California State University, Northridge


Before we meet next Saturday morning, you should:

1. Take and score the MBTI (Form M) to determine your (type( ...or, if you have taken the MBTI fairly recently, find your scores and identify your (type(

2. Read p.1-8 in Introduction to Type in Organizations for background about the MBTI and the preference groupings that determine the 16 (types( (*)

3. Study the descriptions and suggestions for your type found in the third section of Introduction to Type in Organizations (there is also a brief description of each type in the Instructions for Scoring that accompanies the MBTI instrument) (*)

4. As you read the material about your type, use critical thinking and make notes about the characteristics that make sense to you about yourself from your experience of self and feedback from others. Make a profile of yourself based on these characteristics.

5. Evaluate the strengths and weaknesses of your profile as a leader, either in your present situation or in a position you hope to have after finishing your MBA.

6. Begin to identify 1-3 things you can improve and think about how these can be incorporated into your Leadership Assessment and Development Plan.

We will do further work on steps 4-6 on Saturday.


* If you don(t have a copy of Introduction to Type in Organizations, use other materials you might have that provide similar information, or use the Notes referenced in the entry where you found this file.



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