The Beauty of Bureaucracy - Harding University

The Beauty of Bureaucracy


Max Weber’s ideal:

Clear division of labor

Hierarchical structure

Clear chain of command

Consistent system of rules

Rational and impersonal

Career employment based on qualifications


Can monopolize information

Hard organism to destroy

Impersonality and formalization can yield unresponsiveness

The Paradox of Weber:

Bureaucratic structures yield a significant increase in effectiveness and efficiency, but also have a functional monopoly on information, are change resistant and can be autocratic.

Remember: Compared to what…

Yes, I did just say bureaucracy was efficient…

Compared to what?

Monarchy and class supremacy

Spoils systems and favoritism

Hobby or avocational administration

Mob Rule

Wild West


Unless you are physically very powerful, extremely wealthy, fully fortressed, and ruthless, you don’t want to live like that!

Bureaucratic Definitions


NOT just government

An administrative structure with standardized procedures, professionalized employees, hierarchical management, specialization of labor, and predictable results


Government employee, often in a merit based position, apart from the political process


A small part of an agency

Merit vs. Patronage

Merit based employment

Open employment


Knowledge, skills and aptitudes

Tests and examinations

“Best” person for the job

Rational and scientific

Secure from” winds of political change”


Appointment based on personal skills and connections

Political supporters, and their kith and kin

Responsive to political changes that express the will of the people

Let’s Go to the Web to Look at Some Governmental Bureaucracies

Constitutional Agencies

Departments and Agencies set in statute

Boards and Commission


Thought question: Are some of these still avocational?

The Half of All Knowledge…

Is knowing where to find it. You’re going to need help!

Why do we need reorganization?

Horse and Dog Racing is in Dept. of Finance and Administration

Boiler inspection is in Dept. of Labor

State Historian is in Parks and Tourism, NOT Arkansas Heritage

Highway Patrol is in State Police, NOT Highway and Transportation Dept.

This is NOT organized, and it is NOT easy to navigate!


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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