Don’s Dungeons Triva by: Don DeLapp

Don’s Dungeons Triva by: Don DeLapp

À_Recent trivia winner:

Craig Koelle answered three questions for 6 file points and 15 time points..

Question: What cigarette would you "walk a mile for"??

Answer: camel

question: What is the famous cartoon Woodpeckers first name? (Come on guys)

answer: Woody

question: Who hosts American Bandstand?

Answer: Dick Clark

Call in first and get the easy questions before everyone else does.......

Good job Craig...


ó_Recent Trivia Winners:

Jon Hollembaek: Question-Who played the role of "Gidget" ?

Answer - Sally Field

Jim Walker : What is the IBM term for an I/O processor?

Answer: Channel

Craig Koelle: Question: How can a professional football team win by a

score of 1 to 0?

Answer: A forfeit

Good going guys..A couple were pretty hard...

2 File points and 5 time points for the guys..Where are the girls???


_Recent Trivia Winners:

Jon Hollembaek...What was the home field of the Brooklyn Dodgers

ans: Ebbets Field

Jon Hollembaek...What does the C in E=MC squared mean?

Answer: Speed or Speed of Light.

Jon Hollembaek...What is the common name of Common Busines Oriented Language? ...Answer: Cobol

Jon wins fifteen time points (30 minutes)..If you need the time points, Jon, just select "O" at the main menu to cash them in..Good Job...

-----Trivia Master-----Jim

X_Recent Trivia Winners:

Jon Holembaek..What famous Egyptian did Julius Caesar marry???

Answere.. Cleopatra

Another 5 time points (10 minutes + 2 file points for Jon).

Come on everyone...Jon's getting them all....

---------Trivia Master-----------Jim..

P.S. Jon gets 6 file points for the first three he answered.

â_Latest Trivia Winners:

1. Robby answered 4 questions..Wins 8 file points and 20 time points

Question:What does the "b" in Cobol stand for?

Answer: Business

Question: About what famous painter was the book "Lust for Life"?

Answer: Van Gogh

Question: If two sides of a triangle are 12 & 13 what is the 3rd side?

Answer: 5

Question: What boxer was known as the Brown Bomber ?

Answer: Joe Louis

Good Job Rob.....

È_Latest Trivia Winner:

Joe Fortuna answered 1 question. Wins 2 file points and 5 time points..

Question: What famous youth group was formed in 1910 ?

Answer: Boy Scouts of America

î_Recent Trivia Winners:

Keith Volkmar answered 4 trivia questions good for 8 file points and 20 time points....

Question: What does the "Co" in cobol mean.

Answer: Common

Question: In what sport is the lowest score the best ?

Answer: Golf

Question: What is Fonzies relation to to Chachi on "Happy Days"?

Answer : Cousin

Question: What state is 48 miles long and 37 miles wide?

Answer : Rhode Island

Common you other guys....Keith is getting really hot on these questions..

_Recent Trivia Winners:

Joe Reitz answered two questions for 4 file points & 10 time points...

Question: What is the most used "adding" machine?

Answer: Calculator

question: What is boxer Rocky's last name?

Answer: Balboa

Commmon guys..Joe's getting them alllllllll....


__Recent Trivia winners:

Jon Hollembaek answered three questions for 6 file points and 15 time points.

Jim Walker answered one question for 2 file points and 5 time points.

Runt answered one question for 2 file points and 5 time points..

Keep it up .......

_Recent trivia winner:

Larry Wirth answere two questions for 4 file points and 10 time points.

Question: Who was the "last" bare knuckles boxing champ?

Answer: John L. Sullivan

Question: What does the second "o" in Cobol stand for ???

Answer: oriented

Common let's get some trivia answers going..we are making them easier!!!

?_Recent Trivia Winners:

Joe Reitz answered 1 question for 2 file points and 5 time points

Jon Hollembaek answered 4 questions for 8 file points and 20 time points.

Craig Koelle answered 1 question for 2 file points and 5 time points.

Sorry ...The Trivia Master forgot to send the answers to the printer before updating the questions so we lost the questions and answers..Grrrrrrr...

ˆ_Recent Trivia Winner:

Craig Koelle answered 3 questions for 6 file points and 15 time points!!!

Question: What is the star that appears to never move?

Answer: Polaris, or North Star

Question: Who is the sysop of this board? Common guys...

Answer: Don DeLapp

Question: A computer ....... Displays on a c.R.T. What is happening...

Answer: Monitor

They are getting easier ....

__Recent Trivia Winners:

Jon Hollembaek answered 3 questions for 6 file points and 15 time points.

Question: On what network is Monday Night Football?

Answer: ABC

question: Who broke Babe Ruth's single season home run record in 1961?

Answer: Roger Maris

question: The Cartwrights own what ranch in the series "Bonanza"?

Answer: The Ponderosa, Ponderosa

Jim Walker answered 1 question for 2 file points and 5 time points...

Question: Who is the man who was saved by Pocohontis??

Answer: John Smith, Smith

Keep it up guys....

_Recent Trivia Winners:

Jon answered another..Boy he's sharp lately..

Question: Who is the owner of the New York Yankees?

AnswerL George Steinbrenner, Steinbrenner

î_Remember...If you need more time to download any big files (ie. You get a message that says you don't have enough time to download)..Just go to the main menu and select "O" to cash in the time points you have earned.


ð_Who are the recent trivia winners??

Answers: Ted Brace..Question: What is the largest gorge in the world?

Answer: The Grand Canyon

Angus McCollum..

Tasmania is off the coast of _________?

Answer: Australia

(how did you get that one???)

Dan Marino..

What part of speech is the word "input"?

Answer: Noun

Ted Brace.."Cat Scratch Fever" was the hit album by what artist?

Answer: Ted Nugent, Nugent

5 file points and 5 time points for each correct answer...

Notice the file points have been increase from 2 to 5 for each correct answer..Have fun....


_Question: Who are the recent trivia winners?

Answer :

Prowler X

Question: In what state is Golden Gate National Park?

Answer: California,Ca.,Ca

Scott Kullberg

Question: New York was formerly known by what name?

Answer: New Amsterdam

Prowler X

Question: What does the "last M" in modem stand for?

Answer: Modulate, modulator

Ted Brace

Question: In baseball, What is the job of the fireman?

Answers: relief pitcher, relief, pitcher

5 time & file points for the correct answers..Good job!!!!

š_To all trivia players:

When the answer to the trivia questions are "checked on-line", the spelling must be correct and exact. It doesn't matter about upper or lower case BUT spelling is important. Also, if the answer can be abbreviated there must be a period (.) Following the abbreviation. I can check 3 answers automatically on-line so sometimes I may not be able to hit "all" combinations of answers. I pick the 3 most obvious answer combinations if this is the case. If the answer is a "name", I always include as one of the answers the "last name" only.. The other two answers will be "first initial (.) Last name & first name ..Last name. HAVE FUN!!!

__Question: Who answered the most questions on 12/29/87?

Answer: Scott Kullberg (3 total for 15 file & time pts)

Ted Brace (1 total for 5 file & time pts)

Which state in America is known as the Blue Grass State?

Answer: Kentucky

What was discovered in California on Jan. 24, 1848?

Answer: Gold

What does the "a" in ascii stand for?

Answer: American

What popular German Shepard dog played the leading role in a western series?

Answer: Rin Tin Tin

Good Job Fellows..Keep it up..

__To All,

I will be adding some data to the trivia questions to help check the answers on-line. First I will be giving the total number of words in the answer. Second, sometimes I will supply a clue to get you started.

Thanks, and HAVE FUN...

--Don DeLapp

ü_Who are the recent trivia winners?


Runt--- What is the biggest Ocean On Earth?

Answer: The Pacific Ocean

Larry Wirth-Who was the last Amer. To win the gold medal in hvywgt. Boxing?

Answer: George Foreman (good going Larry..That was a tough one)

Jim Walker--What is the worlds second longest river?

Answer: Amazon

Rick Rizzo--The only char. In Peanusts who is talked about but never drawn?

Answer: Red-Haired Gire (great Rick..22 Tries before a winner)

Jim Walker--What does the "s" in ASCII stand for?

Answer: Standard

Jim Walker--What game show was hosted by Groucho Marx?

Answer: You Bet Your Life

!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!--Happy New Year--10 file points/answer--!!!!!!!!!!!!!

u_Who are the recent Trivia winners:


Jon Hollembaek-Question: What state is named for King George II?

Answer: Georgia

Ted Brace------Question: What is another nae for the Anti-facist Wall?

Answer: The Berlin Wall

Ted Brace------Question: What does the "c" in ascii stand for?

Answer: Character, char.

Jon Hollembaek-Question: What was Louis Armstrong's nickname?

Answer: Satchmo

Jon Hollembaek-Question: What is the most famous painting in the Louvre?

Answer: Mona Lisa

Keep it up guys... 5 File & time pts per..


5_Recent Trivia Winners?

Lynn Clark---Who wrote a tale of two cities?

Answer: Dickens

Lynn Clark---What does the first 'i' in ascii stand for?

Answer: Information

Chuck Boyer--For what sport is Pele world famous?

Answer: Soccer

Chuck Boyer--How many points are there in a perfect bowling game?

Answer: 300

Chuck Boyer--What is Smokey Robinson's real first name?

Answer: Bill, or William

Hey..The girls are getting sharp..Keep it up girls

Five file and time points for each answer. --Don

__Who are the recent Trivia winners:


Jim Walker: What is the international symbol for an agency of mercy?

Answer: The Red Cross

Mike May: What is the largest city in South America?

Answer: Buenos Aires (did you look that one up Mike..Har)

Mike May: Whose war life is told in "To Hell and Back"?

Answer: Audie Murphy

Bob Harker: What famous Red Head starred with The Marx Brothers?

Answer: Lucille Ball

Bob Harker: Who played Heidi in the 1937 version?

Answer: Shirley Temple

Bob Harker: Who was the first midget to gain worldwide fame?

Answer: Tom Thumb

5 time & file points each guys...Keep it up...Call early & get the easy ones. --Don

l_Who answered the most trivia questions this week?

Answer: Major Havok------5 correct---wow!

Who was the first son on Adam and Eve?-----Cain

What famous WW2 general became president?----Eisenhower

Who wrote "Cat on a Hot Tin Roof"?-----------Williams

Who sang the song for "From Nine To Five"?---Dolly Parton

Other Winners:

Harold the Barrel:

What is the national sport of Canada?-----Lacrosse

Keith Volkmar:

Where did Art Carney work on the Honeymooners?---Sewer

What is the 4th root of 81?----------------------3

5 Time and file points for each correct answer!!


Should I post the Trivia Winner Names and The Correct Questions and Answers. Leave comments here in the Trivia message section if you would like me to re-start this activity. Thanks,

-----Don DeLapp Sr.

T_Who are the hottest trivia answerers (is that a word)?

Ted Brace: 4 correct answers

What instrument does Doc Severinson play? Ans: Trumpet

What is 5 to the third power? Ans: 125

Who made the largest wooden plane? Ans: Howard Hughes

What does the "A" in RAM stand for? Ans: access

Craig Koelle:

1 correct answer

The Jets & Sharks are gangs from what musical?

Ans: West Side Story

5 file & time points guys (Where are the GIRLS?)

__Recent Trivia Winners:

Jon Hollembaek--5 right answers for 25 file points...All right Jon!!

Peter Province--1 right answer for 10 file points.. Welcome aboard Pete!

Sorry I can't post the answers, I lost the printout. Arggggg...

-----Don DeLapp

_Trivia winner:

Harold the Barrell answered 5 questions in one day for 25 file and time points..Keep it up Barrell... Call in early and get the "easy" questions..

L_Note to Trivia Users:

When you answer a question I have to manually allocate the "file" points you win. I usually do the allocation every day, so be patient on receiving your file points. The time points are allocated automatically by the system so you receive them immediately upon answering a question.

-----Don DeLapp Sr.


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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