Mental Health Awareness Month -

May 2018

Mental Health Awareness Month:

May is Mental Health Awareness Month! This month is intended to bring about awareness of mental illness and address the stigma that can often be connected to mental health issues. A mental illness is a condition that impacts a person's thinking, mood or feeling. These conditions can alter an individual's ability to connect to others and function in daily life. Individual experience is unique, even with the same diagnosis. A mental health condition isn't the result of a single event. Research suggests many connected causes. Genetics, environment and lifestyle impact whether an individual develops a mental health condition. A stressful job or home life can increase the risk, along with traumatic life events like being the victim of violence for example. Brain chemistry, biochemical processes and basic brain structure may play a role as well. Youth Facts: Half of mental health conditions begin by age 14, and 75% of mental health conditions develop by age 24. It is good to note that the normal personality and behavior changes of adolescence may mimic or mask symptoms of a mental health condition. With concerns that are related to mental illness, early engagement and support are crucial to improving outcomes for recovery. One in every four to five youth may meet criteria for a lifetime mental disorder. Many of these youth may face discrimination and negative attitudes about mental illness, and this may often be a barrier for a youth in seeking and getting help. Learn more about adolescent mental health from by clicking HERE! Be sure to check out the links on the right side of the page. Need guidance on how to address a mental health concern? Click HERE to visit the National Alliance on Mental Illness page "Getting the Right Start". In addition, is a great site to explore information and tools in addressing mental health needs, click HERE to explore the site! Looking for support and resources at Mound Westonka High School to address a mental health concern? See our Family and Student Support Page! CLICK HERE!

Questions or Information Request Contact Chris Lawler: Lawlerc@ Twitter: @Relate_CD


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