February 3, 2011



Board President, Dr. Steven Slaton, called the meeting to order at 8:30 a.m.


Roll call was taken by Board Secretary-Treasurer, Dr. John Prejean, with the following results:

Those present:

Steven V. Slaton, DVM Board President

Gary T. Levy, DVM Board Vice President

John C. Prejean, DVM Board Secretary-Treasurer

Mica F. Landry, DVM Board Member

William H. Green, DVM Board Member

Michael Tomino, Jr. Board General Counsel

Wendy D. Parrish Board Executive Director

Those absent:



LVMA - Bland O’Connor

PAWS of NE Louisiana/Monroe – Jennifer Pesnell, Tyler Thomas, DVM, Christy Primm, Amber Osbon (11:00am)

CENLA, Alliance for Animals (CAFA)/Alexandria – Daniel Myrick, DVM, Sara Kelly, MD, Aubrey Flynn (1:30pm)


A. Board Meeting December 2, 2010

The Board reviewed the minutes from the December 2, 2010 Board meeting. Motion was made by Dr. Green to accept the minutes as presented, seconded by Dr. Landry, and passed unanimously by voice vote.


A. Financial Reports – November, December 2010

Ms. Parrish presented the financial reports for the months of November and December 2010 for review. Motion was made by Dr. Landry to approve the financial reports as presented, seconded by Dr. Prejean, and passed unanimously by voice vote.

B. Computer System Update and Off-Site Back-Up Proposal – Ms. Parrish presented an update on recent information technology changes, purchases, installation of hardware, as well as proposed recommendations from the IT vendor on maximizing the current system and equipment. A quote for an off-site vendor for data back-up was also presented for review. Motion was made by Dr. Landry to approve proposed information technology changes for additional wiring, configuring printing capacity of copier, and have Ms. Parrish resume quotes from various approved State vendors for off-site data back-up, seconded by Dr. Levy and passed unanimously by voice vote.


A. Rule Making –

1. Notice of Intent Rules 400, 403, 409, 413, 811, 1227 – An update was given of Notice of Intent of proposed rules for continuing education credits for DVMs, RVTs, CAETs, REDs and related issues, published in the January 20, 2011 Louisiana Register, along with the deadline to provide written comment by February 18, 2011, with a public hearing, if one is legally required, on February 24, 2011.  

2. Proposed Rules 705 L, 1105 E-F – Prescribing and Dispensing Drugs, Preceptorship Program Applicant Waiver and Evaluation – Proposed amendments were presented for review and discussion regarding specific information required on written prescriptions for controlled drugs by a prescribing veterinarian, as well as clarification of the requirements for consideration of waiver of the preceptorship program, and Board action following an unfavorable evaluation of preceptee submitted by preceptor.  Motion was made by Dr. Landry, and seconded the by Dr.Prejean, to proceed with regular rule-making to pursue the intended changes.  Motion passed unanimously by voice vote.

B. Policy and Procedure

1. Discussion was made regarding online renewal processes and online payment for future licensee renewal periods, as well as online license verification for public viewing. Dr. Landry and Ms. Parrish was asked to continue investigation of vendors and costs incurred, and present findings at a future board meeting. No action was taken on this item.

C. Practice Act and Rules/Related Matters/Declaratory Statements –

1. None.


A. Case 10-1203V - John M. Rust, DVM (9:00am) – Dr. Levy was introduced as presiding officer for the proceeding. Dr. Slaton was recused as investigating Board member in the case. The respondent waived appearance at the hearing. Mr. Tomino presented the facts of the case, submitted exhibits for review, and a proposed Consent Order for consideration by the Board. Upon conclusion of the presentations and questions, motion was made by Dr. Green, seconded by Dr. Landry, to enter into executive session for consideration of the proposed consent order presented in the case. Motion passed unanimously by voice vote. The executive session was closed to the public and only those Board members on the panel were present (Drs. Levy, Prejean, Landry and Green).

Motion was made by Dr. Prejean to return to open session, seconded by Dr. Landry, and passed unanimously by voice vote. The meeting was reopened to the public. Motion was made by Dr. Landry, seconded by Dr. Green to accept the Consent Order as presented for this case. Motion passed unanimously by voice vote.

B. Case 10-1218V B – Angela Darby-Moberly, DVM (9:30am) – Dr. Slaton was introduced as presiding officer for the proceeding. Dr. Landry was recused as investigating Board member in the case. The respondent waived appearance at the hearing. Mr. Tomino presented the facts of the case, submitted exhibits for review, and a proposed Consent Order for consideration by the Board. Upon conclusion of the presentations and questions, motion was made by Dr. Levy, seconded by Dr. Green, to enter into executive session for consideration of the proposed consent order presented in the case. Motion passed unanimously by voice vote. The executive session was closed to the public and only those Board members on the panel were present (Drs. Slaton, Levy, Prejean, and Green).

Motion was made by Dr. Levy to return to open session, seconded by Dr. Prejean, and passed unanimously by voice vote. The meeting was reopened to the public. Motion was made by Dr. Levy, seconded by Dr. Prejean to accept the Consent Order as presented for this case. Motion passed unanimously by voice vote.

C. Case 10-0810V – Tal D. Guidry, DVM (10:00am) – Dr. Levy was introduced as presiding officer for the proceeding. Dr. Slaton was recused as investigating Board member in the case. The respondent waived appearance at the hearing. Mr. Tomino presented the facts of the case, submitted exhibits for review, and a proposed Consent Order for consideration by the Board. Upon conclusion of the presentations and questions, motion was made by Dr. Landry, seconded by Dr. Prejean, to enter into executive session for consideration of the proposed consent order presented in the case. Motion passed unanimously by voice vote. The executive session was closed to the public and only those Board members on the panel were present (Drs. Levy, Prejean, Landry and Green).

Motion was made by Dr. Landry to return to open session, seconded by Dr. Green, and passed unanimously by voice vote. The meeting was reopened to the public. Motion was made by Dr. Landry, seconded by Dr. Prejean to accept the Consent Order as presented for this case. Motion passed unanimously by voice vote.

D. Case 11-1220N - Cale Deville - The Board received reliable information from the public that a person named Cale Deville was practicing veterinary medicine without a license in Louisiana. Accordingly, the Board issued a Cease & Desist letter which was personally served on Mr. Deville by a LBVM representative and an Acadia Parish Deputy Sheriff on Friday, December 17, 2010. Mr. Deville was representing himself as a veterinarian and illegally practicing veterinary medicine on small and predominantly large animals in Branch/Church Point, Acadia Parish, and the local surrounding area.  Mr. Deville agreed to cease and desist the wrongful conduct immediately.  Local veterinarians were also notified of the actions taken.  To date, no information has been obtained that Mr. Deville is illegally practicing veterinary medicine since the service of the Cease & Desist letter.  If anyone comes into possession of any information to the contrary, they are to contact the Board office immediately for further action.


A. PAWS of NE Louisiana – (11:00am) The guests were introduced to the Board members. Ms. Pesnell, Ms. Primm, Ms. Osbon, and Dr. Thomas provided information as to the proposed spay/neuter program in Monroe. Upon conclusion of the update, questions and discussion, the guests left the meeting.

B. CENLA Alliance for Animals (CAFA) – (1:30pm) The guests were introduced to the Board members. Dr. Kelly, MD, Ms. Flynn and Dr. Myrick provided information as to the proposed spay/neuter program in Alexandria. Upon conclusion of the update, questions and discussion, the guests left the meeting.


A. Holland Gaines, DVM – Request for Waiver of Retake of National Examination and Preceptorship Requirement – 2005 graduate of LSU School of Veterinary Medicine, licensed in Georgia and Florida. Following review of the documentation submitted by Dr. Gaines, motion was made by Dr. Prejean, seconded by Dr. Levy to approve waiver of retake of the national examination and waiver of preceptorship requirement as the documents meet the criteria of full-time clinical veterinary practice for the required periods of time immediately prior to application and valid veterinary medical licensure in another state. Motion passed unanimously by voice vote.

B. Bethany Frank-Guest, DVM – Request for Reconsideration of Waiver of Preceptorship Requirement – 2007 graduate of Colorado State University School of Veterinary Medicine, licensed in Colorado, Texas and Nevada. The documents submitted were reviewed, and met the criteria of full-time clinical veterinary practice for 90 days immediately prior to application and valid veterinary medical licensure in another state. Motion was made by Dr. Green, seconded by Dr. Prejean, to accept waiver of the preceptorship requirement. Motion passed by majority vote.

C. Sabrina Jacobs, DVM – Request for Waiver of Retake of National Examination and Preceptorship Requirement – 2004 graduate of Texas A&M School of Veterinary Medicine, licensed in Texas, Georgia, Florida, South Carolina, Tennessee, Delaware, Mississippi and North Carolina. Following review of the documentation submitted by Dr. Jacobs, motion was made by Dr. Levy, seconded by Dr. Prejean to approve waiver of retake of the national examination and waiver of preceptorship requirement as the documents meet the criteria of full-time clinical veterinary practice for the required periods of time immediately prior to application and valid veterinary medical licensure in another state. Motion passed unanimously by voice vote.

D. Michelle Quailes Hall, DVM – Request for Waiver of Retake of National Examination and Preceptorship Requirement – 2005 graduate of Mississippi State Unversity School of Veterinary Medicine, licensed in Georgia and Mississippi. Following review of the documentation submitted by Dr. Hall, motion was made by Dr. Landry, seconded by Dr. Green to approve waiver of retake of the national examination and waiver of preceptorship requirement as the documents meet the criteria of full-time clinical veterinary practice for the required periods of time immediately prior to application and valid veterinary medical licensure in another state. Motion passed unanimously by voice vote.


A. Tri-State Bird Rescue & Research, Inc. - Application for Preceptorship Site Approval (2nd Submission) – After careful review of the application of Tri-State Bird Rescue & Research, Inc. to become an approved site, motion was made by Dr. Levy, seconded by Dr. Landry to deny approval as the facility does not meet the required criteria for preceptorship. Motion passed unanimously by voice vote.

B. LA Wildlife & Fisheries, State Wildlife Veterinarian - Application for Preceptorship Site Approval – After careful review of the application of Louisiana Wildlife & Fisheries State Wildlife Veterinarian to become an approved site, motion was made by Dr. Landry, seconded by Dr. Levy to deny approval as the facility does not meet the required criteria for preceptorship. Motion passed unanimously by voice vote.


A. Louisiana Academy of Veterinary Medicine – Request for CE Pre-Approval – Following review of the request and discussion of the programs and entity, motion was made by Dr. Slaton, seconded by Dr. Landry, to approve LA Academy of Veterinary Medicine as a professional association recognized by the Board whose continuing education programs do not require pre-approval. Such approval to take effect after promulgation of the revised rule amendments currently being pursued through the rule making procedure. Motion passed unanimously by voice vote.


A. New Licenses and Certificates Issued:

Wall certificates were presented for signature for the following licenses/certificates issued since the previous Board meeting:


2943 Tracy Gati

2944 Aslaug Mandel

2945 Rebecca Sue McConnico

2946 Kia Natara McCrary

2947 Joseph Squillace


8213 Charlea Wenona Keyser

8214 Amy Lynn Winter

8215 Gillian Elizabeth Stott

8216 Alicia Robwana Jones

8217 Amber Nicole Zitzmann


9544 Amanda Lynn McDaniel


A. PMP Report – Dr. Landry updated the Board on the PMP Program’s recent meeting. No action was taken on this item.


A. None.


There being no further business before the Board, motion was made by Dr. Prejean, seconded by Dr. Levy, and passed unanimously by voice vote to adjourn. The meeting was adjourned at 1:28 p.m.



John C. Prejean, DVM, Board Secretary -Treasurer


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