Course:METHODS OF SOCIAL AND BEHAVIORAL RESEARCHAJU/PSY/SOC 3030Prerequisites:AJU/PSY/SOC 1100 & AJU/PSY/SOC 2030Instructor:James E. HortonOffice: 131 Smiddy HallPhone: 328-0136Email: jeh2b@uvawise.eduWebpage: Office Hours:Posted on Web PageTextbooks: (Required)Shaughnessy, J. J. & Zechmeister, E. B. (2000).Research Methods in Psychology 5th Ed., McGraw-Hill: NY(Recommended)Zechmeister, E. B. & Shaughnessy, J. J. (1997).A Practical Introduction to Research Methods in Psychology 3rd Ed., McGraw-Hill: NYCourse Objectives: The course will cover the basic theory, methods and ethics of experimental and non-experimental research in the social and behavioral sciences. At the completion of the course, the student should possess an elementary working knowledge of the following areas of research methods.The student should have an elementary knowledge of scientific theory of researchThe student should have a basic understanding of ethical concerns of researchThe student should be able to correctly participate in psychological observation.The student should be able to design a survey to collect data and correctly analyze that data.The students should be able to correctly design an informed consent form. The student should be able to successfully design and complete an experiment.The student should be able to properly report the results of their findings.Class Attendance:Students are expected to attend all class sessions. Attendance will be taken regularly. If extreme circumstances cause you to miss a class, you should discuss the situation with me immediately.Section Exams: Two section exams will be given throughout the term. Assignments: Ten out of class assignments will be required for the term.Research Paper: One experimental research paper in APA format, including statistical analysis, will be required for the term. The student will report the results of an experimental research project orally using PowerPoint and in written format. Final Exam:The final exam will be comprehensive.Grading: Your grade will be determined by your class participation, section exams, out of class assignments, a research paper, and the final exam.Class participation 10%Section exams 2 @ 15% ea30%Assignments 10 @ 2% ea20%Research paper (oral presentation)10%Research paper (written format)10%Final exam20%100%Honor Code:The Honor Code of The University of Virginia’s College at Wise is fully and unconditionally supported in this course. Violations of the Honor Code will be prosecuted through the Honor Court.Sexual Misconduct/Harassment Statement: The University of Virginia's College at Wise strives to provide a working and educational environment for all faculty, staff, and students that is free from sexual misconduct/harassment. Sexual harassment, sexual assault and other acts of sexual misconduct are forms of sex discrimination prohibited by Title IX. The College reaffirms its commitment to maintain a campus environment emphasizing the dignity and worth of all members of the college community.Special Accommodations: All students with disabilities requiring accommodations should present the appropriate paperwork from the ADA Coordinator (Faculty Accommodation Notice). It is the student’s responsibility to present this paperwork in a timely fashion and follow up with the instructor about the accommodations being offered. Accommodations for test-taking (e.g. extended time) should be arranged at least 3 class days before an exam. If you are not registered with the Disability Services, please do so as soon as possible by contacting the ADA Coordinator (Zehmer Hall, Office 152, 328-0177). Tentative Schedule and reading assignments:DateChapterAssignments1/13SyllabusBook-bag Observation1/151 Introduction1/202 EthicsBook bag Observation due1/222 EthicsBook bag Analysis due1/27HIC Protocol1/293 Observation2/35 Unobtrusive Measures2/54 CorrelationSurvey form (Start)2/10EXAM 1 Start Literature Search2/126 Independent Groups Independent Groups ANOVA2/177 Repeated Measures Repeated Measures ANOVA2/19 8 Complex Designs Factorial ANOVA2/24EXAM 22/26APA FormatSurvey Analyses due3/3ExperimentSurvey form due3/5Experiment3/10-12SEMESTER BREAK3/179 Single Case DesignsIndependent Groups ANOVA due3/1910 Quasi-ExperimentsRepeated Measures ANOVA due3/24Paper & PPT Presentation3/26Paper & PPT PresentationPaper & PPT Presentation3/31Paper & PPT Presentation4/2Present Research4/7Present Research4/9Present Research4/14Experimental Paper duePresent Research4/16Present Research 4/21Present Research4/23Present Research4/28Present Research4/30Present Research ................

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