Chapter 1 Resource Book





China Reunites

Directions: Outlining Reading the section and completing the outline below will help you learn more about the reuniting of China. Refer to your textbook to fill in the blanks.

I. In A.D. 581,

declared himself emperor and reunited China

through battles while founding the


A. After he died, his son

became emperor.

1. He wanted to expand the Chinese empire, so he sent an army to fight

but was defeated.

2. His biggest project was the building of the

, the system of

waterways that connected the Yangtze River and the Yellow River.

II. One of Yangdi's generals took over China and began the


A. The rulers of this dynasty worked to improve China's


1. One ruler, Taizong, restored the

to allow government

officials to be hired based on how well they did on exams rather than on their

family connections.

B. During this dynasty, the only woman in Chinese history to rule on her own,

, became empress.

III. In A.D. 960, the

dynasty began.

A. This dynasty brought in an era of

achievement for China.

IV. Because

taught that people could escape their misery, many

Chinese accepted this religion.

A. Monks and nuns lived in places called


B. The religion spread to



V. A new form of Confucianism, called

, was adopted as the

official philosophy of the


A. Civil service examinations tested job seekers on their


Confucian writings.

B. The examination system created a new wealthy class made up of

. 1

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Chinese Society

Directions: Reading for Accuracy Reading the section and completing the activity below will help you learn more about Chinese society. Use your textbook to decide if a statement is true or false. Write T or F in the blank, and if a statement is false, rewrite it correctly on the line.

1. During the Tang dynasty, farmers were able to develop new kinds of rice that grew well in poor soil.

2. People were moving northward to try to find good land to farm and to keep from dying from starvation.

3. The Tang rulers built roads and waterways that increased trade.

4. China traded tea and rice for silk and porcelain from other countries.

5. During the Tang dynasty, trees for wood were plentiful in supply.

6. The Chinese discovered steel from using coal to heat furnaces.

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7. Before printing was invented, books were very expensive because they were copied by hand.

8. Movable type for printing made printing much easier for the Chinese.

9. The Chinese invented gunpowder, which led to the inventions of the fire lance and fireworks.

10. Chinese artists during the Song dynasty tried to paint realistic and exact pictures of landscapes.






The Mongols in China

DIRECTIONS: Outlining Reading the section and completing the outline below will help you learn more about the Mongols in China. Refer to your textbook to fill in the blanks.

I. The Mongols lived in an area north of China called


A. The Mongols were made up of tribes who followed their herds as they grazed

wide, rolling, grassy plains called


B. In 1206,

was elected Genghis Khan, which translated means

"strong leader."

1. Genghis Khan chose his commanding officers for their


not for their family ties.

2. In 1211, Mongol forces invaded


C. The sons of Genghis Khan expanded the Mongol Empire until it reached the

Ocean in the east and Eastern


the west.

1. The Mongols controlled many routes and

the products

traded on these routes, bringing them much wealth.

2. Mongols adopted both

and the


the Chinese for use in battle.

II. Kublai Khan, the grandson of Genghis Khan, continued the conquest of China,

eventually moving his capital from Mongolia to

, the site of the

modern city of


A. Kublai Khan put an end to the Song dynasty and started the


1. While Mongols were given the top jobs in China's government, Chinese

helped run the government.

2. Four major texts of

thought were used in imperial exams.

B. Under the Mongols, China prospered from increased


and, through shipbuilding, expanded


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The Ming Dynasty

Directions: Answering Questions Reading the section and completing the questions below will help you learn about the Ming dynasty. Refer to your textbook to answer the questions.

1. What problems was the Yuan dynasty facing during its decline?

2. What rebel leader became emperor after the Mongols were driven out of China?

3. What city did he make his capital?

4. Who became emperor after Hong Wu?

5. What did he build in Beijing?

6. Why did the Ming restore the civil service exams?

7. What did the Ming emperors do to increase their influence around the world?

8. For what three reasons did Emperor Yong Le send out his fleet of ships?

9. Who was the leader of these voyages?

10. What European nation set up a trading post at Macao?

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