Sumerian Civilization Reading Guide - mr. flohr's world ...

Sumerian Civilization Reading Guide1.3: CivilizationObjective A: Explain how villages grew into munities based on ____________________ had a plentiful supply of food which could support ____________________.Complete the statement: “Food surpluses also freed some villagers to …Name two inventions which allowed traders to move more goods over long distances:a) ____________________ b) ____________________ Social classes emerged with varying degrees of:a) ____________________ b) ____________________ c) ____________________Objective B: List the characteristics of civilization.Sumer was located in ____________________ in the modern-day country of ____________________.Complete the chart:Civilization is a complex culture with:advanced citiesDefine artisan:Define institution:Complete the chart:document tax collectionsUses of writing 2.1: City-States in MesopotamiaObjective A: Summarize how geography affected culture in the Fertile Crescent.Fertile Crescent = lands facing the _______________ Sea and a plain known as _______________.Mesopotamia = land between the _______________ and _______________ RiversFlooding left a thick bed of mud called ____________Complete the cause and effect chart:Challenge of living in Mesopotamia:Solution created by Sumerian people:Unpredictable flooding and periods of droughtLack of natural barriers for protectionLimited natural resourcesObjective B: Describe city-states and how other cultures learned about them.Define city-state:Sumer’s earliest governments were controlled by _______________ but, in time, some _______________ became full-time rulers.Define dynasty:Define cultural diffusion:Objective C: Describe Sumerian religious beliefs, social structure, and plete the chart:Sumerian Religion________________: belief in more than one god___________________________________________: rich account of Mesopotamian myths and legendsSouls of the dead went to:Humans were nothing more than _______________ to the plete the chart of Sumerian Society: Kings, landholders, and some priests Complete the chart:Arithmetic/geometry:Writing:Architecture:Inventions:Sumerian Technology Objective D: Explain the influence of Sumer on later civilizations.Define empire:Hammurabi’s most enduring legacy is ______________________________ which frequently applied the principle of _______________. ................

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