Clemson University

McGraw Hill TranscriptThis will take you through everything you need to get started with connect, so how to get your students started, it has tutorials in there, it has videos, it has PowerPoints, it has pdfs. Question: How do you get to that screen? I will send you a link to this screen. When you are actually in connect you will see the owl at the top, when you are actually in Connect you see the owl at the top, you will see the owl in various places or a question mark and you can click and go straight to this digital success academy. Lets say you are in the area where you are creating an assignment, it will take you straight to that particular section, so instead of having to scroll through. You can browse by topic, which is a good section to go to, so sequentially if you are starting out how to prepare to use it, how to create your courses, we have a lot of first day of class tools, so that your students, you’re not answering all of these questions of how do I get into connect, how do I do my assignments, we have PowerPoints and pdfs and tools that you can upload to blackboard so that they can see how to access. There is a student side to this success academy as well so how do I as a student do this, how do I do that, so this is the instructor side. It starts with how do I get started, how do I get my students started, how do I manage my assignments, how do I create them, all the way down to grading and then pairing with Blackboard. I’m going to show you how to pair with Blackboard, so any of you that already have a connect account or connect course I will show you how quickly and easy it is to just pair your course so that everything connects with your Blackboard course. I just wanted to let you know that this is here. Please stop me at any point to ask any questions. Ok so, Connect; if you are going to think of anything while you are watching connect I want you to remember these three things: (1) Connect is proven effective, we have a huge array of case studies that explain how professors have a lot of success with Connect, case studies that show student improvement on using Connect, better attention, better pass rate, it is a proven effective program. (2) It is tailored to you, there are a lot of different options on how you can use Connect, you’ve got Learn smart, which I show you, you have the test bank, some professors are using it for quizzes, some are using it for homework, there’s a lot of flexibility on how you assign and what you assign in Connect. So it will tailor to how you work as a professor. (3) And it is very easy to use. We’ll look at the interfacive connect, but just know that because it pairs with Blackboard you’re not having to figure out how to make it accessible and easy to use for your students, so it is a very easy to use program, so just remember those things, that would be great. So as Joni was saying, every Connect course and textbook are going to have different types of resources in it but the interface and type of resource are going to be similar, so if you are teaching a couple of courses and they all have Connect then they’ll all look the same as to how you access the program. I have a lot of books in here. The owl at the top, so you will see the owl at various places that at the very beginning of the Connect when you want to go in and create my own course, that owl will take me to a tutorial that will relate to where I am right now, so how do I manage my courses or create a new section. So that owl will come to refer you to the part that you are in, in Connect.Alright so this is the Connect interface, it’s very user friendly, this is the professor side of things. At any point you can switch over to the student side at the top right under report, it says switch to student home view. So you can register as a student in your own course if you wanted to, but you can always switch to the student view to see what they are seeing in Connect. If you look at the right hand side, it just gives you section information, you can put as much or little information in here as you want. This is your Connect site, you can put a picture of yourself, your office hours, your email address, your Connect course, if you are using Connect Plus it will have access to the full ebook, and that is an interactive ebook. So both you and your students will have access to this ebook book and this is an ebook where you can highlight, where you can do post it notes, where you can actually assign readings, you can actually assign to them if they need to read a certain section of the book. You as a professor have the ability to share your highlights and notes with your students, so it’s like that instructor edition on your desk that everyone wants to get their hands on because you have highlighted all of the important things that will be on the test. If you wanted to you could share all of your highlights and your post it notes and your bookmarks with your students who are using Connect. This is word for word from the textbook it also has all of the images from the textbook. We will go back to the homepage, so on the right hand side we have the section information, we’ve got the ebook, learn smart, we’re going to go over in a minute it’s that adaptive learning tool I told you about that students can use as a self-study tool or you can assign it in your class. So as a self-study tool, they can access it straight from the homepage. Section performance, say a student comes into your class and wants to know how they did on an assignment in Connect, you don’t want to pull up all of your gradebooks, so you can put their name in there and you can go straight to their scores, their grade when you pair it with Blackboard will be here but it will also be in Blackboard. Question: How do you coordinate the name of the student? Answer: No I’ll show you, when you pair the course, it’s going to match up and sync all of the grades to Blackboard, so you don’t have to do anything. Students will register the first time when they go in. As I said about the support there’s a customer experience group, just so you know, your students shouldn’t be bombarding you with questions about getting onto Connect there is a support number and email address for them. That’s why the pairing with blackboard is such a good thing, it helps eliminate a lot of the issues of getting into the wrong course, or getting to the website or remembering another user name and password because it’s all integrated into Blackboard. If you wanted to there are bookmarks and news feeds so lets’ say you want to bookmark certain websites that you want students to have access to or if you want them to have access to different newsfeeds, different websites, you can set that up in Connect.What I’m going to do is take you, on the, I’m giving more of an overview of what it is and what it does, I will show you why she chose it and how she integrates it into her course. We can go over the specifics of how you do certain things, if you have a question about that. Then I’m going to show you some of the types of content you have available in here. I’m going to switch over to a student view. So I’m a student, as a professor I went in and made a couple of assignments to show you some interactive questions, what a quiz would look like as a student. I went in and took an assignment that a professor had set up, that had some interactives, I just want to show some types that are available. This is from a management textbook so it will have drag and drops or sequencing or compositions, it will have a lot of interactive and engaging assignments that you wouldn’t normally be able to create through Blackboard but again, linked all through Blackboard, this particular one, Is it Right to Use Child Labor? Concept review, if you look on the bottom it has the step-by-step process. First one is the introduction, then start the assignment, then case analysis is on left hand side and then there are questions to answer. So they are really using critical thinking they’re not just going in and doing multiple choice, they have to go in and do the case analysis and answer the questions, it won’t let me move on until I answer all of the questions. Next I submit, under concept review, I find out how I did, and then I start my activity, this is my concept check and this is my summary. So this is an example of a case analysis. A lot of the interactive questions have several parts to them. So often we see the professors use the test bank as the quiz then using the homework having 1-5, I know Patricia, she can share that when she comes up, I know they will find these in a weekly homework. Here is another one, this is a drag and click, So it has the case, talking about the paper then students have to drag and drop. If it is an ethical issue or a legal issue. Question: Can you set it up so there is a different version for each student? Answer: Yes, it depends on the book, a lot of textbooks have it where you have a case and three different versions, you can set it up as a pool, so that you can say I want to assign these three versions, and each student will get one from each pool, so essentially it will pull from that pool of questions. I want 25 of these questions and I want to pull from each pool of questions. So this is the drag and drop, content check and summary. Depending on the book there are a lot of video cases, let me see if this is a video case. This is the drag and click. These little circles on the bottom, as the student watches the video, instead of watching the whole video then answering questions, these questions will stop periodically throughout the video and ask questions to make sure they are paying attention. I’m going to jump back to the instructor view. That was a student view of some of the assignments, I’m going to quickly show you how to create an assignment. We are looking at a management book but we can look at any textbook you would like. On the instructor homepage, if your course is paired to Blackboard, I will show you that process later, you can create it from here or Blackboard. Make an assignment, again here is the owl with some success tips on how to make an assignment, make new from question bank, it depends on the textbook. We have chapter by chapter, and by each chapter we have some type of interactive question that you can assign, a bank of interactive questions, drag and drop, but you also have a test bank and a premade quiz. You don’t want to make a quiz, the premade quiz is already in there with all of the questions. So if I wanted to pick from those interactives I would click select, then just looking at chapter 3, but you can pull from several different chapters into one, and now there will be a list with all of the questions available for this chapter for the interactives. For this particular case analysis there is a 3a, 3b and 3c so 3 different versions of this case. A couple of things to point out; on the left hand side you can filter down by question types, by drag and drops or case analysis, I can go in and scroll down, you can go in by learning objective or the ones you don’t cover in the chapter and you want to make sure they aren’t covered, topic, difficulty level, textonomy, you want to make sure these are just analyzed, you click the box and you click update results, it will show you these are the only ones analyzed by textonomy. Comment. Ok so now you have looked at all of the problems and you want to decide what is in there, you scroll down to the topics or taxonomy, you pick which questions you want, you check the box next to it. You click right here where it says add checked questions, you have the option to add them as individual questions, so every student will get those or add them as a pool. So if I had page 5 questions and I wanted to add as a pool and so out of these 5 questions I want to draw 2 questions for every student. So now I have created an assignment out of the question that I want, it lets me know with the pluses that these are the questions in my assignment, now I just need to set my policies. So again there is the owl, there are a lot of tips on how you should set policies, addresses how many attempts, do you want to time it, do you want them to get feedback after their first attempt. So there is a lot of flexibility, this is what I was talking about with the tailors to you, there is flexibility in how you want to assign it, this is where you can say I want it now, I want it later, the due date, set it up so it is submitted when it is dues, so the student that says I did it but didn’t get enough time to submit it, you can eliminate that problem, because it just automatically submits the work that they have done at the due date and due time. You can set it up so that they get deductions for turning it in late. Here is where you set your policies, we have homework, and these are the templates, once you have your template set up how you want it, you save it and you apply it every time, so lets say you are just going to do homework once a week, you want to have the same settings, the same amount of feedback, the same attempts, you just set a group template, you apply the changes and you use the same template every time. This is where it is tailored to how you teach your course. Do you want it timed, do you want them to have unlimited attempts, 2 attempts, do you want them to have to start fresh with each assignment or can they build on previous work that they have done when they go in there, what kind of resources, do you want them to have access to that ebook, do you want them to be able to get feedback, if so when do they get that feedback, after they have attempted a few times, or do you want them to get their score and not the right answer until they have gone through all of their attempts. Here is where you have some flexibility in how you assign it. Click review, double check that you have your questions the way you want to and everything else the way you want and click assign. Before I take you into the Blackboard side of things I just want to show you one other thing that is available in Connect for you to assign. Question. Answer: You can go in and duplicate the section or from the homepage you can do it from there or you can do it from here, you just basically just duplicate it and pull over all of the assignments into the next semester. You can also copy them, so if you are working with another professor you can share your course or copy with them so they have access to everything that you have done. Comment: It is just a drop down. So the other component of Connect is LearnSmart, I will take it from a student view. LearnSmart is our adaptive study tool, it knows that no student is the same as the next student. What it does is it creates a study plan for the student adapting on how to answer questions, what it is doing is it is covering the foundational concepts in your course so that when they come into your class and were prepared, and are able to take your discussions from foundation to application, you aren’t having to answer all of those what is the definition of questions, they are doing that all outside of you class, it will be an optional learning path based on what they know and don’t know. If you assign LearnSmart, it can be used as just a study tool, if you assign LearnSmart and the student sees they have to do a LearnSmart assignment for this chapter, when they initially go in they see an overview of a pie chart of what they have done and what they have gotten wrong and what they have gotten right. When they initially go into LearnSmart they are asked a question, along with that question they are asked to rate their confidence. We all know that the best way to learn, the most efficient way to learn is to first understand what you know and what you don’t know, that way you learn a lot faster. The confidence rating is built around perception vs. reality, that student that comes into your class and says I know I knew everything on chapter 2, I know it, I’ve studied, I don’t know how I failed that test. Clearly I see heads shaking. Not being honest about when they know and don’t know, so that’s one of the big things that LearnSmart does, asking them the question, but asking them about their confidence. As it does it, it is making a profile about the learner, it is deciding what questions to give them next, and reprioritizing how difficult the question is or what version of the question is going to come at them. They have to answer the question and they have to rate their confidence. Question. Answer: It actually, if a student answers incorrectly too many times, a thing will come up that says time out and it will say perhaps you need to go back and review chapter such and such and then come back. Because essentially a student could be sitting there all day because the haven’t read the chapter because the whole point is that they go and read the chapter, then they go in and they practice, they absorb the foundational concepts and they come to your class prepared and ready for your course. So first they have to rate themselves. Again as you are doing this as a LearnSmart, first it’s asking the question at a fundamental level, they will learn everything about the learner, and then as they answer these questions and as they raise their confidence building this profile, and deciding what questions are going to come next. What kinds of versions are going to come in. So right away it will tell you whether you got it right or wrong and it’s going to tell me what the right answer is. If you notice a few things, on the right hand side it says 70 items left on this assignment. These are 70 topics or 70 probes, these are 70 topics that LearnSmart says you if you master these then you will have all of the foundational concepts that you will need to be successful in this particular chapter. But if I get it incorrect, that 70 is not going anywhere. That question, that probe is getting reshuffled in, it’s not going to come back in the same question. I answered a short answer and I got it, I was way off. So what it is going to do is it is going to say ok, maybe she knows that short answer is a little hard, you can’t really guess that, so I will bring it back later on then I will bring it back as a multiple choice or a multi card answer. So it’s not going to go anywhere and the numbers aren’t going to go down until I show that I can master that concept. When you set this up and I can show you that step, it tells you the average student, it takes them about 45 minutes to do this assignment, that is the average student who has read the chapter, and is going in and reading it, if they haven’t done that and they are just guessing, clearly I don’t know anything about this, I could be in here for another 45 minutes. This is what is helping them study more efficiently and effectively, they know if they do reading and they go in and they try they are going to get out a lot quicker. They don’t want to be studying, they want to be doing other things. So a couple of other things to know: Look at the top right hand corner. The confidence rating is really important because what it’s doing is as I said it’s really making them aware of what they know and what they don’t know, which is going to make them more efficient studiers. There is also another little feature at the top right hand corner, so if other students are logged in and using LearnSmart, I said I absolutely knew the answer and got it wrong and that took points away from me. This is another reason it occurs to them to be honest. If I was honest and said I have no idea and got it wrong I wouldn’t loose any points. If I said I absolutely knew it and got it right I’d get points, but if I said I absolutely know it and got it wrong, it’s taking away points. That’s what is encouraging them to be honest, ok I really don’t know this. The important thing about rating their confidence as I said is it’s reprioritizing what kind of questions they’re going to get next and how they are going to master the concept. You see sometimes professors log on when they’ve got the free time to compete against their students. Or students actually studying longer because they see their friends are on and they want to get a higher score than them. You’ve got a student who says, I’m sure you’ve heard this before, the computer was wrong, the computer has a question that is wrong. They can challenge the question on here and it goes straight to our developer, so there is a button that says challenge. It tells them, by the way 49 students took this assignment and nobody has challenged it. Why don’t you take a look at this page in the book and if you still think that it is wrong then you can put it in here and it will go straight to our developers. Question. Answer: Yeah, absolutely. If they really feel like there is an error in the question then it will go to the developer. Again, I will answer just a few more questions. The learner is learning more about me and developing a path for me, there is actually about 8 to 10 data points it is pulling about me. It is pulling what my confidence is, what I answered, how difficult the question was when I answered it, how long it took me to answer it, so when I say adapted, I mean super adapted, instead of a learning path where they are asked questions and they have a steady plan then they get a posttest, it’s constantly changing this learning path for the students as I’m answering the questions. Let me just answer a couple more. Now there is a series or reports you get in LearnSmart. Students get a report and instructors get a report, let’s go back to the homepage. One thing to point out, there is an app for LearnSmart, so those students instead of doing Angry Birds Star Wars, which just came out today, Iheard it on the radio, they can do the LearnSmart app, and they can go in and do the answers and study for their test. So there is an app, we know that students are using their mobile devices wherever they go. You can go into the ports, this is one of the most powerful features of LearnSmart. We have the questions that they have answered, we’ve got the mastering the concepts, but now they can go in and really get an idea as to where they are in the course. They can do little mini practice quizzes, they can go in and see, what are my most challenged learning objectives, in this chapter I had the most difficulty with these particular objectives. They can go in and actually link straight to the ebook. Often times we see students do the LearnSmart, they see what the challenging learning objectives are, they click on the page, it takes them straight to the ebook, they highlight it and use it as a little study guide for themselves. Question. Answer: I as a student obviously missed a lot of answers, and so it pulled all of my most challenging learning objectives. It’s also going to tell me all of my missed questions. I can drill in and have a look at those questions. As we talked about the perception vs. reality, you can pull this same report yourself, a student can view how aware they were whether or not you knew the answers to the questions you practiced. By being able to correctly identify whether you know or don’t know, you can focus your studies. 14% of the time I was aware that I knew the answer, but clearly I am that student who is unaware that I didn’t know the answer. Your students are going into the test knowing whether they know the material or not, there isn’t going to be any illusion to it. You can actually pull this report on your side, so if they are coming into your office you can say hey lets have a look at this. The whole idea behind this is deliberate practice. Professional athletes, they aren’t good because they practice a little bit of everything, whenever they need to hone their skill in one particular part they really drill where their weaknesses are and they fix those weaknesses. There is the whole idea of being aware where their weaknesses are and really spending some time on those. You also have the Tree of Knowledge, another thing that LearnSmart does is, I said it reprioritizes, and brings back the questions you get wrong, brings it back in maybe an easier way to bring you up to that higher level. It also reintroduces topics to you, topics that maybe you found difficult or topics that expect you to forget because we all know that cramming for quiz one then cramming for quiz two won’t get you prepared for you final exam because you will be cramming for the whole semester. LearnSmart says today this is what my tree of knowledge is, yesterday I didn’t know anything and one month from today if I don’t keep training, working my brain and keep that memory decay from happening, that’s all the leaves I’m going to have on my tree. Once I master everything and I go back and work through those skills, I’m going to have a full tree. What it does is, if a student has a chapter that they have gone through and mastered, it might introduce throughout the semester 10 questions from that chapter, because it is saying these are 10 questions are difficult topics that you struggled with, we will just bring them back so you can practice them, so that by the end of the semester you’ve got it. Does anyone have any questions about how LearnSmart works? Question. Answer. If you assign and make LearnSmart required then we have efficacy settings and I think Steven has the exact statistics. Steven: “I do, it’s required for the course for students that use it throughout the semester, students have reached out to us. This is the most impressive thing I have seen in 15 years.” They can go in and practice any chapter, whether you assign it or want to assign it. You basically can go in and it says chapter 1, if you assign all topics it will take the average student about an hour and four minutes. It levels the playing field, for some students it will take longer, others it will take less, it gives everyone an opportunity to get on the same level. When they are coming in, you aren’t remediating, and instead you are getting to have some deep discussions and everyone gets to join in. They actually do get to see the average time. When they go in to see that pie chart the get to see the average time. If you want to assign LearnSmart, you can either say I want it to take an average of fourty minutes, you just drag this over. What’s great about this is that I ask professors if they require their students to do anything outside of class and of course the answer is yes. If they want to make sure that their students are doing this then you can say I require you to study an average of two hours outside of class every week and I have assigned these LearnSmart activities for you to do, some will take longer and some will complete them faster. If there are certain topics you don’t cover, you can just uncheck them, they are really easy to assign. Blackboard Course and PairingI’m in my Blackboard course, I’ve created a course, I’m teaching Management. The building blocks are behind your tool, I don’t know if you’ve been there before but behind here, behind the tools you will see McGraw Hill Education. If you click on the tools bar behind your course you will see McGraw Hill Education, right here. You click on that. We do have a PowerPoint and a walk through so you don’t need to soak all of this in right now. All you need to do now is pair your course with your Connect course, right here it says pair course with Connect section. You just click there. Question: What does this actually do? Answer: Now it’s going to communicate so that you can create Connect assignments in Blackboard or create them in Connect, but it’s all going to go together and all of your grades are going to go into your grade book in Blackboard. It is the same to sign on, you just go into Blackboard, go into their course and get their assignments. They don’t have to go out into Connect to get their Connect assignments. Single sign on for students and grade book synchronization for you. Now it will ask me, you are about to set up your Blackboard course with McGraw Hill Connect, continue, this is a one time thing to pair your course. If you didn’t have a Connect account, you could go in here and register, but I already have a Connect account. I’m going to login to my Connect account. If you’ve already gone in there and created assignments it’s ok, you can still bring all of your assignments into Blackboard. I’m going to sign in. It is going to say do you want to pair it with a new section, do I want to make a new course, or do you just want to pair it with one that I’ve already created. I’m just going to pair it with one that I’ve already created. I have a ton of books in here, so you won’t have all of theses. It will show any Connect course that you have already created. If you have a couple of sections, you say yes, Clemson, that is the one that I want to pair and you are done. It’s that simple. Now my Blackboard course is connected to my Connect course, I’ve got a little video if I want to show how I can pair up the assignments. Now I can create a Connect assignment either in Connect and it will immediately deploy to my Blackboard course or I can start in Blackboard and create a Connect. Do you want me to show you that?I will show you first from Blackboard. Now I can actually see in this tools bar that my course is paired. If you want to reset some things you can. Now I’m in my Management course I’m going to go to my context because that is where I keep all of my assignments for my students. I’ve created a folder for week 1 and for that week 1 I want to give them an assignment in Connect. You can upload anything you want to in your Blackboard course. I’m in Blackboard right now and I want to create an assignment in Connect. I go to assessment and I go to McGraw Hill assignment. Now this is available, I don’t know if you have previously created a test in here, an assignment, but if you want to create a Connect assignment, you just go to assessment, and then McGraw Hill assignment. Now it is going to say that I’ve already created an assignment can I pull some of these over? Now I can pull some of these over. It’s going to say here are some assignments you have already created, do you want these in your course? I can say yes I want these. When they first login to your course, they are going to go to that assignment, they are going to register to Connect and put their code in. It is still going to link out to Connect. It is asking me what folder I want it in and I want it in week 1, you can customize it any way you want to. Now I am in week 1 and I have access to one of my LearnSmart assignments. When students click on it they go straight to Connect and do it and everything will go to your Connect grade book and it will also go into your grade center on Blackboard. I’m in Blackboard now and I want to create a new Connect assignment, I went to that assessment of create and I went to McGraw Hill but now I’m going to click on create new assignment right here. I’m creating it in Connect then I’m going to deploy and it will end up in Blackboard. I’ll go in and do one just really quickly. So it is creating a link, so that the Connect content is still residing in Connect on our server but now students can access it directly via Blackboard, it is creating icons in Blackboard. As you are bringing over, it depends on how you organize it, you can have a homework folder and a quiz folder all under content. I just created an assignment and now at the very end we are reviewing you see on the bottom right hand side I already have this little button that says deploy to Blackboard, when I say assign, it is automatically going to deploy to Blackboard. I called it test and here it is and where do I want it to reside. This is the Blackboard functionality where we are right now. Then it will show up here. You can start in Blackboard to create your assignments or you can start in Connect and then deploy it. When you are in your grade center, you can see your grades and reports Connect, but when you are in your grade center in Blackboard, I’m just going to show you a course where a few assignments have already been taken. You can see attempts, it will take you to Blackboard and show you how they did. These are subconnect assignments, as a student I have gone in and done a little quiz in Connect, and I can actually go in and view the details and it will take me into Connect and I can view the details of how the student answered the questions. It’s all inner connected through Blackboard, you can make assignments on either end. You have to set it up so that is automatically synchronizes itself every 30 minutes. You go onto tools then click on McGraw Hill Education, this is telling me I have already paired this one, if I want to go ahead and do a manual sync of the assignment for the section I can. I am going to introduce Patty Knowles, from the Marketing department and uses Connect, she is going to show you how she ended up using Connect and how she integrates it with her Blackboard. I am going to make an assignment that I need for tomorrow and show you how that happens. I use this two different ways, I have Connect in two different classes. One class, promotional strategy, I teach in person, but I use Connect with them to do in class work because I did the flipping the classroom thing. They’ve got in their class I lecture one day then one day they do assignments, and they are basically doing Connect, except we are also working with Donate Life South Carolina so they are doing some additional assignments. Say tomorrow I go in and they will have to do an assignment that would show up like that, they just click on that and then they get into the Connect site. You can just have them work on it, what I do with this class because it is my senior group, they get 2 attempts at it and they help me with this one because I forgot that you can, not give them all the feedback if you don’t want to, so I just give them 2 attempts, and the first one they just get what they score is and which questions are wrong or you can say that they got it wrong and they don’t have to know which one, I just don’t tell them the solution. Then they have another chance to do that, and I’m in the classroom with them so if they come up with some questions, I’m running around answering questions and they really are learning a lot more than if I was just talking to them, because if I start talking, they start playing on the computer. It is much better if they are on the computer and I’m keeping them on task. You really do have to watch them. I had the 2 attempts and I had a girl who had her phone out, taking a picture of the screen, I asked her what she was doing. She said, you don’t know what I was taking a picture of. I’m always amazed, so this is what they may be working on, this is what they did last week actually. This came from the Connect assignments and I’ll show you how to do that. Again you can go either way, let’s say I wanted a new assignment and I do for tomorrow, you can just go to McGraw Hill assignment and click on that, then you can add an assignment, create an assignment. This one I’m just adding an assignment for tomorrow, they will be working on chapter 10, and I like to do the interactives. For this particular book, these are the things you can do with it, this chapter had to do with developing a media plan, you can click on them to see what they are, see if this is what you want them to do. You can go back to the question list and choose maybe another thing and look at that one. Maybe that would be a better one, yea it is, then they have to drag and drop. No matter what is in this beginning part they always end up with this activity of six questions. They get this part here and then they would get the activity, which is the additional questions, then you just make up your mind if you want to do that. Then go back to the list, add that as a checked question, I do it as an individual question because they work on it in class. Then I can set the policies and I want this to start tomorrow. I have also learned that if you start it before class then they all have it done before class and I usually want to talk about stuff first so I set it for 11:30 in the morning then end it at 1:30 in the afternoon because some of them are a little slower than others. I have it automatically submit then I have 2 attempts, you can choose feedback down here. After they get 100% I just show them the total score, because I’m a little wary of them sharing with other groups. Then you can choose if you want this to be the same thing for all of your assignments, so you apply that. Then you just assign it. Now I want it to be in the Blackboard assignments so I submit it. You do have to drag it up, otherwise they never find it down there. Now that will appear in the grade book, the assignments have changed. That’s the class that I teach in class, these are just some other assignments that I had made up for them and that’s how I use it there. They get a kick out of it because they get stuff wrong, it’s not like these are just easy. I have a day just before the test that they can make up assignments, they can improve their score, on that day I open everything back up. Then I give them the mean of the first two times they tried it but the best score of the first time they tried it, then the second one I give them the average of that. That way they know they can improve their grade, but nobody has ever gotten that grumpy about that yet. They were mad at me when I switched it over to 2 attempts. The first few I gave them 3 or 4 attempts and they could all get perfect scores. I tried to tell them this is not kindergarten. My other class is online and I have 100 students in the Concerned Behavior class and they wanted me to mentioned why I started doing this in the first place. My husband is a Marketing professor and he teaches International Marketing. For a long time he would have his students choose a country and a product, and then for every chapter they had an assignment where they would address what was involved with introducing that product to that country. Like an idiot I said I would grade that for you because he wanted to have it done. During the summer he had about 40 students and every few days I would have to sit down and grade all of these things they did. I came to a point where I couldn’t stand it anymore, I can’t read one more thing, what they think is acceptable behavior when introducing that to a foreign country. I also had my own class in the summer, I put my foot down and said we are going to have to find something else, because I’m not going to grade them anymore and he didn’t want to grade them. That’s when we started with the Connect stuff because now online we can set up something like this class. I know it says Marketing Management, we had a little problem with this book, because I managed to put the one book that McGraw has no Connect site with, but they were very kind and they let me have the students, they bought a Connecct license so they could work out of another book that had the same topics as I cover in Consumer Beahvior, they would do the Connect assignments based on another book. It actually worked out. After a month the students going working out of this book with the same concepts mind you, one kid realized they were different. I think you need to know that the book you have us reading is different. I had long emails explaining why I was doing this, so it took this one kid 6 weeks to figure it out. I just had to smile and say yeah, I told you about that. Because this class is totally online, they’ve got powerpoint slides, they’ve got quizzes that they take, and I could do this but I haven’t done this through Connect. Wait I couldn’t have done this because there was no support material to speak of, I would have to go to the site for the book and bring them back. These are their assignments and there is only one asking about having one thing set up. I did develop my own assignment for one chapter because I couldn’t find anything in the book they are using instead of the other, so I did set up an assignment through the McGraw Hill website. So they went there and this thing is just a little fill in the blank thing. They are taken there and I had them taken to a couple of places. I had them, I don’t know if you watch the Office but there was a really good example of Jim using classical conditioning on Dwight, so they could do this through the McGraw Hill Connect site. This was another example, this was the website I sent them to so they had to answer those questions. This was the video that I sent them through the Connect site, they all got to watch that and thought it was pretty funny. What Jim does is he conditions him to his computer dying, and he has to reboot it. Every time he has to do that he say you want a mentos? Until finally the thing makes a sound and Dwight goes like this and Jim goes what’s that, Dwight didn’t even realize that he was being manipulated. That worked out really well because for that chapter I just didn’t have anything. These kids have their assignments from this other chapter. Then there’s the one that I made because there wasn’t one for chapter 9 for me for that book. If you want to add an assignment go through Connect, in this case they are going to be starting a new chapter. Find your chapter you want to pull your question from, I like to do the interactives with them, so this one they will be doing a case analysis of it and you need to add it and set policies on it. This one will open next week at midnight, good I’m getting some work done while I’m here do. I close them down at 11:59. Now for these kids because it is a different book, they get unlimited attempts, I can’t justify not letting them do that because it isn’t their book, they can’t just look up the answers. I give them answers but again I don’t give them that detailed feedback on it. You can until after they have tried, and then they will finally do that, so that works pretty well. But you can delay it, we delay the feedback so they eventually dwindle. Again, review and assign it. Put it in the assignment folder and they are good to go. When the kids do this and submit it, it goes into your grade book, at first it didn’t, 5 or 6 years ago, so I had to move them back and forth but now you don’t have to do that. I still go back and check sometimes but normally they just work on it and it just goes right into my grade book. Beginning about 10 o’clock the night before it is due if I sit at my computer I can watch them start coming in, but there will probably be someone who doesn’t have it done until I get back to my office. For these kids it’s not worth a lot, I think it is 150 points out of 1000, so I didn’t make it worth a lot. For the students in my Promotion class, where I’m there and can watch what’s happening. But that’s the problem we have with online learning in the first place, is how do you stop it. One of the things we do when I give tests and quizzes, it is timed and they are random. There is a pool of questions but everyone gets a unique test. Even if they are sitting next to each other working on a test it isn’t going to work because they all have different questions. The reason that I know that online classes are working is I get the same mean online as in class. Question. Answer: You give it a pool of questions, you can choose them randomly, they get one minute per questions, and they have to march through so they can’t go back. We end up with a mean of 75% in the class. We try to make it as difficult as possible to cheat and I know it’s hard to stop it but they aren’t getting all A’s in this class. My husband uses this, he uses Connect for his quizzes. This girl only got 3 out of 10 points, she said that she worked so hard, she looked up all of the questions in the book as she was doing it, and she still flunked. He had to explain to her that that was cheating, but then she still got only 3 out of 10 correct, you are an idiot. One hour, 60 questions, one minute per question, they have a 24-hour period to take it. Any time during the 24-hour period to take it but only 60 minutes once they start it. They’ve got homework and they’ve got little blog questions, and all kinds of stuff. This is an important part of it, I think they are learning the material really well and it was really nice for this one chapter that I could make up my own thing because there was nothing I could draw off of. But they’ve got blogs, quizzes, and assignments that they do. Here’s another thing we make them use a lock down browser, that means that htye can’t copy it, they can’t print it, they can’t shut it while they do something else, because if they try to move around with it, try to manipulate it, it will crash. Then they have to explain to us why that happened, and that is very uncomfortable because that means that they were cheating. You just write it onto your machine, for each of their tasks, you are just not going to stop it, because they know that they could. I just tell them this is something in class you have to have a lock down browser to get into it. I have 100 students and I’m not having any problems with it. Really you will have students who will try to play you. I have one girl in Colorado whose taking it and yesterday I told her I don’t care what happens to you, I don’t care if you are in the hospital dying, if you miss something you are missing it, because I’ve extended a deadline for her a couple of times. The kids I had for this last test here, nobody had difficulty getting that done yesterday. For all of my quizzes and tests you can have the lock down browser working or not. The people that don’t like it are the ones that have never had an online class and they think they can bully you. Question: If you have a student who does end up in the hospital, is there a way to open it up for just that student? Answer: Yes, you can give them a password. You can fix it for one student if they are special needs and need more time on the assignment or need it opened up for just them. When you are setting up your task you have all these things, down here you can choose multiple attempts, set the timer, when is it open, password, even though I never have a password. Then you can choose what you want, all at once, one at a time, prohibit backtracking, randomize the questions. In my case they only get one at a time, they answer it then go to the next one. I can’t remember what it was, about a week ago on Connect I couldn’t get it to be on my Blackboard so I called Blackboard support and they told me to go into it through my Blackboard and it worked. I tell my students if they are having problems with Connect, they need to call McGraw Hill because I don’t know how to fix it. ................

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