Algebra 1

Radford High School


Algebra 1

Instructor: Mr. Jason Fatz Room: 173

E-mail: Phone: 421-4200 ext. 293 fatzjw@


Algebra is a yearlong college preparatory course designed to introduce students to topics that are a prerequisite to Algebra 2 and Geometry. Topics we will explore include the real number systems, first-degree equations and inequalities with one and two variables, products and factors in polynomials, quadratic equations, and graphs. This course is the beginning of the math sequence and does not have any prerequisites. We will be addressing the Common Core State Standards (CCSS) for Algebra 1 and the General Learner Outcomes (GLOs) throughout the year.


Classroom Rules:

1. Be on time.

2. Be prepared with all needed materials.

3. Be respectful to everyone and everything in this classroom.

4. Raise your hand and wait to be called on.

5. Obey all school rules.

6. There will be no food or drinks except water in class.

7. Calculators are to be used for math purposes only. *

8. Restroom use is expected before the tardy bell rings. You will only be allowed to leave if you have a bathroom pass**

* The teacher has the right to reset or confiscate a calculator f they are being used inappropriately.

** You get three bathroom passes per quarter – unless it’s an “emergency” (special conditions – e.g. urinary tract infections, pregnancy, etc. Bring a note from home).

Required Materials:

• Textbook: McDougal Littell Algebra 1, 2001 (will be provided)

• Pencils with erasers (at least two)

• 2 different colored pens/colored pencils (for grading purposes)

• 2-inch binder or equivalent space in a shared binder

• 5 dividers

• Graph Paper*

• Loose Leaf Paper

• Calculator (a scientific calculator is not required, but highly recommended)

* Graph paper can be printed from or elsewhere online.

Grading Policy:

Grading Scale- Quarterly Grading Catergories-

A 90 – 100% 45% Exams

B 80 – 89% 35% Quizzes/Binder Checks

C 70 – 79% 20% Homework/Classwork

D 60 – 69% 100% Total Grade

F 0 – 59%

**Do not ask me about your grade during class time**

Scores will be recorded into my grade book and most papers will then be returned to you.

Computer updates of grades will be posted at least once every 2 weeks on webgrader.

Website: Some assignments and helpful links will be located on my website at mrfatz.. If you lose an assignment or are absent, please check the website before you request a copy. Important links and tutorials to assist you will also be located on the website.

Assignments/Homework Policy:

Homework is a learning experience that reinforces the concepts presented in class, and it helps students develop self-discipline, responsibility, and organizational skills. Homework will be assigned (almost) everyday and will be due the following class, unless told otherwise. Homework will consistently be problems out of the book or from a worksheet given in class, which will be reviewed and due the following class period.

Homework is expected to …

1. Be completed and turned in on time

2. Be in pencil and on loose-leaf folder paper

3. Have your name, period seat number, and date in the upper right corner

4. Have the assignment title listed at the top of the page

5. Have work shown

6. Use complete sentences when applicable

7. Stapled together when an assignment has multiple pages. Each pages must have Heading and

Title in their correct locations.

Failure to do these guidelines will result in a lowered grade.

Students are expected to make an attempt on all homework assignments. It is important to attempt these problems because they are based on real-life scenarios.

Homework Rubric:

|Score (pts) |Attributes |

|5 |All (or almost all) problems assigned were attempted with work and problems shown. |

|4 |Most problems assigned are attempted with work and problems shown. |

|3 |At least half of the problems assigned are attempted. (Anything less than half will be returned to be |

| |redone and will be graded as late when turned in again.) |

| |OR |

| |Late work with all (or almost all) problems attempted. |

|2 |Late work with most problems attempted. Completed in Power Homework Format. |

|1 |Late work with at least half of the problems attempted. |

|0 |Any work less than half done or not turned in. |

|**Homework earns points regardless of being right or wrong. |

|Homework is for practicing while quizzes and exams are for grading accuracy. |

If any homework scored a 0, then the student can attempt to redo the assignment. All second attempts will be graded as a late assignment.

Late work:

Late work will be accepted until a date mentioned in class (towards the end of the quarter). No late work will receive a score above a 3.

Absent work:

If you are absent, it is your responsibility to get the homework assignment. I will not hunt you down to give you your absent work.  You have one more day than the number of days you were absent to make up any assignments. Project due dates are hard dates. Your work must be turned in prior to the due date or by the end of the day or your project will be marked late. Exceptions will only be made when accompanied with a doctor’s note.

Quizzes & Exams:


There will be one Quiz* half way thru each chapter, as well as, a “Pop” quiz** at any time. Quizzes, for a grade, will only cover topics learned thus far. So you should prepare yourself because you never know when that quiz may occur. = )

* Students are permitted to use any CN (will be later discussed) notes from these sections.

** Students are not permitted to use any notes on a “Pop” quiz.


An exam will be given at the end of every unit that we cover and a cumulative exam will be given at the end of each quarter/semester. The quarter/semester exam is double the value of an unit exam.


If you are absent the day before a quiz/test, you will still take the quiz/test on the assigned day. If you are absent on quiz/test day, you will take it the first day you are back in school at a time scheduled between you and myself (before school, lunch, or after school).

Other Expectations:

Class notes are expected to be in Cornell Notes (CN) style. Open notes quizzes will be given using only notes in CN style*.

* A copy of CN style is on an attached page.

Academic Integrity:

Examples of academic dishonesty include, but are not limited to, the following: cheating on tests/quizzes, plagiarizing, falsifying data, intentional & unauthorized alteration of materials, and unauthorized collaboration such as copying or allowing the copying of homework. Anyone involved in dishonesty of any work, quiz, test, project, etc. will be disciplined by one or more of the following:

• Conference with the student.

• Automatic zero on the work.

• Referral to the counselor or vice principal.

• Conference with parents.

Availability & Contact:

I am available before school, after school and by appointment. If you have any questions or need help with something, you can also email me at fatzjw@


Detach along the dotted line and return to Mr. Fatz (10 points)

I have read and understand the syllabus.

Student Name: ________________________________________________ Period: ____________

Student Signature ______________________________________________ Date: ______________

Parent / Guardian Name: ___________________________________________________________

Parent / Guardian Signature _______________________________________ Date: _____________

Parent / Guardian contact

Phone Number: _____________________________Email: ________________________________


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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