

Profile of Montr?al


Political organization

105 elected officials: the city's mayor, 19 borough mayors, 45 city councillors and 40 borough councillors.

31 councillors and mayors on the Urban Agglomeration Council as at January 1, 2006.

Within the city limits

16 cities make up the Montr?al Urban Agglomeration. They consist of Montr?al and its 19 boroughs, along with 15 reconstituted municipalities.

482.8 square kilometres: the area of the Island of Montr?al and 10 smaller islands. The Island of Montr?al is 50 km long and up to 16 km wide.

5,617 kilometres of roads and 883 km of rails throughout the Island of Montr?al.

33 kilometres of underground pedestrian corridors, with 178 access points, making Montr?al one of the world's leaders in subsurface networks of this type. Some 500,000 people go about their business in these corridors each day, protected from the elements.

2006 Budget

$3,854.9 million: The 2006 city budget for urban agglomeration services that are provided throughout the Island of Montr?al and for local services that are dispensed within Montr?al itself.

$133.6 billion: total value of property throughout the Island of Montr?al ($106.6 billion in Montr?al and $27 billion in the 15 reconstituted municipalities).

21,724: City employees, in person-years.


1,862,608 residents of the Island of Montr?al. Of this number, 1,626.373 live in the city (87.3% of the island's population) and 236,235 (12.7%) inhabit the 15 reconstituted municipalities. This cultural mosaic includes members of some 100 ethnic communities.

Education and research

4 universities (two French- and two English language), which are associated with such renowned institutions as the ?cole des hautes ?tudes commerciales (HEC), the ?cole polytechnique, the ?cole nationale d'administration publique, the ?cole de technologie sup?rieure and the Institut national de la recherche scientifique.

450 university and private research centres, making Montr?al a key centre for innovation. The city is Canada's capital for academic research.


33 hospitals, which form the heart of a health-care system that also includes 300 CLSCs (community centres).

Economic activity

260 companies operating in the aerospace industry. Sixty percent of all Canadian activity in this economic sector is concentrated in Greater Montr?al and provides jobs to some 40,000 people.

23,636,763 metric tonnes of goods transited through the Port of Montr?al in 2004, the largest port on North America's East Coast.

88 major corporations have head offices in Montr?al. The city is also home to 71 international organizations, 60 consulates and 112 finance centres.


2006 Budget

Tourism 307,104 conventioneers attended events in Montr?al during 2004. The city ranks third in North America for its annual number of international conventions. 14,400,000 visitors to the metropolitan region in 2004. Tourists spent some $2.3 billion. 40 international festivals and events are presented each year. They contribute to Montr?al's cultural wealth and place the city on a par with such other leading centres as London, Paris and New York.


Ville de Montr?al Administrative organization

January 12, 2006

Borough councils



Executive Committee

DIRECTION G?N?RALE Robert Abdallah Director general

Commission des services ?lectriques

(Electrical services commission)

Serge Boileau Chairman

Service des infrastructures, transport et environnement

Yves Provost Assistant Director General

Service de la mise en valeur du territoire et du patrimoine

Marc Tremblay Assistant Director General

Service du d?veloppement culturel, de la qualit? du milieu de vie et de

la diversit? ethnoculturelle

Rachel Laperri?re Assistant Director General

Service de police

Yvan Delorme Director

Service de la s?curit? incendie de Montr?al

Serge Tremblay Director

Anjou Borough Jacques Rioux


C?te-des-Neiges?NotreDame-de-Gr?ce Borough

Ga?tan Rainville Director

Service des affaires corporatives

Robert Cassius de Linval Senior Director

Service du capital humain

Pierre Reid Senior Director

Service des finances

Robert Lamontagne Senior Director and Treasurer

East boroughs

Service des services administratifs

Robert Cassius de Linval Senior Director

Mercier?HochelagaMaisonneuve Borough Michel Archambault


LaSalle Borough Gervais Lemay


Ahuntsic-Cartierville Borough

?ric Lachapelle Director

Montr?al-Nord Borough

Daniel L'?cuyer Director

Rivi?re-des-Prairies?Pointeaux-Trembles Borough

Pierre Santamaria Director

Central boroughs

Rosemont? La Petite-Patrie Borough

Paul Bourret Director

Outremont Borough

Yves Mailhot Director

Plateau-Mont-Royal Borough

Johanne Falcon Director

West boroughs

Sud-Ouest Borough

Gilles Rainville Director

L'?le-Bizard?SainteGenevi?ve Borough

Jean-Paul Collinge Director

Lachine Borough

Pierre Bernardin Director

Pierrefonds-Roxboro Borough

Jacques Chan Director

Saint-L?onard Borough Claude Brunelle Director

Ville-Marie Borough Guy H?bert

Assistant Director General

Saint-Laurent Borough Serge Lamontagne Director

Villeray?Saint-Michel? Parc-Extension Borough

?rick Santana Director

Verdun Borough Gilles Baril Director

Political bodies


Municipal departments


2006 Budget



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