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Middle School Handbook

5th Grade

Mrs. Suiter

Mrs. Wunderlich

6th Grade

Miss Forrest

Mrs. Hoene

August 14, 2017

Dear Parents,

We welcome your student to fifth and sixth grade. With your help and cooperation, we look forward to a fruitful and productive year.

We ask you to read and review the attached material with your child. Please sign at the bottom of the last page and return that portion to us. Also, please fill out and return the special information sheet, “Handle With Care” about your child. If you have any questions regarding this material, feel free to contact us. We are looking forward to a wonderful year.

Thank you and God bless.


Miss Forrest

Mrs. Hoene

Mrs. Suiter

Mrs. Wunderlich


We will be using the online grading program Gradelink this year. As this is a new program, there will be more information provided to you from the school regarding login. Please check your child’s grades regularly on Gradelink. Teachers are required to update grades on the 15th and last day of each month. However, we try to update grades as soon as possible. Tests and graded assignments will not be sent home. If you would like to see a particular test/assignment, please write a note indicating which test or assignment you would like sent home. The teacher will see that the test/assignment is sent home. Once you have looked over the paper, please send it back to school ASAP.


Students are required to write all assignments and reminders in their assignment notebook each day. Parents may want to periodically check to see that this is being done. Communication from the teachers may also be written in the assignment notebook. Daily assignments are written on each teacher's board. Students are given time to write assignments in during the day.


If a child has been absent for several days due to illness, we do not expect the missed work to be completed on the first day back. Homework for absentees will be organized upon request from the parent. Please notify us before noon and work will be sent to the office by the end of the day for pickup. Missed tests will be scheduled upon the student’s return to class. Keeping up with all of the absent students is a challenge, so we ask that students please remind us when a missed test needs to be made up.


All assignments will be listed on the board daily. Students should write the assignments in their notebooks throughout the day.

All student assignments will be written in blue/black non-erasable ballpoint pen unless otherwise directed. Liquid paper will not be accepted at any time. #2 pencils are required for math only.

Students are responsible for turning in homework on time. Please do not accommodate them by bringing forgotten work/books to school. They must learn responsibility. Any other messages should be dropped off at the office to be delivered to the classroom. Please do not bring anything to the classroom yourself.

If a student does not have his/her homework, points will be deducted. Missing graded assignments will be indicated on Gradelink.

Assignments can receive partial credit up to one week from the due date of the assignment. After one week, no credit will be given.

If your child is unable to finish an assignment due to illness, the incomplete assignment will be accepted the following day. All unexcused incomplete assignments do affect the students’ grades.


We believe homework is important because it is a valuable aid in helping students make the most of their experience in school. We give homework because it is useful in reinforcing what has been learned in class, preparing students for upcoming lessons, extending and generalizing concepts, teaching responsibility, and helping students develop positive study habits.

We expect students to do their best job on their homework. We expect homework to be neat. We expect students to do the work on their own and only ask for help after they have given it their best effort. We will check all homework.

We feel that parents are the keys to making homework a positive experience for their children. Therefore, we ask that parents make homework a top priority, provide necessary supplies and a quiet homework environment, set a daily homework time, provide praise and support, not let children avoid homework, and contact us if they notice a problem.

For each class, all students will begin the quarter with a 100% homework grade. For each missing assignment throughout the quarter, 3 points will be deducted from that total. The grade will be updated accordingly.


• Encourage productive study time. Have your child review the assignment in terms of its purpose and the time needed to complete it.

• Encourage setting goals. Goals provide motivation and result in self-confidence when they are achieved.

• Encourage information organization. A regular review of assignment content reinforces class work and puts learning into its larger context.

• Assess the environment. Provide a study area with adequate space and lighting and few distractions.

• Communicate with teachers regularly.

• Define homework as: planning, review, and completion.

• Provide a well-equipped learning station that includes necessary materials to avoid wasting time.

• Use a calendar to keep track of progress on long-term projects, due dates, and test dates.

• Use a timer for children who become easily frustrated or cannot concentrate for extended time periods.

• Monitor the amount of time spent on homework. Too much time may indicate a problem or inadequate use of time spent. If you feel your child is spending too much time on homework, please let the teachers know.

In conclusion, parents are not required to provide answers. Children need structure and guidance so they can learn. The more you are involved in this process, the easier it becomes to develop good study habits. Homework is not an issue that should come between parent and child.


• Each class will begin with a quick warm-up

• Expect homework daily

• Homework will be checked in class.

• All students will cover the same material, with groups progressing at different rates.

• Extra review sheets will be assigned prior to Standardized Testing.

Good Mathematicians practice, practice, practice!


***Heather will add 5th grade Social Studies Info***

This year we will study world history with a concentration on ancient civilizations. The students will take vocabulary, chapter, and skill tests. We will enhance our studies with a variety of activities including group work, short research reports/projects, and presentations.

We are also excited to have Scholastic News as a supplement to our program again this year. This magazine will help our children become more knowledgeable about current events and will add a deeper dimension to the social studies curriculum.


This year we will be studying Earth science, life science, and physical science. Students are able to go online to read the text, look up vocabulary words, and play games to review vocabulary and chapter information. Instructions to access the online resources will be in your child’s science binder.

Understanding of science vocabulary is critical to the understanding of the material. Vocabulary words are looked up for each lesson and written in their science binder. Since science vocabulary words are often unfamiliar to the students, frequent review of the words is beneficial. It is also a good idea to review notes and study guides as we go through the lessons. This makes preparing for the test much easier. There will be several days’ notice and a review before vocabulary and chapter tests. The final grade for the quarter will be based on daily work, quizzes, vocabulary tests, chapter tests, projects, and cooperation and conduct in the lab.


Exercises from the textbook or workbook will be due regularly. Quizzes will be given periodically. Creative writing assignments will be done in a separate notebook. Workbooks and notebooks should be examined periodically by parents to be aware of your child’s progress. There will be several days’ notice and a review before chapter tests. The final grade for the quarter will be based on daily work, quizzes, and chapter tests.


This year we are using a vocabulary book, which will also serve for spelling. There are 20 definitions in each unit for sixth grade, and 12 for fifth grade. We will spend two weeks studying each unit. The first week we concentrate on spelling the words, the second week we study and test on the definitions. Sixth grade students will also have a Spelling/Vocabulary Notebook assignment due for each unit. Students are given 2 weeks to complete each assignment. Please check your child’s notebook for instructions.


Fifth grade will study......Sixth grade will study the Old Testament in class.

Each student must have a copy of the New American Bible, St. Joseph edition. We have our class liturgies on Thursdays, so please join us when you can. Since we are helping you pass on our greatest gift, Faith, to your children, we ask you to take your child to Mass on Saturday evenings or Sundays. Being in a Christian Catholic School this is the number one priority. A priest once said, “This is where it all begins, and this is where it all ends.”


Our reading textbook can be found online. Many times, students will read the stories in class, either as a group, with a partner, or silently. Reading skills are presented and taught along with each story. Students will take a test after each unit, which will assess their understanding of skills.

There are vocabulary words assigned for each story. We will go over the definitions and highlight a shortened definition for them to learn. For the vocabulary tests, students must know how to spell the words, the part of speech, and the definition. Students should begin studying once we have gone over the words in class.

Students are required to have an Accelerated Reader book with them at all times. They may check out books from the school library or the classroom library. Along with the librarian and teachers, students will discuss and set their quarter goals. Most of you are familiar with the AR program. Students read throughout the quarter and test on the books they read. Points are accumulated and students work to achieve their quarter goal. Students should not wait until the last few days of the quarter to test on a book. Students need to be reading at home but will have time to read in class. Their AR grade is made up of the percent correct on tests and the percent of their goal they achieve.

We look forward to a wonderful year with your child! (


**Please return the “Handle with Care” sheet and this form to your child’s homeroom teacher. Thank you!


I have read the handbook of policies and procedures and understand what is asked of my child.

Parent Signature Date

I have read the Sixth Grade handbook of policies and procedures and understand what is asked of me.

Student Signature Date

Fifth Grade Resources

Math - Houghton Mifflin Publishers

Social Studies – Harcourt Publishers

Science – Glencoe Publishers

Reading – MacMillan/McGraw-Hill – Treasures

Spelling/Vocabulary – Sadlier-Oxford Publishers – Vocabulary Workshop: Level Blue

Religion – Sadlier Publishers – We Believe

English – Loyola Press – Voyages in English

Sixth Grade Resources

Math - Houghton Mifflin Publishers

Social Studies – Harcourt Publishers

Science – Glencoe Publishers

Reading – MacMillan/McGraw-Hill – Treasures

Spelling/Vocabulary – Sadlier-Oxford Publishers – Vocabulary Workshop: Level A

Religion – Sadlier Publishers – We Believe

English – Loyola Press – Voyages in English

A Million Words or Less

Your child will be getting homework assignments from us all year, so we feel it is only fitting that just one time we give the parents an assignment: Sometime in the next week, please write a letter introducing your child.

Our reason for giving this assignment is that we have quite a few students this year and we want to get to know them better. The more we know and understand about your child, the more effective we can be as teachers. This assignment gives you the chance to tell us what you think we should know about your child. As their parent, you know more about your child than anyone else does. You might want to include a brief biography, problems, special abilities, fears, strengths, weaknesses, and past school experiences.  You might also want to tell me about your expectations for this school year: from us, your child, and the school.  Include any information that you want us to keep in mind while we work with your child.

You may either send the completed assignment back to school with your child, or email it to your child's homeroom teacher. All letters will be kept confidential.

Your child will receive 5 extra credit points if you complete this assignment for them! We hope that this activity will open a line of communication between us as we begin an exciting school year together. Please do not hesitate to contact us throughout the year if you have any questions or concerns. We are looking forward to getting to know you and your child this year! Thank you for taking part in this activity!






In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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