Authentic - MySCTextbooks

Authentic |

¡Avancemos! Level 2 textbook pages C2-C25, 13, 32, 38, 42, 66, 71, 78, 86, 87, 96, 102, 120, 123, 126, 140, 141, 150, 156, 159, 174, 185, 194, 195, 210, 214-215, 216, 222, 229, 233, 240, 250, 251, 260, 270-271, 279, 284, 296, 306, 316, 361, 362, 378, 402, 418, 433, 453

Lecturas para todos pages 33, 38, 43, 53, 73, 86, 94, 104, 110, 118, 134

*More authentic materials and related activities are available in the Cuaderno: Práctica por niveles, Lecturas para hispanohablantes, Transparencies, Unit Resource Booklets, Video Program, El Gran Desafío, and at .

*For authentic music, please refer to the Música del mundo hispano Audio CD.

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|Adapted |Student and Teacher Edition pages xxviii – xxxiii, 31a, 31b, 36, 43, 51, 52-53, 54, 85, 85b, 105, 106-107, 129, 139, 139b, 183, 193, 193b, 213, 228, 237, 239, |

| |243, 249b, 272, 285, 293, 325, 326-327, 328, 349, 361b, 381, 382-383, 405, 417b, 424, 434, 437, 438-439, 440, 450, 461, 473 |

| | |

|Publisher Created |Student and Teacher Edition pages xxxiv, 16, 71, 75, 76-77, 83, 130-131, 137, 160-161, 184-185, 186, 191, 224, 238-239, 242, 245, 246-247, 269, 294-295, 301, 305,|

| |305b, 319, 334, 345, 350-351, 357, 367, 397, 406-407, 408, 411, 413, 417, 455, 462-463, 469 |

For a more detailed description of materials, please see the following pages of this document.

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| |¡Avancemos! Level 2 textbook pages | |

| | | |

| |C2-C25 | |

| | |Information about authentic music and musicians. (See also - |

| | |Música del mundo hispano CD.) |

| |13 |Fine Art |

| |31a |Transportation signs |

| |32 |Map; flag; recipe (also see online version |

| | |Passport; travel documents |

|Authentic |38 |Fine Art |

| |42 |Fine Art |

| |66 |Ticket |

| |71 |Recipes |

| |78 |Map; flag; recipe; travel flyer |

| |86-87 |Cheer |

| |96 |Fine Art |

| |102 |Fine Art |

| |120 |Advertisement |

| |123 |Mafalda Cartoon |

| |126 |Map; flag; recipe; mural; El Castillo de San Felipe del Morro |

| |140-141 |Fine Art |

| | |Advertisement |

| |150 |Advertisement |

| |156 | |

| |159 | |

| | | |

| | | |

| | | |

| |¡Avancemos! Level 2 textbook pages | |

| | |Fine Art; mask |

| |174 |Carving |

| |184 |Mola |

| |185 |Map; flag; recipe; fine art; folkloric dancers |

| |194-195 |Fine Art |

| | |Legend: El fuego y el tlacuache |

| |210 |Flag; symbol |

|Authentic (continued) |214-215 |Pyramid; statues, Aztec calendar |

| |216 |Market sign |

| |222 |Artefacts |

| |229 |Traditional songs |

| |233 |Map; flag; recipe |

| |240 |Fine Art; Churrería sign; La Casa Batlló |

| |250 |Fine Art |

| |251 |Poems: Oda a la sal and Oda al aceite (Pablo Neruda) |

| | |Shop signs |

| |260 |Fine Art |

| |270-271 |Restaurant signs; typical dishes |

| | |Recipes |

| |279 |Map; flag; recipe; fine art |

| |284 |Fine Art |

| |294 |Mural |

| |296 |Fine Art |

| |306-307 | |

| |316 | |

| |328 | |

| |340 | |

| | | |

|Authentic (continued) | | |

| | | |

| | |Advertisement |

| |¡Avancemos! Level 2 textbook pages |Map; flag; recipe |

| | |Fine Art |

| |361 |La Blblioteca Central de la UASD |

| |362 |Fine Art |

| |378 |Map; flag; recipe; masks |

| |399 |Fine Art |

| |402 |Fine Art |

| |418 | |

| |433 | |

| |453 | |

| | | |

| | | |

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| | | |

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| | | |

| | | |

| | | |

| | | |

| | | |

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| | | |

| | | |

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| | | |

|Authentic (continued) | | |

| | | |

| | | |

| | | |

| | |Legend: Una leyenda mazateca |

| |Lecturas para todos pages |Article: Los zapotecas y los otavaleños |

| | |Poems: Dos odas de Pablo Neruda |

| |33 |Literature: La casa de los espiritus (Isabel Allende) |

| |38 |Web site: Fundación Bello Ecuador |

| | |Literature: Senderos fronterizos (Francisco Jiménez) |

| |43 |Prose and Poetry: Escrituras (Frida Kahlo) |

| |53 |Poem: A Julia de Burgos (Julia de Burgos) |

| | |Literature: Platero y yo (Juan Ramón Jiménez) |

| |73 |Literature: El delantal blanco (Sergio Vodanovic) |

| |86 |Literature: La casa de los espíritus (Isabel Allende) |

| | | |

| |94 | |

| | | |

| |104 | |

| | | |

| |110 | |

| | | |

| |118 | |

| | | |

| |134 | |

| | | |

| | | |

| | |Maps |

|Adapted | |Recipe |

| | |Passport; travel documents |

| | |Map |

| | |Itinerary; phone message |

| | |Travel guide |

| | |Map; chart |

| | |Web site |

| |¡Avancemos! Level 2 textbook pages |Recipe |

| | |Magazine page; radio ad |

| |xxviii – xxxiii |Information cards about the World Cup |

| |31b |Pamphlet |

| |36 |Pamphlet |

| |43 |Recipe |

| |51 |Article about crafts |

| |52-53 |Letter |

| |54 |Recipe |

| |85 |Chocolate package |

| |85b |Map |

| |105 |Floor plan of the Museo Nacional de Antropología |

| |106-107 |Article; Web site |

| |129 |Map |

| |139 |Recipe |

| |139b |Map |

| |183 | |

| |193 | |

|Adapted (continued) |193b | |

| |213 | |

| |228 | |

| |237 | |

| | |Web site |

| |238 - 239 |Restaurant review |

| |243 |Theatre schedule |

| |249b |Literature: La casa de los espíritus (Isabel Allende) |

| |272 |Invitation |

| | |Recipe |

| | |Newspaper article |

| | |Newspaper article |

| |¡Avancemos! Level 2 textbook pages |Magazine article |

| | |Recipe |

| |285 |Survey |

| |293 |Advertisement |

| |325 |Web page |

| |326-327 |Web page |

| | |Map |

| |349 |Classified ads |

| |361b |Poster |

| |381 |Advertisement |

| |382-383 | |

| |405 | |

| |417b | |

| |424 | |

| |434 | |

|Publisher Created |437 | |

| |438-439 | |

| |440 | |

| |450 | |

| |461 | |

| |473 | |

| | |Poster |

| | |School schedule |

| | |Letter |

| | |Email |

| | |Travel article |

| | |Email; letters |

| | |Article about gauchos and coffee growers |

| | |Emails; letters |

| |¡Avancemos! Level 2 textbook pages |Fashion magazine article |

| | |Article about crafts |

| |xxxiv |Craft projects |

| |16 |Emails; letters |

| |71 |Map |

| |75 |Article about indigenous cultures |

| |76-77 |Letter |

| |83 |Email; letters |

|Publisher Created |130-131 |El Gran Desafío introduction |

|(continued) | |Shopping list |

| |137 |Article about local foods |

| |160-161 |Emails; letters |

| |184-185 |El Gran Desafío episode |

| |186 |Survey |

| |191 |Poster |

| |224 |Invitations |

| |238-239 |Information card |

| |242 | |

| |245 | |

| |246-247 | |

| |269 | |

| |294-295 | |

| |301 |Article about film awards |

| |303 |Emails; letters |

| |305 |Student newspaper |

| |319 |Internet correspondence |

| |334 |Article about godparents |

| |345 |Tongue twisters and onomatopoeia |

| | |Advertisement |

| |¡Avancemos! Level 2 textbook pages |Emails; letters |

| | |Advertisement |

| |350-351 |Interview |

| |357 |Article about professions |

| |367 |Emails; letters |

| |397 | |

| |406-407 | |

| |408 | |

| |411 | |

| |413 | |

| |417 | |

| |455 | |

| |462-463 | |

| |469 | |

| | | |


Student Edition, page 96

Student Edition, page 78

Student Edition, page 214


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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