 Timer Circuits 4. Demonstrate an understanding of PLL Based ApplicationsList of experiments:1 Design and implementation of capacitor coupled inverting and non-inverting amplifier with single polarity supply using 741 Op amp2. Design and implementation of Non Saturating Precision half wave rectifier and high impedance precision full wave rectifier, using 741 Op amp 3 Design and implementation of Clippers /Clampers/ Voltage level detector circuits using 741 Op amp4 Design and implementation of differentiator and integrator using 741 Op amp 5 Design and implementation of square wave generator/ triangular wave generator using 741 Op amp 6 Design and implementation of RC phase shift oscillator, wein bridge oscillator using 741 Op-amp 7 Design and implementation of monostable and astable multivibrator using Op-amp8 Design and implementation of first order and second order low pass / high pass filter using op-amps 9 Design and implementation of monostable and astable multivibrator using 555 timer 10 Design examples with PLL Text Books: 1. David A Bell, “Operational amplifiers and Linear IC’s”, Prentice Hall, 3rd Edition. 2. Ramakant A Gayakwad, “Op-Amps and Linear Integrated Circuits”, Prentice Hall, 4th Edition. 3. Robert F Couglin, Frederick F Driscoll, “Operational Amplifiers and Linear Integrated Circuits”, Prentice Hall, 6th Edition. References: 1. Sergio Franco, “Design with Operational Amplifiers and Analog Integrated Circuits”, TMC, 2008. 2. Roy Choudhary, “Linear Integrated Circuits”, New Age International, 2003. Course Outcome (COs):The students will be able todemonstrate an understanding of specifications of Linear ICs.[L2]explain and demonstrate operation and applications of Linear ICs[L2,L3]demonstrate determination of performance characteristics of Linear ICs[L2,L3]analyse the performance of Linear IC circuits referring the experimental results.[L4]Program Outcomes(POs) of the course:1. Graduates will demonstrate the ability to identify, formulate and solve electrical and electronics engineering problems and also will be aware of contemporary issues. [PO3]2. Graduates will develop confidence for self-education and ability for continuous learning.[PO10]Scheme of Continuous Internal Evaluation (CIE): CIEConduct of lab1025 Journal writing10Lab test5 ELECTRICAL MACHINES LABORATORYCourse Code16EEL47Credits2Course typeL2CIE Marks25Hours/week: L-T-P0-0-3SEE Marks25Total Hours:3SEE Duration3 Hours for 50 marksCourse learning objectives:To impart ability to the students todemonstrate an understanding of specifications of Electrical machines.explain and demonstrate operation of the Electrical machines demonstrate determination of performance characteristics the Electrical machines experimentally.analyse the performance of the machines referring the experimental results.List of experiments:Load test on a DC motor- determination of speed-torque and HP-efficiency characteristics. Hopkinson’s Test.Speed control of DC motor by armature voltage control and flux control.Voltage regulation of an alternator by EMF, MMF and ZPF method.Performance of synchronous generator connected to infinite bus, under constant power and variable excitation & vice - versa.V and Inverted V curves of a synchronous motor.To Study the Polarity Connection of Transformer and Predetermination of efficiency and regulation by O. C. & S. C. Test On Single Phase Transformer.Sumpner’s TestLoad Test on 3 Phase Induction MotorPredetermination of Performance of Induction Motor using Circle Diagram Load Test on Induction GeneratorConnection of Three Single Phase Transformers in Delta – Star and Determination of Efficiency and Regulation for Balanced Direct LoadingBooks:Electrical Machines, Ashfaq Hussain, Dhanpat Rai & Co. Publications, third edition, 2015.Electrical Machines, V. K. Mehta & Rohit Mehta, S. Chand & Co. Ltd. Publications, second edition, 2012Course Outcome (COs):At the end of the course Students will be able todemonstrate an understanding of specifications of Electrical machines. [L3]explain and demonstrate operation of the Electrical machines [L2,L3]demonstrate determination of performance characteristics the Electrical machines experimentally. [L2,L3]analyse the performance of the machines referring the experimental results.[L4]Program Outcomes(POs) of the course:1. Graduates will demonstrate the ability to identify, formulate and solve electrical and electronics engineering problems and also will be aware of contemporary issues. [PO3]2. Graduates will develop confidence for self-education and ability for continuous learning. [PO10]Scheme of Continuous Internal Evaluation (CIE): CIEConduct of lab1025 Journal writing10Lab test5 SYSTEM SIMULAITON LABCourse Code16EEL48Credits2Course typeL2CIE Marks25Hours/week: L-T-P0-0-3SEE Marks25Total Hours:3SEE Duration3 Hours for 50 marksCourse learning objectives:To impart ability to the students todemonstrate an understanding of availability of various tools in MATLAB.explain and demonstrate operation and applications of DSP, Simulink tools create platform for the performance analysis of the various systems List of experiments:DSP related ExercisesRepresentation of Basic Signals using Matlab (Introduction)Discrete Convolution using Matlab a) Linear convolution b) circular convolutionFast Fourier Transform using MatlabAnalog filters and digital filters (IIR filter) design using MatlabButterworth b) Chebyshev c) Impulse invariant technique 4)Bilinear transformationConvolution using overlap add method and overlap save methodRealization of IIT Digital filters using a0 Direct form b) Parallel Realization c) Casade formFIR filter design using window techniques a) Rectangular b) Bartlett c) Blackman d) Chebyshev e) Hamming f) Hanning g) KaiserSimPower System related exercisesSimulation of Electrical machines by using Matlab SimulinkSimulation of Power Electronic circuits using Matlab SimulinkSimulation of Data Acquisition System using Matlab SimulinkBooks:1.Getting Started with MATLAB: A Quick Introduction for Scientists and Engineers?Paperback?– 2010 Oxford Publishers, by Rudra PratapCourse Outcome (COs):The students will be able todemonstrate an understanding of tools in MATLAB [L3]explain and demonstrate operation and applications of DSP, Simulink tools [L2,L3]utilize platform for the performance analysis of the various systems [L4]Program Outcomes(POs) of the course:1. Graduates will demonstrate the ability to identify, formulate and solve electrical and electronics engineering problems and also will be aware of contemporary issues. [PO3]2. Graduates will develop confidence for self-education and ability for continuous learning.[PO10]Scheme of Continuous Internal Evaluation (CIE): CIEConduct of lab1025 Journal writing10Lab test5 ................

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