The Bronx High School of Science

1984, by George Orwell

Double-Entry Journal Assignment

Sophomore Honors English

Ms. Jaitin

Spring 2015

We will start discussing 1984 sometime after February break. In order to facilitate our discussion, you will be reading the book on your own and keeping a double-entry journal as you read.

Your double-entry journal will be due on TurnItIn on Friday, February 27th. You will also need to give a hard copy to me in class on that day.

Instructions for your double-entry journal

Maintain a double-entry journal that captures your thoughts, questions and other reactions to the text. A double-entry journal is a way to record information and to reflect on and react to that information.

|The left hand column of the journal is the place to document your |The right hand column is where you record your reactions to your |

|initial reactions to your readings. |initial reactions. |

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|What are initial reactions? They can be quotes, thoughts, ideas, |Consider: |

|questions, concerns, vocabulary words, and even illustrations |How has your thinking changed in regards to something you read and |

|(pictures, drawings, concept webs). However, what you write down must |then wrote about in the left hand column? |

|also include commentary that attempts to analyze, justify, answer, | |

|predict or otherwise elaborate on what has been initially recorded. |Additional Questions and Answers? |

|For example, if you write something about enjoying a particular | |

|passage, you must also include reasons why you liked it and perhaps a |Additional Commentary and Evidence? |

|line or two about the passage’s significance. If you pose a question, | |

|attempt to answer it. Do not shy away from providing evidence to |Deeper analyses now that you have finished the text? |

|support your initial reactions. In essence, the left hand column | |

|becomes a running record of your interactions and engagement with the |Connections to other sources/texts that you have already read? |

|text. | |



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The following sentence starters may help you with both columns:

I began to think of…

I can’t really understand…

I wonder why…

I think…

I know the feeling of…

I can’t believe…

I noticed…

If I were…

I love the way…

I realized…

I was surprised…

I’m not sure…

In comparison to...(another book???)

This connects to…

______is an important literary element/technique…

The word, ___________, is important here…

Keep the following word in your mind at all times: “Why?”

It will force you to explain/support your reactions, and will help deepen your analysis.

Do not write summaries of what you read. Again, do not write entries that have a “this happened, then that happened” pattern.

Cite page numbers in your journal. This will allow you to help facilitate class discussions when you return. In other words, if you have written a commentary on a particular passage, please be sure to note the page number.

You do not have to write a follow up reaction to every single initial reaction. But you should write a follow-up reaction to at least 50% of your initial reactions.

The book is approximately 300 pages long. You should write one journal entry for approximately every 20 pages. This will result in 15 journal entries.

This assignment will be worth a writing grade of 25 points.

TurnItIn instructions:

Period 1 class ID: 9460401

Period 3 class ID: 9460414

Period 7 class ID: 9460420

All classes’ password: English

Please be sure to submit your assignment to the correct class section. Let me know if you have any problems doing so.


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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