300-7 & 8: Max Weber

Hist 300: Max Weber

born April 21, 1864, Erfurt, Prussia

died June 14, 1920, Munich, Germany

I. Life


Alfred Weber

University of Heidelberg

University of Berlin

Marianne Schnitger

Verein für Socialpolitik (Union for Social Policy)

The Freiburg address (1895)


mental breakdown (1897-1903)

World War I

Versailles peace conference

Weimar Constitution

II. The Protestant Ethic

The Protestant Ethic and the Spirit of Capitalism (1904-5; Eng. trans. 1930)

John Calvin


Benjamin Franklin



R. H. Tawney’s Religion and the Rise of Capitalism (1926)

“work ethic”

III. Sociology of Religion

The Religion of China: Confucianism and Taoism (translation - 1951)

the Warring States Period.

The Religion of India: The Sociology of Hinduism and Budhism (translation - 1958) caste


Ancient Judaism (orginal 1917-1920, translation - 1952)

“Religious Rejections of the World and Their Directions” (1916)

IV. Sociology of Politics

“Politics as a Vocation” (1918)

Economy and Society (1922)

defintion of the state

three pure types of political leadership

charismatic domination

traditional domination

legal domination

rationalisation and bureaucratisation

"Weberian civil service"

Social Darwinism


a three-component theory of stratification,

social class, status class, party class

V. Sociological Methodology

“value-free” social science

ideal type

VI. Lasting Influence

Carl Schmitt (1888-1985)


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