PyPlot.jl Documentation - Read the Docs

[Pages:97]PyPlot.jl Documentation

Release 0.0.0 Junfeng Li

July 10, 2013

1 Overview 2 Functions 3 Indices and tables


3 7 93



PyPlot.jl Documentation, Release 0.0.0 PyPlot.jl is a simple raphics solution for Julia, by wrapping the pyplot module of matplotlib.



PyPlot.jl Documentation, Release 0.0.0






Function acorr annotate arrow autoscale axes axhline axhspan axis axvline axvspan bar barbs barh box boxplot broken_barh cla clabel clf clim close cohere colorbar contour contourf csd delaxes draw errorbar figimage figlegend figtext figure fill fill_between fill_betweenx

Description Plot the autocorrelation of x. Create an annotation: a piece of text referring to a data point. Add an arrow to the axes. Autoscale the axis view to the data (toggle). Add an axes to the figure. Add a horizontal line across the axis. Add a horizontal span (rectangle) across the axis. Set or get the axis properties.:: >>> axis() returns the current axes limits [xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax].:: >> Add a vertical line across the axes. Add a vertical span (rectangle) across the axes. Make a bar plot. Plot a 2-D field of barbs. Make a horizontal bar plot. Turn the axes box on or off. Make a box and whisker plot. Plot horizontal bars. Clear the current axes. Label a contour plot. Clear the current figure. Set the color limits of the current image. Close a figure window. Plot the coherence between x and y. Add a colorbar to a plot. Plot contours. Plot contours. Plot cross-spectral density. Remove an axes from the current figure. Redraw the current figure. Plot an errorbar graph. Adds a non-resampled image to the figure. Place a legend in the figure. Add text to figure. Create a new figure. Plot filled polygons. Make filled polygons between two curves. Make filled polygons between two horizontal curves.


PyPlot.jl Documentation, Release 0.0.0

Function findobj gca gcf gci get_figlabels get_fignums grid hexbin hist hist2d hlines hold imread imsave imshow ioff ion ishold isinteractive legend locator_params loglog margins matshow minorticks_off minorticks_on over pause pcolor pcolormesh pie plot plot_date plotfile polar psd quiver quiverkey rc rcdefaults rgrids savefig sca scatter sci semilogx semilogy set_cmap setp

Description Find artist objects. Return the current axis instance. Return a reference to the current figure. Get the current colorable artist. Return a list of existing figure labels. Return a list of existing figure numbers. Turn the axes grids on or off. Make a hexagonal binning plot. Plot a histogram. Make a 2D histogram plot. Plot horizontal lines. Set the hold state. Read an image from a file into an array. Save an array as in image file. Display an image on the axes. Turn interactive mode off. Turn interactive mode on. Return the hold status of the current axes. Return status of interactive mode. Place a legend on the current axes. Control behavior of tick locators. Make a plot with log scaling on both the x and y axis. Set or retrieve autoscaling margins. Display an array as a matrix in a new figure window. Remove minor ticks from the current plot. Display minor ticks on the current plot. Call a function with hold(True). Pause for interval seconds. Create a pseudocolor plot of a 2-D array. Plot a quadrilateral mesh. Plot a pie chart. Plot lines and/or markers to the Axes. Plot with data with dates. Plot the data in in a file. Make a polar plot. Plot the power spectral density. Plot a 2-D field of arrows. Add a key to a quiver plot. Set the current rc params. Restore the default rc params. Get or set the radial gridlines on a polar plot. Save the current figure. Set the current Axes instance to ax. Make a scatter plot. Set the current image. Make a plot with log scaling on the x axis. Make a plot with log scaling on the y axis. Set the default colormap. Set a property on an artist object.


Chapter 1. Overview


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