Overdue Accounts - McGill University

It is recommended that the following text, which is similar to that already appearing on the Student Accounts website under “Procedure for Payment of Fees”, replace and enhance the text entitled “Payment Penalties” that was a section in the Fee Information Booklet. It is hoped that this will clarify the steps that are taken by the office when accounts become delinquent.

Overdue Accounts

Students’ accounts not paid in full are considered delinquent 60 days after being billed. A financial hold will be placed on the student’s account, which will have the effect of preventing official academic transcripts from being issued on your behalf as well as prevent access to the Minerva system for any Registration functions.

Students who register in a given term and who have amounts owing from previous terms must make payment arrangements with the Student Accounts Office or with the Student Aid Office (by way of obtaining financial aid) prior tobefore the end of the course add/drop period. All tuition and fees assessed by the University must be paid in full or arrangements must be made to settle the debt. Failure to do so will lead to the current (and subsequent) term’s registration being cancelled.”

Currently enrolled students are encouraged to contact the Student Aid Office at (Brown Student Services Building, Room 3200; 398-6013) should they find themselves in financial difficulty and wish to speak with a counselor.

The Student Accounts Office will attempt to notify students by mail or by email (see McGill email policy) to discuss payment arrangements on delinquent accounts. Only after mailing up to three notices, will dDelinquent accounts will be referred to a collection agency, but only after the University has mailed the student up to three notices that have failed to elicitand this only if there has been no reasonable contact between with the student and the University. Once the account is placed with a collection agency, the student is responsible for all collection costs. Students should be aware that legal action can be taken against any students who does not pay his or hertheir fees. Students are governed by their acceptance at the time of application of the registration agreement, whereby students agree to abide by all the regulations and procedures of the University, including those contained in the University calendars and related fee publications. Students will be responsible for any costs associated with such legal action. Where neither the collection agency nor the University is able to collect on the account within a reasonable delay, the University reserves the right to recommend that the debtor be reported to a credit bureau.

Interest: Interest is charged on overdue balances at the monthly rate of 1.3%. The rate is evaluated each Spring for the following academic year.

Late Payment Fee: Students who still have an outstanding balance greater than $100 on their account as of October 28th and February 28th will be charged a late payment charge of $25 in addition to interest.

Students are advised to regularly verify their account balance via Minerva, as the University reserves the right to make changes without prior notice in the published scale of fees.

The University shall have no obligation to issue any transcript of record, award any diploma, or re-register a student in case of non-payment of tuition fees, library fees, residence fees or loans on their due date.

Procedures followed wWhen cCanceling Registrations for Non- Payment

As per the fee policy stated in the section “Overdue Accounts”, the Student Accounts Office will send an e-mail, and subsequently, a letter to whose students who have an outstanding balance greater than $100.00 from previous terms, telling them that their registration for the current (and subsequent terms) will be cancelled should they fail to make arrangements with the Student Accounts Office prior tobefore the end of the course add/drop period. After this the course add/drop deadlinedate, if the students who pays or makes payment arrangements with the Student Accounts Office, the student may confirm that his/hertheir current (or subsequent terms) registration(s) should be re-instated by completing the

[pic]Request for Reinstatement Form

[RequestforReinstatementForm.pdf - PDF - 38.9 k]

and submit it to the Student Accounts Office, which will forward it to the Registrar’s Office for approval and processing.


. The request will be reviewed, and then forwarded to the Registrar’s Office for approval and processing.

OLD TEXT from Fee Information Booklet 2005/06 (page 19)

Payment Penalties


Interest: Interest will be charged after the due date at the monthly

rate of 1.3% (15.6% annually).

Late Charges: Students who still have an outstanding balance

greater than $100 on their account as of October 28th and February

28th will be charged a late payment charge of $25 in addition to interest.

The University shall have no obligation to issue any transcript

of record, award any diploma or re-register a student in case of

non-payment of tuition fees, library fees, residence fees or

loans on their due date.

Access to Minerva for the Registration functions will be denied

until these debts are paid in full or arrangements made to settle

the debt. Students who register in a given term who have

amounts owing from previous terms must make payment

arrangements with either the Student Aid Office or the Student

Accounts Office prior to the end of the course add/drop period.

Failure to do so will lead to the current term's registration being



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