Purdue University

|CE361 Introduction to Transportation Engineering |Posted: Fri. 19 November 2010 |

|Homework 11 solutions; μ=xx, σ=xx |Due: Wed. 1 December 2010 |


Dear Consultant:

The data on air travel given in the FTE textbook were the latest available at the time the book was written. Please demonstrate your ability to retrieve and analyze more current data on air travel. Also apply basic airport analysis methods by completing and submitting the exercises below.

Note: You must submit this HW as a member of a group of at least two and no more than five CE361 students. (This is a good HW to have at least one other student check your work or, better, solve the problems as a team.) As usual, the top sheet of the material submitted must be signed by each group member.

1. Forecasting air travel using the FAA "Share Model". FTE Table 11.6 for Mythaca Airport is available here. You are asked to provide entries for the highlighted cells.

A. (10 points) Update the FAA Historical and Forecast entries in Column E for years 2000-2025 in a copy of the file that you saved. Go to and select “Data & Research”, then “FAA Aersopace Forecasts FY 2009-2025 “ under “Forecasts”, then “U.S. Commercial & Foreign Flag Carriers (Tables 5-22)” under “Forecast Tables”. Use System Revenue Passenger Enplanements in Table 5.

See highlighted Column E entries in worksheet on next page. To fit the table on one page, years 1990-1996 have been deleted.

B. (10 points) Fill in the five Planning Factors values in Row 29. Explain how you decided on the value for each one.

MYH Market Share: Continue at 0.242%. No trend suggests otherwise.

Transfers stay at 28%, as they have since 2005.

“Departing seats per aircraft” has been around 83.2 since 2002. Keep it there, so change per year is 0.0

Percent GA Operations has been 17.7% for 3 of the last 4 years. Keep that value.

C. (15 points) Forecast the values for Columns B-D, H-I, K and L at MYH for the years 2009, 2010, 2015, 2020, and 2025. Attach a hardcopy of your completed spreadsheet to your HW.

Enter the formulas shown in the row above year 2009 into the cells below each such formula. The values in the highlighted cells result. Most noteworthy are 3,833,280 commercial O-D passengers and 136,408 total operations in Year 2025.

|FTE Table 11.6 for 10fHW11 | | | | | | |

|γ = |3.8 |nautical | | |

| | |miles, | | |

| | |entry | | |

| | |gate to | | |

| | |threshold| | |

|op nr |opn seq |appr spd |separ |

|185 |9.25 |10.48 |10.71 |

|186.660 | |10.69 | |

|190 |9.78 |11.11 |11.35 |

What is the MATOW for the current runway at MYH? Reverse the roles of MATOW and ERL in FTE Table 11.23(c). Find the value of MATOW that corresponds to R=76.44 and ERL=5675-(10*29) = 5385ft. It is 133,784 lbs.

|Table 11.23C |68 |76.44 |78 |

|130 |4.55 |5.10 |5.20 |

|133.747 | |5.385 | |

|135 |4.89 |5.48 |5.59 |

D. (15 points) If the 727 will be offering service to an airport 785 miles away, how many passengers can be carried, given the current runway? Show the steps in your analysis.

Using the pertinent rows in FTE Table 11.24 (below), 36 passengers can be carried.

|lbs. |  | |

|133,784 |min MATOW |From Part B |

|109,211 |OEM + reserve fuel |From Table 11.24 |

|24,573 |Left for payload+fuel |136,804 - 109,211 |

|17,270 |fuel use |785 mi * (22 lbs/mi) |

|7,303 |left for pax |200 lbs/pax w/ luggage |

|36.51 |passengers |7,303/200 |

|36 |passengers | |


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