
Karl Marx (1818 – 1883)Be aware of the following as it pertains to Marx:Marx’s method for understanding of History/Society, i.e. historical materialism/the materialist understanding of history or the historical understanding of materialism;Production/the Practical (i.e. Praxis);Idealism/Ideology;World History (i.e. what makes something A World Historical fact/event?);What the “ruling ideas” of an historical epoch (i.e. popular ideas/common sense) are ideas of (i.e. what group they are the ideas of);The characteristics of each of the 4 aspects of alienated labor:The worker is alienated from the object/product of their labor.The worker is alienated from the act/activity of their labor.The worker is alienated from their species being.The worker is alienated from others.(You should understand what characteristics are associated with each of these four aspects);The Commodity;Value/Use Value/Exchange Value/Surplus Value.Max Weber (Pronounced Max Vaber) (1864-1920)Sociology as the Interpretive Understanding (Verstehen) of subjectively (individually) meaningful behavior that takes others into account/that is orientated towards others, i.e. Social Action. ()Weberian MethodologyIdeal Types, or conceptual typologies/models that sociologists construct (or at least those sociologists who follow Weber’s method construct) as tools for interpretively understanding social phenomenon (such as, for example, social action) ()Value Free Sociology – requires a distinction be made between Judgements of Value and Judgements of FactSocial Action The Four Pure/Ideal Types of Social Action: ()Instrumentally Rational Social ActionValue Rational Social ActionAffectual Social ActionTraditional Social ActionSocial Relationships: The probability that two (minimum) or more individuals, will engage in some type of social action towards each other, for durations of time which can vary from short to long term, and including relations that can range from unstructured or semi-structured informal relationships, to highly structured and formal institutional relationships, and all in-between.( ) Class, Status Groups, and Parties ()(What is the difference between these categories, especially between Class and Status Groups?)2)Power ()a) Domination/Disciplineb) Ruling Organizationsc) Political Organizations d) The State Legitimate Domination/AuthorityLegitimacy and the 3 Ideal/Pure Types of Authority(The Validity of the claims to Legitimacy) ()Rational Grounds/Legal Authority (Bureaucracy)Traditional Grounds/Traditional Authority Charismatic Grounds/Charismatic Authority The Protestant Ethic and the Spirit of Capitalism Weber’s Sociology of World Religions Other-Worldly Asceticism vs. This-Worldly AsceticismPredestinationThe Protestant Work EthicDisenchantment and Rationalization/The Iron Cage of (Bureaucratic) Rationality Emile Durkheim (1858 – 1917)What are Social Facts?What are they a property of?Sociology as the “Science of Morality”: Moral facts as social facts and morality as the ultimate social fact.Collective/Common Conscience and the Forms of Social Solidarity:The Division of Labor in Society:Mechanical SolidarityOrganic Solidarity -The Pathological/Abnormal Forms of the Division of Labor in Society- The Anomic Division of Labor (Anomie)- The Forced Division of LaborThe SocialCauses ofSuicide (See next page – I couldn’t fit it on this page)(too much integration)Altruistic Suicide(too little integration)Egoistic Suicide(too much regulation)Fatalistic Suicide(too little regulation)Anomic SuicideThe SocialCauses ofSuicideShort answer essay questions:How do these theorists understand what is meant by the notion of “society” and what do they base their understanding of society on?What do they understand to be the nature and cause(s) of conflict in modern societies and what (if anything) do they propose can remedy this conflict? Do you think one theorist is more helpful for understanding society then the other? Why or why not? ................

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