The Family of William and Elizabeth Everingham (1786-1820)

The Family of William and Elizabeth (Everingham) Everngam (1786-1820)

(1st Revision, July, 2012)

The first known record of William Everingham on the Eastern Shore of Maryland appears to be in the Tax Rolls of Caroline County for 17831. William Everingham and Elizabeth Willis were granted a marriage license in Caroline County, MD on March 12, 17862. William died intestate before 11 Feb 18123, most likely in December 1811 or January 1812, and Elizabeth died late in 18204. It appears that Elizabeth Everngam (spelling was changed by the family about 1795 – see Appendix 1) listed her children in birth order in her will, a practice also noted in the sale of part of her father’s legacy in 18055. The ages of some of William’s and Elizabeth’s children were listed in a guardianship process in April 1814 as: Willis - 17, Joseph - 16, Eliza (Elizabeth referred to this daughter as Eliza in her will) - 15, and Peter – 106. Three of the children, Nancy, Mary and Thomas, do not appear in this court record. Nancy was born in 17887, and married Stephan Dawley on June 12, 18108 and thus did not need a guardian. Mary was born in 17989 and married Levin Seward (Soward, Swords) on January 27, 182010. Eliza was born in 180011 and married Michael Todd on 20 Jan 181912. Thomas’ gravestone reflects his birth date as February 4, 180113.

Combining the above information with data extracted from the 1790, 1800, 1810 and 1820 US Censuses in Maryland14 makes it possible to create a framework which depicts a likely history of the William Everingham family from 1786 to 1820, and also makes possible a reasonable estimate of genealogically significant dates. In the table below, the enumerations of the census takers are shown in boxes listed under the categories which were used in the census. Inserted under each data box is a listing of the person(s) most likely to be represented in the census counts based on the facts available. The assumed birth order in Elizabeth’s will is confirmation.

Household created |March 12, |1786 | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |Head of Household: William Everingim |Dorchester County | | | | | | | | | | |1790 Census |FWM >16 |FWM ................

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