Grade K Treasures and Tesoros

Grade K California Treasures and Tesoros de Lectura

Black: Literature Selection/Story

Blue: Comprehension Strategy

Red: Comprehension Skill

|Unit 1 |Week 1 |Week 2 |Week 3 |

|Treasures |Whose Baby Am I? |The Picnic at Apple Park |Peter’s Chair |

| |Recognize Text Structure|Recognize Story Structure |Review Recognize Story |

| |Make Predictions |Identify Setting |Structure |

| | | |Review Make Predictions |

|Tesoros |Mi familia y yo |Las familias se reúnen |Las Familias cambian |

| |Recognize Story |Recognize Story Structure |Review Recognize Story |

| |Structure |Identify Setting |Structure |

| |Make Predictions | |Review Make Predictions |

|Unit 2 |Week 1 |Week 2 |Week 3 |

|Treasures |What Do You Like? |Friends All Around |Peter’s Chair |

| |Ask Questions |Ask Questions |Review Ask Questions |

| |Identify Character |Compare and Contrast |Review Identify Character |

|Tesoros |Conoce a tus amigos |¿Qué es un amigo? |¡Viva la Amistad! |

| |Ask Questions |Ask Questions |Review Ask Questions |

| |Identify Character |Compare and Contrast |Review Identify Character |

|Unit 3 |Week 1 |Week 2 |Week 3 |

|Treasures |The Bus For Us |On The Go |Duke on a Bike |

| |Recognize Story |Recognize Text Structure |Review Recognize Story |

| |Structure |Classify and Categorize |Structure |

| |Make and Confirm | |Identify Character and Plot |

| |Predictions | | |

|Tesoros |Un viaje por la cuidad |Viajar lejos y cerca |Sobre ruedas |

| |Recognize Story |Recognize Story Structure |Review Recognize Story |

| |Structure |Classify and Categorize |Structure |

| |Make and Confirm | |Identify Character and Plot |

| |Predictions | | |

|Unit 7 |Week 1 |Week 2 |Week 3 |

|Treasures |A Rainy Day |In The Yard |Bear Snores On |

| |Visualize |Visualize |Review Visualize |

| |Identify Main Idea and |Identify Setting |Distinguish Between Fantasy and|

| |Details | |Reality |

|Tesoros |Los cambios del tiempo |Las estaciones |¿Qué pasa cuando el tiempo |

| |Visualize |Visualize |cambia? |

| |Identify Main Idea and |Identify Setting |Review Visualize |

| |Details | |Distinguish Between Fantasy and|

| | | |Reality |

|Unit 8 |Week 1 |Week 2 |Week 3 |

|Treasures |Oak Trees |Seed Secrets |Sunflower House |

| |Recognize Text Structure|Recognize Story Structure |Review Recognize Story |

| |Identify Sequence of |Retell |Structure |

| |Events | |Draw Conclusions |

|Tesoros |¿Cómo crecen los |Semillas y plantas |¿Qué hay en mi jardín? |

| |árboles? |Recognize Text Structure |Review Recognize Story |

| |Recognize Text Structure|Retell |Structure |

| |Identify Sequence of | |Draw Conclusions |

| |Events | | |

|Unit 9 |Week 1 |Week 2 |Week 3 |

|Treasures |Beetles |Fish Faces |If the dinosaurs came back |

| |Ask Questions |Ask Questions |Review Ask Questions |

| |Classify and Categorize |Compare and Contrast |Distinguish Between Fantasy and|

| | | |Reality |

|Tesoros |Insectos interesantes |El inmenso océano |Animales de antes y ahora |

| |Ask Questions |Ask Questions |Review Ask Questions |

| |Classify and Categorize |Compare and Contrast |Distinguish Between Fantasy and|

| | | |Reality |

|Unit 10 |Week 1 |Week 2 |Week 3 |

|Treasures |What Do You Know! |Warthogs Paint |Turtle Splash |

| |Monitor Comprehension: | | |

| |Reread |Monitor Comprehension: |Monitor Comprehension: Reread |

| |Use Illustrations |Reread |Identify Setting |

| | |Cause and Effect | |

|Tesoros |Mira lo que sé |Arte por todas partes |¡Contemos hacia atrás! |

| |Monitor Comprehension: |Monitor Comprehension: |Monitor Comprehension: Reread |

| |Reread |Reread |Identify Setting |

| |Use Illustrations |Cause and Effect | |


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