February 28, 2006
A special meeting of the Enfield Board of Education was held at Enfield Street Elementary School, All-Purpose Room, 1363 Enfield Street, Enfield, CT. The meeting was called to order by Mrs. Racine at 7:30 PM.
MEMBERS PRESENT Judith Apruzzese-Desroches, Donna Corbin Sobinski, Andre Greco, Joyce Hall, Albert Harrison, Charles Johnson III, Susan Lavelli-Hozempa, Samuel McGill, Sharon Racine
ALSO PRESENT Dr. John Gallacher; Superintendent of Schools, Anthony Torre; Assistant Superintendent, Student Representative, Megan Cooper, EHS
1. CALL TO ORDER Sharon Racine
Mrs. Corbin Sobinski moved, seconded by Ms. Hall, that the minutes of February 14, 2006 be approved.
There were no corrections, omissions or changes.
A vote by show of hands, 9-0-0, motion passes.
Ms. Hall moved, seconded by Mr. Greco, that the minutes of February 16, 2006 be approved.
There were no corrections, omissions or changes.
A vote by show of hands, 9-0-0, motion passes.
a. Fermi High Breakfast Program
FHS Principal, Paul Newton and FHS student, Megan Grigely, presented the findings of the DECCA Marketing Class survey regarding a pilot breakfast program at FHS. The breakfast program would be offered as a hot or cold breakfast and would meet the federal guidelines of a nutritionally balanced meal to be federally reimbursable. The cost of breakfast would be $1.25. Students may choose to purchase any item ala carte, but since these items are not federally reimbursable when sold as a single unit, it will cost the student much more than taking the whole meal. Principal Newton also agreed to allow the first and second period study halls to meet in the cafeteria to provide the breakfast program opportunity to more students. It would also increase the sales of the breakfast program.
Ms. Grigely urged the Board to support the pilot program from March 1st to the end of school. At that time a report will be made to the Board regarding the success of the program and determine whether to continue it as a regular option for the next school year.
b. Metropolitan Learning Center
Dr. Joseph Townsley, CREC Magnet School Administrator, presented an outline of the nine Inter-district Magnet Schools that are managed by CREC. These magnet schools are primarily a partnership with local districts to agree to build or send their students there. The funding for these schools comes from the tuition paid by local districts for their students and State funding. The admission policy is a fairly simple one. The student applies, and if the local district agrees to pay for the student and there is an available opening, that student will be allowed to attend. If there are a specific number of seats appropriated to a local district and the applications received are above the limit, then there is a lottery for the available seats and the names drawn have first preference to attending. Once a student is accepted, that student is guaranteed a seat for his or her entire educational career at that school. Dr. Townsley introduced Anne McKernan, Principal of MLC, for an overview of MLC.
Principal McKernan presented an overview of her school and the Enfield students that have attended MLC. MLC has received several national awards as well as international recognition. They have a student exchange program that includes one Enfield student studying in Chile and one Enfield student studying in Brazil this year. Enfield presently has 39 students enrolled as follows: Grade 6 – 8 students, Grade 7 – 9 students, Grade 8 – 9 students, Grade 9 – 5 students, Grade 10 – 6 students, no students in Grade 11 and Grade 12 – 2 students.
Principal McKernan introduced an Enfield parent, Patricia Drumm who has twin boys in the sixth grade at MLC. Ms. Drumm stated that initially there was apprehension in regards to pursuing something out of the norm for her children’s education. MLC had so much to offer that was not available in a regular school setting. Her children have adjusted really well and absolutely love the school. She stated that every child should have a choice at some time in their education to pick the type of studies they wish to pursue.
Mrs. Lavelli-Hozempa asked if the school was filled to capacity and what is MLC’s ability to take on more students? Principal McKernan stated that the middle school level is full and some students leave in the high school grades because of interscholastic sports that are not offered at MLC. Currently, there are 665 students enrolled and the school has the capacity for 749 students. Budget constraints for the sending districts also hamper the enrollment at MLC.
Mrs. Apruzzese-Desroches asked how many students from Enfield are in the lottery for next year and at what grade level do you stop accepting applications? Principal McKernan stated that above the 39 students currently enrolled in MLC, there are 22 additional applications to enter into the lottery for seats. Grade 10 is the cut off for accepting students into the program because of the outline and requirements of the curriculum. There could be an exception to that rule if the student has met all the requirements to enroll in the eleventh grade as was the case this year.
Chairman Sharon Racine asked about student retentions and if MLC is familiar with our policy on Schools of Choice? Principal McKernan stated that if a student is retained, the district is notified. If there is an opening in the grade, the district has the option to send the student back to MLC or return him or her to their regular school.
Mr. McGill asked if the students are required to purchase the laptop computer or does the school own them? Principal McKernan stated that each student is required to pay $80 for an insurance policy for their child’s laptop. At the end of each school year, the student turns in the computer and the computers are re-programmed for the next school year. This is a mandatory fee every year.
1. Memo from Mr. Drezek regarding advertising on buses
2. Invitation to Voices, Inc. performance for Board Members
3. FY2006-2007 School Budget Proposal
4. School Year 2006-2007 Program of Studies Book
Roy Reale, Brook Rd. Mr. Reale stated he is urging the Board to support Schools of Choice. Clearly, there is a growing acceptance and the word is spreading regarding the great programs out there for students. This is also a wonderful opportunity for the Enfield community to leverage themselves in this growing national asset and provide their students with multiple options. There is community service provided by these students too as part of their requirement to graduate. Mr. Reale stated that these options for students in no way diminish what is offered in our own public schools. Instead it allows Enfield to give the best possible advantages to our children. Mr. Reale also offered to help with the funding scenario. The town has to come up with some creative opportunities to fund Schools of Choice. He also stated he will speak to the Town Council regarding creative budgeting and grant money designated for Schools of Choice to be used as such and not be rolled into the town’s revenues and in effect reduce the school efforts to fund Schools of Choice.
Laurie Prouty, Yale Drive, Mrs. Prouty stated that MLC offers a diverse environment for students. Magnet schools provide students with educational opportunities that are not offered in our public schools. She thanked the Board for being in partnership with Schools of Choice. She stated that MLC exemplifies the resources needed to fulfill the Enfield Board of Education’s Mission Statement. MLC integrates World Geography, Government, Politics, Economics, Technology and Foreign Languages into their school curriculum. She urged the Board to increase funding of Schools of Choice.
Alan Prouty, Yale Drive Mr. Prouty stated he is a 5th grader that has applied to MLC. He hopes to attend there for the sixth grade. He attended the MLC Open House and was very impressed with all the things the school has to offer him. He has enjoyed going to school in Enfield but would now like the choice to attend MLC. He asked the Board to open up the number of available slots to MLC that would allow him to go. He thanked the Board of Education for their consideration of his request.
Nikki Price, Enfield Street Mrs. Price praised the volunteers of the BAC for their hard work. As a parent she was very pleased that there were no outside influences when the BAC gave their report to the Board.
Mrs. Price stated that she is just as concerned about the NCLB Act, but that we have placed too much pressure on our children to live up to the expectations of the CMT’s. Her daughter is worried sick that she will not finish her 3rd grade CMT’s during the next week. Mrs. Price also praised the efforts of two teachers, Judy Hourihan, Reading Specialist and Maria Ruotolo, Math Specialist, for their outstanding efforts and achievements for using innovative skills to aid their children in practical perception of the testing while maintaining a relaxing demeanor so they may achieve the goals. Mrs. Price has written a letter of praise of these teachers to their Principal, Superintendent and Assistant Superintendent. Mrs. Price also stated one other concern regarding the CMT’s. The children are taught to take a guess at an answer they don’t know and complete the test. She feels that this strategy gives a false reading on the tests and wonders what that will accomplish. How will our teachers know what their students truly learn? She is writing a letter to President Bush and the Secretary of the Cabinet of Education for the Federal and State level regarding this matter.
Mrs. Price stated she has a concern about the voting machines being stored in the Enfield Street School All Purpose Room without any guidance from the State as to how to handle them. She plans on writing a letter to the State, but in the meantime she called the State and found out that we are not allowed to touch, move or store anything on top of them. She hopes they will be moved soon.
Patricia Collins, Stephen Drive Mrs. Collins urged the Board to provide every child an opportunity to choose their School of Choice. MLC provides a diverse education that broadens a child’s horizon. There are 22 applications to consider and she hopes the Board will fund as many as possible. Enfield Public Schools is a great system too, but there are children who need a different approach to learning than the standard system.
Ms. Hall commented that in the Legislative Report from CABE, one of the bills submitted to the Education Committee would be to repeal the start time for testing at the high school level.
Mr. Greco asked where the ECS dollars go for our students at MLC? Dr. Gallacher stated that the MLC student is registered in Enfield and we pay a flat $2,000 per student tuition. This does not include any Special Education costs. One of the misconceptions that the public has regarding School of Choice tuition is that it costs less to send a student to a magnet school verses keeping all our students in district. The fact is the tuition to a magnet school comes out of the Board’s budget. Unless significant numbers of students go to MLC, the costs for operating our local classes remain the same. The magnet school line item in the budget has done much better proportionately than the rest of the budget. When the Board receives a small percentage increase to their budget, every item gets scaled back except for magnet school tuition because we have a commitment to the students that are already attending. If tuition goes up for that magnet school, the Board has to absorb that cost as well as any funding for special education needs.
Mr. Harrison thanked Megan Grigely, Principal Newton and the teachers involved for all the work they did to allow the FHS breakfast pilot program to get started.
Mr. Harrison congratulated the FHS girl’s basketball team for winning their first CCC Championship.
Mr. Harrison commented that the FHS Jazz Festival will be this Saturday, March 4th from 9 AM until 4 PM.
Mr. Harrison wished good luck to the Robotics Team as they compete in Manchester, New Hampshire.
Mrs. Lavelli-Hozempa thanked the parents of MLC for their support of Schools of Choice. Mrs. Lavelli-Hozempa stated that she supports Schools of Choice and the chance for all children to choose their education.
Ms. Hall commented that on Wednesday, February 15th, the elementary schools put on a presentation for parents about the CMT’s. Mrs. Hall received a lot of favorable feedback from parents that the presentations were very beneficial to them.
Mr. Harrison congratulated FHS student, John Ragno and EHS Sam Gauvin for winning the State Wrestling Championship.
Mr. Harrison reported that the Policy Committee is finishing up a policy regarding the use of a breathalyzer in the high schools. It was noted that many of the towns surrounding us already have a breathalyzer in use. The Committee hopes to have it approved before the proms and graduation this year. He hopes to present it for a first reading next month.
Mr. Greco reported the Building Security Committee met last night and discussed several items. The Committee is taking an overall look from a district prospect at polices and procedures on fire drills and how they are conducted. The committee, with the assistance of the former Safety Committee, hopes to develop a district-wide plan to carry out fire drills the same way at all the schools. A preliminary discussion was held about installing an intercom and door release at some of the elementary schools where the office is so far away from the main entrance. It was also discussed that Head Start is the only school building that does not have a radio system for communicating with the police department. Head Start has one of the highest instances of restraining orders and at-risk students in the district. It is very important to get them connected to the police department. The proposal for installing a radio antenna and 3 hand-held radios costs approximately $5,523. The Head Start Director stated that she can contribute $2,000 towards the security system from Federal funds. Mr. Greco would like to add to the next agenda a discussion and possible action for the Board to come up with the additional funds to get a system installed at Head Start.
Ms. Hall reported that the Head Start Policy Committee met this morning. It was reported that Head Start will be going through an accreditation process in the near future. Ms. Hall reported the Director of Head Start, Barbara Wachala, will be retiring in August. She will be missed very much. It is very important for the Board to support the Head Start Program through the accreditation process including police radios if necessary.
As presented in the Board Packet.
Enfield Street School Principal, Ellie Goldberg, welcomed everyone to her school. Principal Goldberg presented an overview of the Higher Order Thinking (HOT) grant that ESS participates in. ESS is in their 4th year of this 6 year grant. The grant affords the staff and students and opportunity to integrate Arts into the curriculum. This year ESS will bring in 3 Resident Artists to work with our students. One of the artists scheduled to visit is our State Troubadour. Hopefully, Governor Jodi Rell will also visit the school. She urged the Board to enjoy all the artwork in our hallways. She will also be inviting the Board members to our Arts in Your Child night where the students are showcased.
Breakfast Pilot at Fermi High School
Mr. Harrison moved, seconded by Mrs. Corbin Sobinski that the Enfield Board of Education approves a pilot breakfast program at Fermi High School as presented.
A vote by roll call 9-0-0, motion passes.
a. Discussion on Board Direction for the Demographic Study
The Board discussed several scenarios that they would like to instruct Ross Haber of Haber Associates to design for them. The consensus of the Board was to have Chris Drezek, Business Manager submit the following proposals:
1. Construct a scenario to balance the enrollments in the existing nine elementary schools including changing the bus routes. Also, the same scenario but adjusting class sizes to reflect a maximum of 20 students per class in each grade level K – 3 and a maximum of 25 students per class for grades 4 – 6.
2. Present an organizational chart for a PK through 3 and a grade 4 through 6 scenario using all of the elementary schools. Using the same configuration, adjust it to reflect the 20 student class size for PK – 3 and 25 students for grades 4 – 6.
3. Redistrict the schools and use only 8 elementary schools. The ninth school would be used for educational related purposes such as a PK, town day care, after school programs, etc. The analysis would reflect which building would be best to eliminate as an elementary school.
If possible, with each scenario include changing of bus routes to reflect the cost savings for the district.
The Board will create a committee that will study the scenarios. The committee will include one PTO member from each school, one staff member from each school, a Board Member, a Town Council Member and an Administrator. Chairman Sharon Racine feels the more people involved in discussing and agreeing on changes to the district, the easier it will be to accept these changes. Applications for this committee will be drafted similar to the BAC application. Dr. Gallacher will bring a draft back to the Board for approval.
Chairman Sharon Racine suggested that the demographic study should be included as a topic of discussion at the next Community Conversation. Dr. Gallacher will notify Amy Witbro to see if it can be added to her agenda for March 21st.
Ms. Hall moved, seconded by Mr. Johnson that the Enfield Board of Education enter into executive session with the appropriate personnel invited for:
Matters Related to Personnel
A vote by show of hands, 9-0-0, motion passes.
The Board adjourned to the Staff Lounge for Executive Session at 9:30.
Dr. Gallacher, Mr. Torre and Human Resources Director, Craig Cooke, joined the Board in Executive Session. Mr. Cooke was excused from Executive Session at 9:50 PM. Dr. Gallacher and Mr. Torre were excused from Executive Session at 10:03 PM.
Ms. Hall moved, seconded by Mrs. Corbin Sobinski, to end Executive Session and return to Open Session. All ayes, motion passes. There were no other actions while in Executive Session.
Mrs. Corbin Sobinski moved, seconded by Ms. Hall, that the Enfield Board of Education adjourns the Board Meeting at 10:31 PM. All ayes motion passed unanimously.
Meeting stood adjourned at 10:31 PM.
Donna Corbin Sobinski
Enfield Board of Education Respectfully Submitted,
Patricia West, Recording Secretary
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