McDonald's Franchise Assignment - Weebly

McDonald's Franchise Assignment

The following link will take you to the McDonalds' franchise site. Answer the questions on this assignment sheet either on your computer or print it out and answer in pencil or pen. Answer in point-form using a different font.

- McDonalds Canada Home Page

Select Contact Us > FAQs

1. How many McDonald’s are there in Canada?

2. How many McDonald’s are there in the world? How many people do the employ?

3. How many countries does McDonald’s do business with in the world?

Select Our Story > Our History

4. Why was Ray Kroc so impressed with the McDonald brothers’ hamburger stand in California?

5. When did McDonalds first sell shares to their company on the stock exchange?

6. Where the first McDonald was outside of the US?

> Corporate Info

7. What percentage of Canadian McDonalds are Franchised?

8. What type of individuals are they looking for to be owner-operators? (3 things)

Choose Franchising >Purchasing Your Franchise > New Restaurants

9. List the costs to open and operate a new McDonalds.

Initial Costs:

Ongoing Fees:


In this franchising section select Why McDonalds? > World Class Training

10. How much time would you have to spend training to be a McDonald’s owner/operator?

11. What premise is the franchising system built on?

12. Where is Hamburger University?

Select the following link for a map to McDonald’s around the world. country/map.html

13. Find Egypt. Click on the Hamburger > McDonald’s tab > Company Profile.

• How many McDonald's are in Egypt?

• When did the first 2 McDonalds open?

• What different menu items do they offer? (Check out the menu)

14. Choose India . Select About Us (top right corner)

• How many restaurants are there in India?

• Under the section “Respect for the Indian Customs and Culture”, India is the first country in the world where McDonald’s doesn’t offer what?

• Go back to India’s home page. What special service is offered in India that we don’t have in Canadian McDonald’s?

• Identify TWO UNIQUE food items.

15. From the map select TWO countries of your choice and for each list two UNIQUE facts about the McDonald's in that country.


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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